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1.) This will be my final post on the girl I have been talking about for at least a while, if not forever. This may be because of the Cold War. (not the US-USSR one). PS-You guys nailed this one right on the head.


The Cause Last week I asked out the girl I liked, but online so no one knows if she said no. Sure enough, she said no and that she plans on NEVER dating me. Ever. She "said" we'll just be friends.


It took me a few days to figure out that she just "said" friends and she did not mean it at all. So I IM her asking her what's up. I let out all the anger I had from the actions at school and it felt pretty good (now that it's out). She pretty much said she hates me. This one came out of left field because we seemed to get along fine for most of the time, except for these past few days. They went: Get along fine, War, Get along fine, War, etc.


War and My Attempt At Peace After we "discussed" what we don't like about eachother for a while, I told her all I wanted was her friendship and that I've been treating her like a friend, which I did. She says fine-"but for now" and "I'll try, but I cannot guarantee anything". For now, my plan was to work from the ground up. Seems pretty good-for now.


The Cold War Begins The next day, I act as a friend to her-I say hi and my friend asks her if she wants to join groups in lab. She sees me and says no before my friend finishes half of the question. She also has acted as if I'm the Devil or whatever else she hates, but sometimes also can seem OK. From this, I have not talked to her. It has been 1 day so far, but it could get worse. Sometimes though, if she does in fact hate me, she acts nice to seem good.



I don't know what happened or what happens here. What doyou guys and gals suggest? Thanks

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DaXMan - I understand that you would like a relationship with this girl, anytype of relationship. You are setting yourself up for pain and disappointment. Let her go, she for whatever reasons doesnt see the great guy that you are, maybe she needs glasses?? Dont worry its great that youve been open with this girl, you got your answer, now keep your dignity and leave her alone.


Also please remember, it usually takes about 9 "No's" for 1 "Yes"

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Actually it's 10 No's for 1 Yes ;o)


Well it sounds like your getting yourself involved in a "cold war" for no reason. She wants to be rude to you? Fine. Be the bigger man. Nothing will get under her skin more then being nice to her. Don't go out of your way being nice, just smile and keep doing your own thing.


You have a couple options here to end the "cold war".


1. Launch your preverbal "nukes" watch mutually assured destruction in action.

2. Wait until the fall of "communism" --> have fun with this one.

3. Blockade her ports and engage in restriction tactics.

4. Sign a peace treaty and focus your wrath towards the Iraqi's (They have more oil and are easy to beat up anyways)


Have fun with that metaphor!

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So far, thank for what to do in a war situation. I'm going to show what I've done on crookster_man 's 4 steps to end a cold war.


1.) Did it-got all the anger out of me. She's popular and has been her whole life, but I can stand up to a giant, especially when I have enough life-long friends to back me up who I didn't dump when people began to know me.


2.) OK, but she's the USSR. "Communism" will probably fall tomorrow. Eiter she says we can ge along, which any good person would consider or she will have to regret this move of saying no to a friendship for the rest of her life.


3.) Today for me in school was a good start. The problem was I was beaming a little when she got taken out of class on the spot by the security guard. (She was probably just a witness-she doesn't get into fights but the way they did it was still cool). I've been counter-attacking her verbal arguments and I feel I'm winning since she's getting mad and I'm pretty cool (Just not in the verbal attacks through E-Mail-look at #1)).


4.) I'm trying to do that. My friend went through the same thing w/ his "then ex" when they broke up for the 1st time (they are now together again and I think they're gonna go far even though we're still in HS)


If you guys have anymore suggestions or tips, please. Thanks

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Good News (at lest a little)-she says she'll E-Mail me or write something back, but she said we're cool. I finally asked her if we were cool when she was alone for like 3.4 seconds ans she said yes. So, Communism fell after a 4-day Cold War and the two "powers" are now friends. I knew inside that she would make the right decision. I still surprised though that she said yes despite what I said in the E-Mail, or Atomic Nuke ( I wasn't exactly the nicest person in that letter), but I knew she'd make the right choice in the end.

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