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What would you do.


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In this post, I would like to take a collective sample of ideas and habits of people in various states. I will edit in replies that seem to be either a good representation of the people as a collective, or replies that I deem rather interesting.


I want to know this as much for myself as the other man. Hopefully others may find it helpful.


When you are bored?

So bored that time seems to have stopped.


When your depressed?

Over virtually anything - finances, personal life, love life, anything and everything! (I like to think that a Venti Carmel Machiato from Starbucks is the solution to all depressions, perhaps that's just me though


When you are sad and lonely?

So sad and or lonely that you feel almost incapacitated. Unable to read a book or do anything that requires that level or higher of "work". This would best be descibed as when you have that "rejected" feeling and have gone numb.


When your "in a rut"?

When you feel like you've hit the low of the lows and "just won't make it".

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When you are bored?

Either watch a movie, listen to music, or read something interesting.


When your depressed?

Be to myself and think about it.


When you are sad and lonely?

Sleep, lay down with the lights out. Listen to sad music, be silent.


When your "in a rut"?

Worry, get angry. Head aches. Frustration.

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When you are bored?

watch tv, go online and come on ENA or chat or look up info on stuff, homework.


When your depressed?

want to be alone, or maybe talk about it, or make a list of things i can start doing to improve, go to the gym.


When you are sad and lonely?

just sit around the house and be sad, hang out with my parent/family, once in a while try and go out if i am feeling this way, maybe get some junkfood to stuff my face with lol.


When your "in a rut"?

go out partying or somewhere i haven't been in a while.

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You meant State of mind I presume??


When you are bored?

go out to the internet chatrooms I like


When your depressed?


sulk in front of the TV

go out to internet chat rooms where I think people can help......


When you are sad and lonely?

Is this a plug for ENA .... cos, my answer here is the same as above. I come here to be around other people in similar states...


When your "in a rut"?

When I can't get over something by myself, like it feels too hopeless, and even ENA can't help, I'll actually talk to my husband about it.

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When you are bored?

txt everyone i can, hop on the net, talk to people, read, watch movies, draw, look through photos.


When your depressed?

txt my good friend ask him to call, write, listen to music, dont talk much.


When you are sad and lonely?

listen to music that shows how i feel, stay in my room, lay down, think about why it is this.


When your "in a rut"?

Over analyse everything, think about each situation that can follow from your choices, think about how i got "in a rut", try and block it out by reading or watching tv

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