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Just for the fun of it, why do you girls giggle and look so darn much?


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You know, I had something today, that I seem to get all the time, and I'm a tad curious.


I find it cute and funny, but I'm just somewhat curious as to why you girls do it.


Today, I was flirting with this one girl I found attractive.


I looked at her a couple times at first to let her know, I see her, then eventually, in the course of class, smiled directly at her and said thank you really nicely then I noticed she started to act differently.


She started to constantly look at me over and over. Then her and her friend just giggled over and over at things.


She even kept looking at me, while she was doing group work, turning her back/head just to keep looking at me. Eventually her friend started to do it, I guess to see why her friend was doing it. Then eventually, everyone in the group started looking at me. Then her and her friend really started to giggle.


So out of curiosity, why do you girls giggle and look so much? It's cute and everything, but I'm a little curious why I get it so much. I swear, so many times, I will flirt with a girl, then she and her friend will just constantly look and giggle, like they are on something, LoL.


Don't get me wrong, I find it adorable, especially if I know it's not of bad intention, I'm just curious of the origin. Maybe I am funny as hell or something, who knows. LoL.


I think I must have something funny that makes me attractive. I swear sometimes even guys but mostly girls look at me like I'm going to disappear or something. It's funny, I will get people constantly just looking. It's like everyone looks at me like I just stole something LoL. Not that I mind, I just think it's funny, but I don't see other people getting as much attention, at least not in that sense. LoL.

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Yeah, I think it's because I like to act funny but not in an immature way or anything.


I always had low self-esteem before and I never felt, I looked like the greatest guy in the whole wild world.


But I do seem to like I said, make girls shy and nervous. What's funny is, sometimes I make shy and nervous girls shy and nervous, which really looks funny, LoL.


If you get shy and nervous girls shy and nervous, they explode with shyness and nervousness. It's a very funny sight.


I love when they can't help but smile when you look at them. Sometimes they act like, the only reason the keep looking at you, is to make sure you aren't looking at them. Cause, I swear, if you "catch" them looking at you, they always turn away and act like, I never looked. Then they do it again, then act like, I didn't do anything.


HaHa, life can be very fun at times. HeHe.


I must just have a drawness towards me. Even my animals stare at me but not other members of the family. I have two cats, that when I'm talking or doing something with someone else in the room, they will stare at me the whole time. If they hear my voice in a distant, everyone says, they look to the voice and stare. LoL.

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Well, I dunno. I will have to wait until I see her again.


I would be surprised if they did actually make fun, because they defiantly don't see to be the type to make fun and they both sure act nice as heck when they talk to me.


It was kinda interesting because when I used to sit behind the two girls, they never really paid much attention to me.


Then suddenly when I sat in front of them, since no one was sitting there today, suddenly the just acted nervous as can be, constantly looking at me, giggling only sometimes with her friend.


I did notice that once or twice, when I looked at this girl during group work, she did smile at me, and give a nice sweet smile.


I will not see her again until Thursday, but I did find her behavior kinda interesting.


It was interesting because even during group work, even though normally she would have her back to me, she sat in her chair with her whole body facing me and kept looks every now and then on me.


Out of curiosity, what normally ticks off making fun, since it looks like you can possibly confuse the few?


I think many times it can be nervousness though, because it's like the minute I look right at her, it's like this smile that's like, oh my god, I better smile or something. LoL.

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I have a funny life or something.


I always seem to get the funny girls, LoL.


The ones that giggle a lot and some that are on pins and needles.


So maybe like I said before, a nervous maker. LoL.


I've been around women that act so nervous, it's like, everyone can tell.


I guess I am a nervous making business person. LoL.


I am the giggle maker. LoL.

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Another question for you ladies.


If a guy looks at you a couple of times, smiles right at you when you are smiling when you hand him something, would you possibly start to look at him a lot?


Not counting giggling this time but part of the same story.


The reason I'm curious is, I always glanced over at this girl (I was behind her always though), and she never really did anything or really seemed to care.


Then after I flat out smiled at her while she was smiling at me, she looked at me over and over, like she was trying to study me.


Now I know I am going to have to talk to her, but that's not the point.


My question now is, do girls look at a guy quizzically when they are trying to study them or something?


The reason I ask is, some say I probably was staring at her, but here is my question, if I was, why did she not care or look at me before, but the minute I smiled at her, she looked at me like I was going to disappear, and I don't feel I was staring, I just glanced over at her a few times, because she was really looking at me.


So my question, is basically, do you ladies sometimes stare at a guy over and over, to try to understand them or try to get their attention, after they give you attention, or do you normally only stare when they stare?


See at first, I just figured, I stared and she looked, but then I realized, she never looked or care before when I just glanced over, why after I smiled would she suddenly care now? Also, I looked at other girls that day, and they never stared or looked at me a lot.

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I have a funny life or something.


I always seem to get the funny girls, LoL.


The ones that giggle a lot and some that are on pins and needles.


So maybe like I said before, a nervous maker. LoL.


I've been around women that act so nervous, it's like, everyone can tell.


I guess I am a nervous making business person. LoL.


I am the giggle maker. LoL.


I don't think you should waste a lot of effort on the girls who are looking your way, then turning away, and giggling at you with her friends.


I think you should instead look for the girl who gives you a warm smile and NOT the giggling.


There are way too many reasons why these other girls might be giggling, and not all of them are positive. I would not say ignore them but I would not put a lot of energy into trying to woo this type of girl. INstead find one who gives you a genuinely warm smile, and who is friendly to you withOUT giggling her head off. Sure, young girls (even some older ones) get nervous around a guy they like, but a girl at another table in class with her girlfriend is in HER element and there is no reason for nervousness. I think it is very rude that she looks at you, then looks at her g/f and breaks out into laughing. Since that can be interpreted many ways, it is just rude to do it. I wonder if some people were taught manners growing up. Now if you are one on one with a girl somewhere, and none of her friends are around and she has a slight nervous giggle, that can be a bit different. I guess in time and with maturity you will better be able to gauge the different types of body language from women. We can be an enigma. LOL


Young girls can be fickle and sometimes mean in groups.

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Grown up girls don't behave that way. We're confident. If we like what we see, we approach the situation ... differently. More directly.


Unless we've had one-too-many vodka Red Bulls. Then anything's fair game, high-school antics included.


Or not. Or something.


HA HA that was cute.


Yes I amend my previous post. A girl one on one may giggle and downright belly laugh at you and still be mature if she has had one too many vodka red bulls. Otherwise, she is being rude if she is looking at you and then laughing in your direction wtih her friends.

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Yeah, I look at girls before, and I know I have a history of staring, which I am finally growing out of for the most part.


It has developed in to mostly just short glances over.


But what amazed me was, this girl was or at least appears to be the more shy and quiet type girl. So does her friend.


I don't know for a fact if she giggled or laughed at me with or without her friends, she and her friend always seem to be forced to laugh at something in class, because they always look like they have fake or forced laughs when a joke or something is told.


I just thought it was odd, even if I did look too much, for her to keep on looking over and over, especially after I stopped looking for the most part. I mean after she looked once, I said, ok, Adam, stop looking so much, you don't want to look like a starer, and I did stop looking so much, but she looked over and over, I kept seeing her in the corner of my eye, not trying to look at her constantly.


No other girl, I've seen kept looking at me this way and this is why I thought it was a tad bit strange.


I mean, I can see you ignoring a guy if he stares or looking at him and not smiling, but looking at him, like he's going to disappear? What's with that? LoL. Just seems weird to me, somewhat. I mean, yes I looked at her, but she must of tripled the amount of times I looked at her. I maybe looked 5 times, she looked like 20-30, LoL.

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Well what I mean is, I maybe looked at her 5-7 times max the whole hour and a half-class, so I don't really consider that staring, just glancing a little too much, but you can call it what you want.


I seen her many times, look for like 2-3 seconds, look away, look again for 2-3 seconds, then not look for a couple of minutes, then start it over again.


Then eventually when we did group work, where our backs are normally to each other, she turned around and kept looking at me, then eventually turned her entire body towards me. I mean, she actually took her legs and everything and turned around in her chair, looking at me, during the end of class. This is while her group was still in session and was not wrapped up. So I know it wasn't that she turned around because the group was over.


Then oddly enough, the next class, when I was behind her, she didn't seem to look one time.


So it's not that I'm mad or anything, just curious a little of what was going on, because some say, I just stared and she looked at me during it. I've never in my life heard of a guy look at a girl only 5-7 times and get looked back at 15-20 times, LoL.


Also, I do not ask these questions because I do not wish to talk to this girl. I ask them because I'm curious, because when I look at a girl, and she looks at me, then this is over and over, that reminds of me she stare because I stare. But when I look a couple times, then she looks at me a whole lot more times even when I am not looking at her, it just seems to me, to be something different. I will not see her until Thursday, so I just wanted to ease my mind until then. I know it may be OCD, but I just hate not having things solved or to where they at least make sense.

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I don't know for a fact if she giggled or laughed at me with or without her friends, she and her friend always seem to be forced to laugh at something in class, because they always look like they have fake or forced laughs when a joke or something is told.


It's called immaturity. This can be endearing to some men ... men who have insecurity issues and are drawn to juvenile behavior in girls because it makes them feel superior.


Thankfully, you recognize this, and are not one of those pathetics. Bless you.


I just thought it was odd, even if I did look too much, for her to keep on looking over and over, especially after I stopped looking for the most part. I mean after she looked once, I said, ok, Adam, stop looking so much, you don't want to look like a starer, and I did stop looking so much, but she looked over and over, I kept seeing her in the corner of my eye, not trying to look at her constantly.


I don't get it. You're a confident, mature, responsible young man. Simply ask her what her deal is. Or ignore her altogether and stop over-analyzing her actions. You deserve a woman who is beyond the schoolgirl stage.


Heh, this coming from a fellow OCD-sufferer. Exacerbated by other things.

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Yeah, the reason I asked was, basically, I didn't really feel I had anything to really do with her actions.


I mean, yes, I may have looked at her a couple of times with glances, but never a flat out stare, and yet she looked at me over and over.


I just didn't find it fair, how so many, not so much on this forum, but on another forum, made the whole thing sound like I started the whole thing and that it could not possibly have anything to do with her.


I guess I just like the right person to get the blame or at least both in case of 2 to get equal or the appropriate blame.


I will just have to see next Thursday, to see what happens.


I just know she appears to be a very shy girl, so who knows, maybe she just looks like I used to, when I felt I couldn't have something I wanted. I used to look over and over, and actually stare, completely flat out without a question stare. That was in High School though.


I am going to leave it alone, and just see really how it plays out. LoL.


That's what I can really only do anyway.

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