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Just for the fun of it, why do you girls giggle and look so darn much?


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It's called immaturity. This can be endearing to some men ... men who have insecurity issues and are drawn to juvenile behavior in girls because it makes them feel superior.


Thankfully, you recognize this, and are not one of those pathetics. Bless you.




I don't get it. You're a confident, mature, responsible young man. Simply ask her what her deal is. Or ignore her altogether and stop over-analyzing her actions. You deserve a woman who is beyond the schoolgirl stage.


Heh, this coming from a fellow OCD-sufferer. Exacerbated by other things.


Just one last thing to ask you May_It_Be.


I am not really worried about her behavior anymore, but I'm just curious how you so easily pinpointed immaturity.


You know I was thinking the same thing myself at first, but wasn't sure.


I didn't think it after a while since they were more of the shy girl types who didn't appear to fit it, but I do notice they giggle and laugh with each other over and over, and when I hear some of the stuff, it really isn't funny, it's like,


"I didn't know this or that" "HaHa" and the other ones I forget but I know they were not jokes from Bob Hope or anything.


So can even shy girls be immature? It appears you may have hit the nail on the head.


The reason I ask this is, I've seen countless girls and even guys like this, and I'm curious if I am actually going after the wrong girls most of the time. LoL.

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I think I had it wrong about these girls.


I don't think these girls are actually immature.


Today, they didn't laugh like they did before.


But again, to make sure it wasn't my staring or looking like many claimed, I decided not to look at them that often, so I don't have a risk of staring.


The one that looked at me before, looked at me every now and then, then her friend looked at me every now and then to.


One thing I did find funny was, when I read something in class, after volunteering,

she really looked at me, but what was funny is, she shook her towards me, so fast, I couldn't believe it, it looked like her foot was going to fall off. Not that I care that much about feet, just funny how they claim you point your foot at people you are thinking about.


The reason for this reply is, I just wanted to point out, that now I don't really believe it was because I was staring or anything, it looks like she looks even when I don't look, so beat that, LoL.


Too bad I had a short as heck class, didn't get a chance to socialize at all, but I am going to socialize the next time I get a real chance.


Anyway, the reason I started the whole post to begin with, did help me, but I'm happy to know she's just not looking because I'm looking, she's probably a tad bit curious, maybe not for dating but at least curious.

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