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Anal Bleaching - it's not just for the cool kids anymore.


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And by Cool Kids I mean porn stars, strippers, celebrities, and your kinky next door neighbor. Until a few days ago, I'd never heard of anal bleaching. Apparently I've been completely missing this, um, "interesting" personal care trend. It's even been mentioned in big time women's magazines like Marie Claire. Since anal shaving and waxing are regular beauty Musts in today's glamorous world, I guess this is the logical next step.


But what exactly is anal bleaching?


For those of you who've been living under a rock like I have, the Urban Dictionary explains anal bleaching as a Cosmetic Technique:


"Whereby strong bleaching solutions like hydroquinones are used to lighten the anal area. This procedure is employed by strippers, body builders, actors and actresses. Seems over time, the butticular area becomes darker (some say it's due to dark foods like coffee, others speculate it's due to staining from the bilirubin content in feces.) Either way, those who aspire to wear butt floss as swimwear or do pole dancing seem to feel a lighter sphincter will improve their image.”


Huh, so it's precisely as it sounds. We should all aspire for anuses that are perfectly blended into the surrounding color of our buttocks skin, or slightly pinker for added emphasis. I don't know about you, but I'm sure women are very happy to have something as important as this to worry about! Phew! As if life wasn't stressful enough.


What Causes the "Offensive" Anal Discoloration in the First Place?


This is point of contention between those who want to position anal bleaching as a health and hygiene issue verses those who want to promote it as a cosmetic beauty treatment. On the Health side, reasons include anal staining due to excessive coffee and soda drinking, as well as poor wiping techniques that smears your you-know-what around instead of actually wiping it away. After years of poor eating habits and bad wiping, the skin around the anus becomes darker. A quick solution is to bleach away the damage, just like we bleach away stains on our teeth (even though it's not actually bleach but a heavy peroxide-based cleaning gel). Once that is accomplished, special "wipes" can be used to keep your anus its new perfect color. Oddly these "special wipes" look just like ordinary "baby wipes" repackaged and sold for a lot more, but who am I to judge?


On the Beauty Treatment side, the main reason given for anal discoloration is genetic. Some people simply have more pigment in that area than others. Personally, I'm on this side of the debate - if we can call it a debate. Just like some people have dark nipples and labia while others have light, some people have dark anuses and some people don't. It seems those who "don't" are winning the underground anal beauty war at the moment...


My question for you all, especially the ladies is have you ever had this sort of treatment done before on this most ...um.... private region, and what is your overall opinion on anal bleaching?


I see this is as being pointless and ridiculous, especially since I could care less what color your anus is and would rather check out a women's bikini or G-string as opposed to what's underneath. Shaving and keeping that area clean is all I ask for.

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Dear God this is the second post I have seen on this. At least this is one where the OP seems to think it is crazy. LOL


If it gets to the point I felt I had to do this to stay game in the dating world I would go celibate. Shaving my legs is a pain in the butt enough chore, I sure don't want to do things that are LITERALLY a pain in the butt. LOL


To each his own, but man, all of this waxing and shaving and bleaching of areas that only one man will ever see on me anyway is ridiculous to me.



I guess these things have merit to those who want multiple sexual partners they don't know well. For me, I know my partner well enough to know that he can accept what nature gave me so long as it is clean. I guess if i picked up a lot of random strangers I would be more paranoid about what they might see.

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"Whereby strong bleaching solutions like hydroquinones are used to lighten the anal area.


Is having a sparkly clean buttframe worth the possible cancer risk ?

And are people really having sex in such bright lighting that theyd notice this ?



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Yesterday, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) proposed a ban on over-the-counter (OTC) sales of skin-lightening products containing hydroquinone. Hydroquinone is found in skin bleaching products used primarily for lightening age spots, skin discoloration from years of excess tanning or dark under-eye circles. Research has indicated a possible link to increased cancers.


In the US, there are over 65 companies selling more than 200 skin-bleaching products that contain hydroquinone. Hydroquinone has been banned in Japan, the European Union and Australia. The FDA now wants all OTC and prescription skin-lightening products containing hydroquinone to be classified as new drugs and companies making the skin-bleaching products would need to seek FDA approval to sell them. Likely, the products would stop being available as an OTC product. The proposed ban means that the FDA will take public comments until the end of this year before making any final action.


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I really wish young people would spend more time on learning how to love and accept themselves vs inventing new ways of trying to change what nature gave them.


That is all things like this are really about. People who want to change everything they can about themselves in search of some happiness.


Gee maybe hippies really did have a point.

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I don't see what the big deal is. I think it's great to take care of the appearance of your less exposed places, whether you're simply doing that for your partner, or whether it's a part of your job. If you bleach your upper lip, why not bleach your anus? Because most people don't see it?


An asthetically pleasing anus is a wonderful thing to have.

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LOL. Thanks for all the hilarious responses, guys.

And thanks for the public service announcement on the recent FDA warning on the dangers of skin lightening products containing hydroqinone.


I've forgotten what color was mine but I'm pretty sure it was hot pink, and I've had a lot of coffee and soft drinks in my life time. Go figure.

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Haha. This thread has me tickled pink.


Can't help thinking of those apes with the bright red butts to attract a mate. See, see, we are a bunch of monkeys eeekk eeeh EEekk!!


Never heard of this before. Imagine having that job. That's worse than saying you wipe butts at work, you actually bleach anus'?! Hmm..interesting...no thanks , I'll pass on the mini sausages.

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