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Ladies: Guys and Porn


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Ladies, if you knew a guy liked sex and porn but he was attractive and not a player or womanizer, would he still be attractive? Or would it be a major turn-off?


I heard woman over and over talk negative about guys and porn but that usually seems to be more for the weird guys who only go for sex.


See I heard and seen some cases where guys use porn as like a relief. Also instead of having sex every night, possibly getting an STD or something.


I've seen cases where, the guy is less depressed and happier after watching porn. He knows what his desires are and stuff, and sometimes seems less fearful among women, and funny enough, a fair amount of women seem to go for these guys, since they aren't full of stress.


So am I just imaging things and all porn is always bad or can it really have some benefits?


Maybe it's because I am 19 and have hormones going, but I just don't see porn as this huge enemy, worse than terrorism or something. Yet many people talk about it, as if it's the item that will end the world.

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It's a turn off to me. But I'm immature. And also I'm not very visual so I don't particularly enjoy peeping at naked strangers....and thinking about having sex with a stranger doesn't turn me on in the slightest.


If a guy looks at porn it makes me think he wants me to have double D's since he likes to look at them on the internet.


I don't need that feeling, so I like to steer clear of guys who watch the typical large-breasted curvy women in porn.


(I'm aware this represents a large percentage of the male population though. )

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Yes, a man liking sex is to me, as a woman the biggest turn off ever.



Seriously, many women like porn. Many women like sex. We're not as different in our sexual lives as many people want us to think.


As long as the guy isn't into anything too deviant (like animal or incest) or is addicted, it's not a problem.


I'm a little confused, your first sentence sounds like you don't like men into porn, yet the rest of your reply sounds like you are more ok with it.

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Makes me think he wants me to have double D's since he likes to look at them on the internet.



Well actually, I don't really care for huge breasts. I must be part of the minority, because for some reason, to me, huge breasts are more of a turn-off. I like more of a medium or average breast, which I think are around 35-36.


I actually am more of a behind man. I don't like huge rears like some guys do and have fetishes about it, I like your average, skinny girl behind, that many women, at least in my area, have.


For some reason, I seem to be a smaller is better type of guy. Almost every other guy I know and that I heard of, seems to be bigger is better, but I never felt this way.


Is any other guy here that way?

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Well actually, I don't really care for huge breasts. I must be part of the minority, because for some reason, to me, huge breasts are more of a turn-off. I like more of a medium or average breast, which I think are around 35-36.


I actually am more of a behind man. I don't like huge rears like some guys do and have fetishes about it, I like your average, skinny girl behind, that many women, at least in my area, have.


For some reason, I seem to be a smaller is better type of guy. Almost every other guy I know and that I heard of, seems to be bigger is better, but I never felt this way.


Is any other guy here that way?


35-36 is large to me.


Mine are 32 inches.


So that's my point. lol Not too many girls in porn like that. So I'm not on the say yes to porn side.

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Yeah, I know, but I wanted to see if most women hated it or not, as many seem to believe.


Many seem to believe that all women hate porn. So I figured, I would ask and find out.


More women than men dislike it. That much is true.


But not ALL women will hate it, and not ALL men will like it. (Thank God on both parts.)

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I think more women are into porn than men would think.


I don't know if I really believe that not all guys like it though....it's just something I tell myself to make my scrawny self feel better....haha


Some people question the moral integrity of such a lewd pursuit. So I'd stop doubting so much, were I you.

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Which type of pr0n though? They even have... eww... "granny porn" now, you know. *vomits*




The most popular porn. Big breasts, big butt (big by my definition lol). Isn't the ideal woman supposed to be 36-24-36? I'm sure most look like that or similar. I'll go as far to say I won't date a guy who considers this look to be ideal.....I'm probably going to spend many more years alone for that though.

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But I think a guy should be dating a girl he thinks is perfect just so the issue wouldn't have to come up in the first place.


I agree 100%, now not to sound like a suck-up, but is that avatar a picture of you? If so, well, may I say that, if I were to have a type, then that;s it. (I'm not single, so don't think I;m hitting on you, my girlfriend is of a similar type to you, hence why I noticed).

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