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Ladies: Guys and Porn


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Yeah, it's funny how porn is so strange.


Anyway, I would rather thinking of something real with a girl that I like.


It's funny how the church condemns even thinking of sex with someone you are attracted to unless you are married and just thinking of it means you already did it.


I feel healthy and mature when I think of a cute girl, especially if she likes me or is attracted to me.


I don't feel like some sicko pervert or something. Who says the girl isn't thinking about me or something, if she is attracted to or likes me?


I just hate how so many hate premarital sex and condemn even thinking about it,

when I feel it's completely normal and healthy.


I mean, how many guys, 19-25 are going to sit there with a cute girl looking at him over and over flirting, are going to be like "I don't care, I'm not thinking of sex no matter what. LoL."


Most of the 19-25 year olds that I know, don't act like that, including my self.


My brain is more like, "Who's the man" and "WoWZers! I think she should come over to my house tonight." LoL.


Not that I'm some player who has constant sex with tons of girls or something, it's just my mind, doesn't want to ignore a great looking girl.

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