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Getting to know him, but I fear any "game"


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blueangel, I'm really surprised that you are planning an orgy. Why is it you feel you have to do this? Aren't you afraid of having sex with strangers? It could be very dangerous. But I guess if you have to...


they are some of my friends, becoming more open sexually as I am. I know it's strange to some people, but I am after experiences at this point in my life. A dirty experience this may be, but there'll be some fun aspects. I'm bringing the whip cream! lol Oh gawd.... Dan,dont read this!! I think my secret ambition may just be to be a porn star someday!

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Are you angry with Dan for some reason, blueangel?


Yes, but it's nothing that is justified or that he deserves to receive from me. There is some anger there because of the past dissastifcation there, being tied down on and off for all these years...I"m angry at all of the freedoms I've lost, watching my life pass me by as I've hardly got to experience myself as a lover towards anyone else...which I think is something everyone needs. But that is not his fault. I just never knew what it is that I really needed. He's always been a great mentor though, a great person. I just cant see myself with him right now.

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You're not that old, Sarah. You'll have LOTS of time to experiment in the future, with more mature people that respect you more. Don't rush to do everything in high school. It IS possible to experience things too soon.



And how come you feel like a relationship is such a burdening thing? The only rule with me is to keep your clothes on around other guys.

Is that really such a high price for everything I do for you? For all those tender moments and late nights? For knowing that no matter how bad life is, no matter what goes wrong, there's one person out there who would do anything to make you feel better?



Yeah, I'm selling it kinda hard, but it's also all true.

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blueangel, maybe in later years you'll see how ridiculous saying things like "watching my life pass me by" at your age seems to other readers. Take a step back and realize what you're saying. You've barely started, if at all, adult life.


lol Yes, that is true. What if I was like, I have one year to live? Then you would be all like, "Oh!" Welll...I dont. Just to let you know, but basically I want to have fun for as long as I can. I've been through a lot of tragedy and trauma and depression in my life, so I suppose I'm moving to a more fun filled spectrum, even if it seems extreme to some (it doesnt to me). I feel like this guy wants me to be permanetly with him because we've been together for four years now and it's time for me to experience other things- I need to be let go.

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