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Irregular sleeping habit

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I hve a strange habit. I wake up around 9 o'clock in the morning and go to bed at 3 o'clock in the morning. And what do I do till 3 o'clock in the morning? Either surf net or watch TV etc. My job has a irregular working hour so I don't require to rush to office within 9 AM everyday.


But as my job requires me to travel, I sometimes hve to wake up as early as 0530 AM. So I have to go to bed around 2330 hr previous night. But I don't get sleep. I spend that entire night without sleep and feel dizzy and lathergic for the entire next day.


I attempted to change my habit. Tried to grow the habit of early to bed and early to rise everyday. But the temptation to remain awake in the dark silent night is so thrilling, that I couldn't resist.


But this habit is taking heavy toll on my sleeping habit and also my working and socializing capacity. Don't know how to change this.

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I'm a bit of an insomniac myself and the only thing that sort of helps me is to:


1.) Always go to bed at the same time every night, even if all you do is lay there for a few hours.


2.) Always get up at the same time, even if you're completely exhausted.


3.) Only use your bed for sleeping or sex and no other activities of any kind.


3.) About 4 to 6 ibuprofens and a half a glass of milk can do the trick, but you have to be careful with this so as not to get hooked as ibuprofen can cause bleeding in the stomach and digestive tract.


4.) Watch TV, surf the web, or read until your eyelids feel like they have lead weights on them.


That's the best I've come up with and it does help me to some extent.


Good luck to you.

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captain_nemo pretty much said it all but also make sure you are getting regular exercise. It will help to energize you during the day and make you sleep better at night. Try to avoid too much coffee but drink lots of water during the day. Also make sure you are eating healthy. Eat at the same time every day. Don't eat late at night or right before bedtime cuz it will make you want to stay up longer.

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captain_nemo pretty much said it all but also make sure you are getting regular exercise. It will help to energize you during the day and make you sleep better at night. Try to avoid too much coffee but drink lots of water during the day. Also make sure you are eating healthy. Eat at the same time every day. Don't eat late at night or right before bedtime cuz it will make you want to stay up longer.


Exercise. Yes, that's the thing I need to do. But I can't. Given the irregular working hour of my job and given that frequent official tours I hve to undertake, its not possible for me to maintain a regular exercise schedule. The frequent tours also makes me tired and don't get much energy to do exercise.


I need to follow a disciplined and regularized lifestyle but I simply can't bcoz of this.

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