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Find some time to chat on the phone daily or when it suits both of you. Also make Saturday nights special and plan what you both want to do during the week. Anticipation can be very exciting and romantic! Also you could buy some presents for him to keep in his lorry. So when he's resting or a bit stressed he has something from you in his surrounds.

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I'm in an LDR and I just realized that being in an LDR is a serious relationship. I don't think either of us, my bf or I realized this. (I don't think he realizes it even now.) But it's definitely MORE SERIOUS than if you were to just date him in close proximity.


Having said that, I think it comforts me to know that he thinks of me serious enough to be committed to this type of thing. Of course, I found out that he's no where near ready to get married, but I suppose that may come in time. I'm kinda unsure about marriage myself... at least with him..... because he's so unsure.


Anyway, I think good communication is key to having a successful LDR. (I think it's also key to any relationship.) Also, as a woman, I realized that I tend to get attached emotionally far too easily than he does. So, I try to keep myself in check and tell myself that my world doesn't come to an end if he ever decides to leave me. In fact, my world should be so attractive enough that he would want to move himself to be a part of my world.


So I'm working on that... Keeping myself busy.

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