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Lost Opportunities


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As far back as grade school I remember having crushes on girls, but I was always shy. I went to college with friends from high school, and none of us had ever dated. We were all geeks, really. We lived together for years, but slowly they dropped out of college, one by one, and now I only have one roommate left. I live in an apartment with him.


I dated a girl for the first time these last few months, and though it didn't work out, it puts a whole new perspective on the past.


I've been in college for six years now, with about three semesters left. Looking back now, I remember six occasions over the years when girls from various classes came up and talked to me, and only now do I realize that they likely wanted me to ask them out.


It pains me to realize this, that I passed up so many good opportunities, because all of these girls were very attractive to me--psychically and in terms of personality. I squandered my dorm years hidden in my room with my friends. Now I live in an apartment with a roommate who is somehow even less social than me, with hardly any time left in college...


All of it feels like I missed the boat, you know? All too late, I understand what I really want. And I don't know why I'm posting this here, or what I really expect to get in a reply. It's one of those late-night-depression posts, if you know what I mean. So any kind of responses would be appreciated.

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Isn't it weird how you can look back and see where there was an attraction?

It's good that now you're aware of these things. If you're ever exposed to something similar again, you'll be able to do something about it.


Don't feel bad that you missed those chances. You didn't know better and you probably weren't ready for it. Those were all learning experiences. Something for you to study from, not feel bad about. Come on! Six different women were attracted to you. That's a pretty darn good thing.

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