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Anyone here do company background checks?

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Several years ago I was involved in a serious dispute with an ex. After I broke up with him, he began stalking me, and after I filed an order of protection, he violated it so many times that the case was taken out of our local town court and ended up in a domestic violence court where my ex was facing serious consequences.


My ex was put on probation, forced to undergo anger management classes, etc. I no longer have any issues with him.


I was wondering if this information will show up on a background check done on me. I have no misdemeanor or felony convictions at all, but I don't want to be disqualified or discriminated against for employment opportunities because of this. I'm not sure if this info is on public record or would be found by private investigators hired by companies to do background checks.


Does anyone know how much privacy I have with this issue? Anyone out there doing background checks for their company, or have done them in the past?

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No, if the conviction was on him, it will show up on HIS background checks. NOt yours, even if you filed it.


I did background checks a long time ago but every company is differnet. Most these days hire a third party to do it for them. As for privacy, they do not share the details of their findings with the managers, only whether they are okay to hire or not. ON occasion if there is an offense that is on the fence of being specific enough to cause someone not to be hired they might share the specific incident with the hiring manager and let him or her make the decision. But normally managers do not get specifics, so if you are worried about anything leaking to coworkers, no it should not.

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But normally managers do not get specifics, so if you are worried about anything leaking to coworkers, no it should not.


I'm less worried about coworkers and more worried that it might just stop me from getting a job altogether.

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jadedstar... based on your experience..what types of information are they looking for when they do background checks?


Convictions - many companies only look for a felony. Usually misdemeanors mostly only hurt you if you have mutliples OR if the misdemanor was for example shoplifting and the job you applied for was in retail.


If it is a banking industry or similar with finance they look at credit. Most companies do not consider credit scores and can't by law if they are not financial institutions, and some do. Depends on the company and the state law.


Job history is a part of the background check but this is normally performed by the recruiter, not the loss prevention or risk management agent.


I'm less worried about coworkers and more worried that it might just stop me from getting a job altogether.


OUt of curiosity, why do you think that if your former partner had convictions in domestic relations court that would hinder YOUR ability to get a job? If you were not the one charged it has no bearing on your background check.

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When I do my background checks I have my attorney search for any litigation any future employee was involve in. Why? To mitigate any future exposure to litigious folks.


COmpanies i have worked for only runs a criminal check so unless the employee was charged and convicted nothing shows up.


What you have done sounds far more thorough and I think that would probably be applicable for various positions depending on the level. Not even exec level at my company went to that degree on background checks but certain industries might do that such as finance.


For the most of us, only a criminal background check is run.

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OUt of curiosity, why do you think that if your former partner had convictions in domestic relations court that would hinder YOUR ability to get a job? If you were not the one charged it has no bearing on your background check.


I'm not sure if it would hinder my ability to get a job per se. I just don't even want to be associated with the whole mess, and I wouldn't want a potential employer to see it and think that it's still going on, and that I might have to miss work because of it, or something along those lines.

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