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I was all about this girl. After I told her that I was interested in her she said so back, but she had a boyfriend. Long story short we went on a few... well... not really dates, but 1 on 1s. Which were fun... but finally tonight we went out and I'm over it. Done with the whole thing and moving on. Didn't cause a ruckous or anything, just did some exploration and now I've got my answer.


If I totally backed away I'm sure I'd be over her, but feelings would still linger. I'm glad I stuck around a bit and sorted it out forsure. Feels good but of course a bit down from it, but definitely feel better.



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im glad you figured it out for yourself. a lot of people dont tend to do that. my friends love to come to me about someone and they tell me about the person and what they do and i end up saying well she is a * * * * *, but you need to find that out for yourself..


i have a friend that liked this girl at one of his old jobs. he tried to talk to her, an she was nice .. but as soon as she tried to ask her to go hang after work or anything like that right away she has a boyfriend.. after that she was just a complete * * * * * to him. but he found that out for himself and was not hurt in anyway ..


but again congrats on that for you.. BIG THUMBS UP!

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