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I have been with my girlfriend for the last 2 years and we have gone through our normal up and downs. Well about a year ago she cheated on me and its been a ride from there on. She got pregnant and settled down and she wasnt drinking, smoking, poppin E or any of that kind of stuff so things seem to be better because she wasnt having her mood swings. Well now that our daughter has been born she is slowly starting to drink again and getting her mood swings back. I honestly dont trust her but I need to know what the breaking point is to leave. I feel terrible for leaving her because of our daughter but I just dont know when the right time is to call it quits.

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Well the right time is when she says she is not ready for getting help (I guess you asked her already that) and it's also the right time in case her drinking is harming your child (in that case you need to fight for the kid too.)

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I agree. If she won't get help and she's self destructing then you need to consider the health and well being of your child. I hope you weren't considering leaving without your child. You can't leave a child in a situation like that.

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I know she would never harm our daughter nor will she drink or anything of that matter around her. I guess I am just wondering if it is completely wrong of me to leave her after she had our child and maybe its the hormones swinging back and forth. I just dont feel happy with her anymore and I kinda feel like a A-hole if I leave her.

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She is 1 month old on thursday


Unless her behavior is getting to the point where she's putting yours or the child's safety at risk, I wouldn't leave right now. I'm just speaking fom experience because my boyfriend broke up with me 2 weeks after I gave birth to his child. He later took it back, and we're still together, but you can't imagine how badly that shattered me. Right now, your girlfriend is the physical and emotional equivalent of someone who's been beaten to a pulp by 10 guys and left in a back alley somewhere. Help her to recover and get her strength back before you take off on her. She needs an absolute minimum of 6 weeks to recover, if she had a birth free of complications. But she also shouldn't be drinking too much right now, it's bad for her health. It's also bad for baby if she's breastfeeding. And it's not safe for her to be taking care of baby if she's drunk. Try to have her supervised with the baby at all times. And go along with her to follow-up doctors visits. Tell the doctor about her drinking and say that she needs help.

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I know she would never harm our daughter nor will she drink or anything of that matter around her. I guess I am just wondering if it is completely wrong of me to leave her after she had our child and maybe its the hormones swinging back and forth. I just dont feel happy with her anymore and I kinda feel like a A-hole if I leave her.


Well it is wrong since she gave birth only a month ago. I think you need to help your wife to recover from birth.

This is a hard time for her and she can't do it completely alone.

So ask some moms (like hazey for example) how long it took them to recover.

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