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Too masculine to be 'pretty'


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Hi guys,




I have to say I am a very masculine type of girl. I have enourmously broad shoulders, a fairly deep voice, since I work out alot I'm kind of buff.

On my personality, I've been told I'm kind of 'loud'. Not annoyingly, but really extroverted. I don't where make-up or try to dress up. I do try to look better than when I just got out of bed, but I don't where girly clothes or anything. Plus, I'm very large boned.


Probably the only thing truly feminine about me is I have a large C-cup


I had one guy tell me in the past that I wasn't fun to hug because I wasn't 'soft' or 'huggable' like other girls were...


There are times when I truly am feminine. I do dress up on occasion, put on make-up, and except for the shoulders and muscles, even I can say I look 'girly'. I just don't do this everyday, I'd rather throw some jeans on and a shirt and walk out the door.


What can I do? I can't really change the fact that I'm not into dressing up, or buying clothes and putting make-up on. It's not like I'm wearing guy clothes all the time, I only where girl-style jeans.

I had an epiphany yesterday and thought 'No wonder guys don't like me!'

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Hi !


Actually, in the yin and the yang of things, there are men who are less masculine, and females who are moreso...there is a huge spectrum in life, and I don't think you have to get out the four inch heels just yet.


My fiance' is sensitive, has a high attention to detail, and cares about many things that I totally overlook. His mother tells him he must be gay. He totally isn't. I am feminine looking, but I am a total tom-boy, and together we seem to balance each other out. If I am with a macho-macho guy, I tend to want to challenge him...all the time. That's my yang overtaking my yin I guess.

I'd say be yourself. Just be sexy you. Little touches here and there are fine, but don't try to be someone you aren't. Someone is out there looking for you just the way you are. Take care !

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you may wanna try make up and dressing up, I know it's not your thing, but it may make you feel better and you will probably get the attention that you want. But don't worry,

there is this lady at my gym that HAS to be more manly than you. She has major muscles and a deep voice, yet she is married. Not ever guy likes the barbie type just as not ever girl likes the rough and tuff type. My boyfriend is far from that! So don't worry. everyone is beautiful in their own ways.

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I used to have a friend who was like you. She was a swimmer and had very broad shoulders, narrow hips, but she also had no breasts. For every man that didn't find her body type attractive, there was at least one other that did. Some men just love really athletic, hard women. It's also probably healthier to be like that than to be soft and flabby.


If it really concerns you, then there are things you can do. If you want to change your body type, you could try focusing on building your lower body and only use light weights on your upper body. You will still have tone, but it will lessen the bulk. If you are generally happy with your body, but just want to change your image, then try to wear more feminine clothes. Pretty floral prints and floaty fabrics will help. Try to stay away from things that enhance a boxey frame. Also, pretty shoes, even if they're not heels can go a long way.


If none of that appeals to you, then I guess you'll just have to accept the way you are. Someone will eventually like you for that, but sometimes it helps to make yourself more marketable.

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I imagine some men prefer a tiny helpless woman so they can feel big and strong by comparison. Luckily men are all different, just as women are.


Fnlyfrei is so right about a continuum of traits shared by the genders.

Be yourself and you'll meet a guy who appreciates those traits.

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I am a bodybuilder, and I know you are too because of what you described. I may be wrong, but if I am correct, then you and I both know whats going on here. Get me?


Getting into the sport, you should have known that you would have these obstacles. I, personally, would date a muscular girl and I am sure alot of people in the sport would to, maybe try and date within? Other than that, what are you going to do? People have preferences and you have something you like. Whats more important?

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