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NC during a relationship?


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My fiance' and I are to be married in 16 days. We recently have come up against some issues, (not going to go into them) And I think we both need some space. Would it be counter-productive to take a week without seeing each other to think? I think we have talked things to death and now we are just sitting in sort of a void. Is there some good that comes from stepping away and thinking for a bit? I am leaning in that direction.

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Are you in pre-marital counselling?


Honestly, I don't think NC is for when you are together...it is rather self defeating and I don't think it provides you with the tools you need to communicate and resolve conflicts together.


If you do go this route, what I would call it as actually more of an agreed-on seperation.


I don't know, I have to admit I got a bit worried when I saw you and him are at this "wall" and you are considering NC when you are getting married in 2 weeks....do you really think that it is wise to be getting married before you have learned to communicate on and resolve these issues? These are not things that are miraculously going to disappear with marriage, in fact they often become worse (though the initial honeymoon period can 'stay' them for a while).

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I agree with RayKay. I don't think you are going to solve problems 16 days before your wedding by creating distance. Have you been to counseling?


What do you think about postponing the wedding?


If either of you is having doubts or finding issues that you can't work through, getting married would be a big mistake.

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