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Are there still any decent people out there?


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Hello everyone,


Rhetorical question, actually. I know they are out there, I just can't find them. But sometimes I really ask myself that question: are there still any decent people out there?


About 8 months ago I met a girl. I thought she was awesome and after some time I fell in love with her. My feelings were never returned and I failed to move on. After couple of events I knew she wasn't worth my time but I still had deep feelings for her. It got to the point where I wanted to end my life and just let go. I had suicidal thoughts for over 5-6 months. After some time someone (somehow?) figured out my plans and I ended up in a psychiatric hospital. I was there for a week. I got out and after a couple of days I really felt that I had to move on and leave the past behind. I think I achieved that but out of nowhere a new girl just came out of nowhere. She seemed really nice. I really started liking her. At some point she asked me if I was a virgin. I said yeah (I am). I asked her if she was a virgin. She said no.


I don't even know how to explain my feelings. It seems that every girl out there doesn't care or just goes around sleeping with every guy she meets. Is it the American culture? Is it the peer pressure? Or am I just old fashioned? Are my priorities screwed up? What's wrong!?

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Do you think maybe you get attached or move too quickly? Were you even dating the first girl or was it just infatuation? It also sounds like you needed or may still need to work on some personal issues within yourself. I do not know how old you are, but there comes a point in your life when you realize no one is worth taking your life for, and if you really think they are it's not them that is causing you to think about taking your life, it's your inner self esteem and self worth issue that only you can work on. You are going to have many broken hearts and will probably break a few yourself. Yes us Americans are very sexual but I know tons of girls that are virgins or they are with the person they love and thats the only person they have had sex with. Also think about where you are meeting these girls and so forth. The setting plays a big part as to what type of person you are going to meet for the most part.

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Yeah, I identify with this, except, I didn't think suicidal thoughts, I thought of getting even by hooking up with a random stranger from adultfriendfinder to get even - it got to the point that I didn't care whether a girl is virgin or not. The idea is that by having sex with 'anyone', I'd rid her out of my mind because I felt my virginity or lack of experience escarbated these types of crushes or infatuations, and I was at a low ebb spiritually when I was seriously considering to do these things. I'm still a virgin now because I just couldn't do it when it came down to it, and my parental influence.


But incidentally I meet a virgin Christian lady that seems to be going ok so far. You know, the thing is, you just dont know who you are going to meet tomorrow - it may be the right one for you.

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I'm curious. You met a new girl and asked if she was a virgin, and when she said no, you assume that she sleeps with every guy she meets? That is quite a leap, isn't it? Perhaps she has slept with only one or two guys, someone she really cared about and wanted to share that with.


Seems that before you leap to generalized judgements about 'every girl out there', you should take the time to get to know a person. The fact that she's not a virgin does not mean she 'sleeps around with every guy.' But you dismissing her as such may rob you of the chance to continue to get to know a really nice girl.

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