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Marcus Sientre

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Everything posted by Marcus Sientre

  1. Ok, first off, I want to say that this is not a very "nice" question, so for those weak of stomach . . .but I cant think of any good forum to put this in. People here are so helpful though, and I dont know of any other good websites. *sigh* soo. . . ---- Ok, I have this problem. I've noticed that here are these whiteish "bumps" around the base of my penis. I've thought about it, but I cant think of what they could be. I've been washing it a lot lately, but nothing has really changed. Sadly though, I didnt wash it that much before. I had just never thought about it that much *bangs head on desk*. I dont know if that has anything to do with it. I am also uncircumsized, and I've heard that if not cleaned well, an infection of some sort could develop. Does anyone know of an infection that could cause this? I dont think its any sort of STD, because I've never had sex before. The "bumps" are just at the base of the penis. They arent spreading at all. They just kinda stay there. They dont hurt at all though. Infact, I can hardly tell they're there (I cant feel it, just see it). So they dont bother me that much, but. . .me and my GF have been getting more. . .friendly (hands only) lately. And I DO NOT want to risk giving her anything. A doctor sounds like a swell idea, but I'm only 18, and I'm still on my parents insurance. So I want to try and do this some other way (if possible). Some sort of cream, or something. If I could just identify it-- Thanks for any help!
  2. I hate to be a smart @ss, but how does that saying go. . .never lend out more money than you can afford (or rather, are willing) to lose. :silly: Maybe she just forgot about it. If you really want to, just bring it up (gracefully). You might try being out, and pretending that you cant find your money (put your wallet in a different pocket, so that you cant find it right away). Then maybe ask her if you can barrow some (or have your $20 back). I suggest actually keeping your wallet on you somewhere though, incase she doesnt have it and you actually need it. . . And that not calling thing, as rat_freak said, was just really rude! How long have you been going out?
  3. I'm still not 100% sure of what context he was telling you this in, but I wouldnt worry too much about it. I've never used that exact wording, but I've said that type of thing to my gf before. Me and my exes were hardly really "together" at all. But I'm crazy about my gf. Our relationship is so much different (and better) than the relationships were with my exes. So its true, time spent in my old relationships was like time spent in the twilight zone, but time with my gf is like reality. . .though it doesnt always feel like it. So it might be something nice (and simple) like that. What do you mean by that? I'm a bit confused. Good luck!
  4. ^ | | |Dylan Thomas hehehe, but I think I get what you're saying. I'll try and take it nice and slow, maybe calm down a bit. And then I'll probably invest in some of that lip gloss. Thanks for the advice you two! Marcus
  5. Hey all! I've been trolling around the boards (not in a preverted way) since. . .well, yesterday. There is so much awesome information here, thanks to everyone who posts! I have a question of my own now though. . . I seem to be having this little problem--I just started dating this girl a few weeks ago. We really like each other (a lot!). She is the third girl I've dated. . .ever (and I think I'm her second boyfriend). The guy she dated before me was quite un-nice (hence the reason they broke up). He was not into showing innocent affection at all. So, she confessed on one of our dates that she had never kisssed anyone before, and that she was wondering if I was ever going to kiss her (it was our 2nd date I think, but we also work together [thats how we met] so I see her, and talk to her and stuff all the time). Well, at the end of the night, we were sitting in my car (just talking!). ..I'll spare you of the details, but we ended up kissing. It wasnt my first time exactly, but all the ones before had just been "quick kisses", no more than 5 seconds usually. It started straight away on the lips, and stayed there for awhile (I tasted tongue. . .which was odd to me, being it was our first kiss together, and her first kiss period)--But that wasnt too bad. The problem comes in when I try and really kiss back. I tend to make a rather loud "smacking" noise when I do it (that instance, I actually pulled away and started laughing). I just said I was thinking of something else, and she was totally ok with it. But I still havent been able to think of a way to kiss her without signalling the coast guard. Is there anything I can do about this? It makes me a bit self conscious for one thing, and I just cant stop laughing (we actually tried kissing again a little but after I composed myself, but I just started laughing again). Even worse though, I'm worried that she might be getting self conscious of herself, since I just cant seem to kiss her (we've talked about past experiences to some extent, and she knows that I've kissed others). So she might be thinking its her ""Problem"". So I really want to get this figured out. "WE" havent really kissed to much since then (she has kissed me a few times on the neck as a good-bye thing [which was awesome, better than other types of kissing my opinion, it feels more emotional some how]). But I want to return it. . .soon hopefully. The best I could do was to kinda hold her while we were standing, and I kinda kissed her neck and cheek a little bit, but I was exaggerating the smacking noise as I did it, doing it in a playful way, so that it was obvious that (that time) I was doing it on purpose. Thanks for any adivce! Marcus p.s. Sorry for all that extra info, I just felt like sharing.
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