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Posts posted by Tinkerbell

  1. I'm no expert on penis growth, but as far as I know there isn't really anything you can do to make your penis thicker. Besides, your girlfriend shouldn't be complaining about it in the first place; nobody's perfect!

  2. Discuss it with your parents. If you decide to keep the child they will be the one's supporting him/her afterall. You must do what you feel is right. But don't doubt for a moment that having a baby will change your life forever. Perhaps you might want to keep the baby but give it up for adoption when it's born. I don't know much about abortion but I'm sure you can't wait too long to have it done, so if you wish to do that you should do it quickly. How does the father feel about all of this? (I hope to God you know who the father is..) The smartest advice I can give you is to take into consideration what will happen if you keep the baby and what will happen if you abort. Consider the pros and cons of each, and most of all, like I always say, follow your heart.

  3. You must follow your heart. This man is treating you cruelly and unfairly and you deserve better than that. Obviously the two of you aren't meant to be together, but I'm SURE you can make it without him. If you divorce he'll have to pay child support, so that will certainly help. You must consider the fact that even though you may not be as well off, you'll be happy. And your children will understand that when they're older.

  4. Exactly why do you want to keep yourself from calling and thinking about her all the time? If you love her this isn't something you should try to prevent. By the sounds of it she cares for you too, and even though you guys have gone through a lot in the past that doesn't mean you can't work things out. Love conquers all. You say you think you'll want to get back together sooner than she does, so give her some time. Just because you're giving her time doesn't mean you have to detach yourself from her though.

  5. A girl's first time is painful, that's to be expected. I know this sounds unpleasant but next time you have to tell her that she can't stop you, even tho it hurts. I went through this myself, and it's much better to get it over with in one shot rather than repeatedly try, make it halfway, and then quit. It's like ripping a band-aid off.

    Maybe you have difficulties getting inside of her because she's dry. Perhaps you should buy some lubricant and apply it to the both of you before trying again.

  6. I don't think being a voluntary virgin has anything to do with someone's sexuality. He's been with girls before and he owns quite a bit of porn (I'm assuming it's naked chick porn since you didn't specify) so why do you suspect that he's bi? If you really wanna know just ASK him. It's not as if it's an insulting question..Actually, some people may think otherwise but hopefully your friend isn't like that. By the way, does your friend happen to know that you're bi/gay? Because if he has a close friend I think he deserves to know, nobody likes it when things are kept from them.

  7. I disagree with Nifty Swifty, running away is not the solution. If you care about this girl and want things to work out, talk to her about it. You talked to her about being abusive and since then she's improved, so give her a chance to fix the whole "ditching you for her friend" thing. You've gotta understand tho that friends will almost always come before guys, especially since the two of you have only been together for a month. She can't drop her social life just because she has a boyfriend, but I admit that if she makes plans she should keep them, and she should try and spend a little more time with you. Talk to her about it, and hopefully things will work out.

  8. I think moving into it gradually is better. Continue it for a few more days, and if she has no objections and seems to be enjoying it, ask her if the two of you can have a talk. Explain all the stuff you said about wanting to enjoy the time left and not needing a commitment. Given what you said about her not believing in relationships this might work out. But why'd you guys break up in the first place?

  9. If she says she wants to be friends and nothing more, than you should respect her decision. She knows how you feel about her so if she happens to change her mind, chances are she'll let you know she's ready to begin dating. In the meantime, don't try and go out on dates with her because she made it clear that's not what she wants.

  10. If I were in your shoes, well for starters, I wouldn't be looking for love in a chat room. Secondly, how can he call this girl Ali his girlfriend? PEOPLE CAN NOT BE GOING OUT IF THEY'VE NEVER EVEN MET.

    This guy could be a 70 year old psychopath for all you know! For goodness sake, I believe in brutal honesty so I'm just gonna come out and say this: I think it's rather pathetic and sad that you're worried about having a relationship with someone you don't even know.

  11. Hey everyone... To make a long story short, over the last few years I've been quite ill with a a number of things (Pneumonia, bronchitis, whooping cough, etc..) I was also hospitalised for 2 months because of heart problems that were due to an extreme amount of weight loss. I also happen to be anemic. I visit my doctor on a regular basis and last time she told me she thinks I have a deficiency of antibodies (another wonderful thing to add to my list of health problems ) Anyway, I'm going for a blood test this week to find out if that's the case, but I'm curious to know exactly what will happen if I do have that. I've read some things on the internet about it but I'm still not sure. I know what antibodies are so I took biology, but I don't know whether or not there's a cure for the lack of them. I'm trying not to get too worried but it's hard since a number of people pointed out that a lack of antibodies is one of the first signs of leukemia (I'm absolutely positive I don't have cancer tho, I mean a person can have only so many diseases! Heehee)


    If you know anything on the subject please share it with me.

    Thank you.

  12. I agree with VickiRose, I don't think she'd be giving you so much attention if she didn't feel something for you. However, since she's back with her boyfriend I don't think you should interfere by telling her that you like her. Besides, the smiles could be due to the fact that she's a flirt and she just loves acting like that around guys.

  13. There is no way for us to tell what he's thinking. If you want to know, you should just ask him. I know confessing that you still love him and want to be with him will make you vulnerable, but if you really do feel that way you'll be willing to go out on a limb for him. I think the reason he may seem weird on the phone would be because he's unsure about what you're feeling and he doesn't know what to say. I suggest you talk to him and let him know how you feel. Worst thing that could happen is he won't feel the same, and although that would hurt a great deal, at least you'd know for sure and then begin the process of getting over him.

  14. First of all, calm down. Breathe in through your nose, out through your mouth...That's a good boy, now we can get started


    I think you may be overanalysing the whole situation. You said it yourself she doesn't avoid you, but seems preoccupied sometimes. Well that's to be expected! I've been with my boyfriend for 16 months and sometimes I'm too busy to talk to him, and there's nothing wrong with that. Your life cannot revolve around one other person, if you've got something else to do, so be it!


    Since you feel that she's interested and other people agree to, why not take the first step? I know it's rather old-fashioned, but a lot of women today still prefer for a man to make the first move (besides, we avoid rejection that way You sometimes talk to her for hours in person, why not just casually suggest you guys do something out of school in one of those conversations? If she's interested, she'll agree, and then you can ask for her number. Be casual about it, don't start confessing your love for her, because chances are that'll scare her away. Suggest the two of you see a movie, go to an amusement park, etc... The ideas for a first date are endless.


    If she doesn't seem thrilled by the idea of the two of you going out alone together, it could be that she's shy and not sure whether or not she's ready for a relationship. If that's the case, ask her if she wants to hang out with a group of people.

  15. I do believe you may be overreacting a little. You've listed quite a few reasons which could explain the late period, plus it's only a day or so late! That is NOT a big deal at all, especially if she's still a teenager. However, if she has not begun menustrating in a week or so and you're still rather concerned, just get her to take a pregnancy test.

  16. You should talk to her about it but make sure not to accuse her. Start off by telling her how much you care about her and that you'd hate to see her go through what you did. Explain that she lied about smoking cigarettes, which was a betrayal of trust, and if she did it once how are you to know for sure that she isn't lying again? Tell her you're willing to support her and help her through her rough time. If she still denies it, there isn't much for you to do except wait. If in time she comes out and admits it, make sure she gets all the help she needs. However, if her situation does not improve and she's still in denial, perhaps you should talk to an adult who may be able to help. Teenagers tend to have the warped idea planted in their head that marijuana is harmless, and this obviously is not the case.

  17. I've never been in a long distance relationship, so I'm not sure if my advice counts for much, but I'll certainly try to help.


    I think that you should calm down and try to relax. Your anxiety probably ruined the first few days you had with him, which are so few and precious. It's to be expected that you'd be excited, but try not to get carried away and let your expectations become too high, because you may be disappointed.


    As for putting it since you feel like you have to, I suggest you take into consideration how ridiculous that is. He sounds like a great guy and since he's willing to wait, you should only go as far as you feel comfortable going. Besides, you shouldn't have sex with someone because you feel that you have to, it should be because you want to express your love.


    I know people who have tried long distance relationships before, and the major issue was mostly trust. "Is he with other girls, do you think he's flirting a lot, is he thinking of me?" etc.. Once you begin to think such things they'll invade your mind and pretty soon you'll be a paranoid wreck. So I agree with the person who posted above me. Live in the moment. Have fun! Don't be a worry wart and hopefully things will work out just fine.


    Best of luck to you!

  18. I can imagine that you're rather hurt right now, but there isn't any point in being childish and calling him up to try and hurt him. It takes two to tango, and you shouldn't want to inflict pain upon him. Afterall, it was your wife's decision to sleep with him. I don't think you made a wise choice sleeping with your wife after the two of you were supposedly "broken up." Since your wife is still involved with this man perhaps you should make the seperation final. I know it's hard to consider this, but you must take into account that if your wife really loved you, not only would she have not slept with another man in the first place, but she certainly wouldn't have continued to do it after you found out and it broke your heart.

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