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Posts posted by Tinkerbell

  1. Woa, I hope you're kidding about that raw flesh thing. Personally, I don't really mind that my boyfriend masturbates, it's not as if he's obsessed with it. But then again, a couple of times I know he's done it three times in a day, which I think is WAY too much. I don't believe in masturbation myself, I've never tried it and don't plan to, so I can't see why a person would bother to waste their time doing it so much. Twice or three times a week sounds like more than enough to me, but then again, males have hormones up to here *Points to above head*

  2. If you really love this woman I can imagine this must be rather difficult for you. She can't make up her mind and it's hurting you, which isn't fair. I suggest you tell her what all of this is doing to you, and if she loves you she'll stop it. If not, try and move on. Cut all the ties, including the dog.

  3. For starters, don't just talk to her because her friends want you to. You should talk to her because you want to get to know her better. If this is the case, you should quit freaking out and just be casual about it. Start off by smiling at her when you pass her in the halls, waving, saying hello, and eventually going to sit with her at lunch or something and suggesting the two of you hang out sometime to get to know each other better.

  4. Why not go with a bunch of friends instead? I don't know why you're so intent on going with a date, perhaps you're frightened of being viewed as a "loner"? Whatever the case, it's better to go to the semi-formal alone rather than with some guy you don't really know, don't have feelings for, etc.. That's a recipe for disaster.

  5. Perhaps you are being paranoid, since I don't know this man personally it's pretty much impossible for me to tell. But if you're basing this solely on the msn profile thing, you're overanalysing. He probably doesn't even remember that it doesn't say "Long term relationship". If it's really bothering you, ask him about it, but bring it up casually. Chances are he'll change his marital status to what it really is. However, if he says something along the lines of "I wanted to keep my options up" (You need to prepare yourself for the worst ) then you better give him a good talking to, because that's unacceptable.


    Maybe you're trust issues are due to being hurt a lot in the past? It sounds like you really love this guy, so I suggest you do everything in your power to trust him. Trust is a hard thing tho, I completely understand, putting yourself out there like that makes you vulnerable. But a relationship without trust isn't really a relationship at all. And remember, if this guy loves you, your vulnerabilty won't serve as a problem since he'll do anything in his power to keep from hurting you.


    I hope this has helped.

    Best of luck to you!

  6. the causes of flatulence:




    Some people cut the cheese more than others. Grandpa's finger is not special; his condition could be a result of a few factors. Here is a small list of different causes of flatulence:


    1. Consuming too many carbs

    Of the three main nutrients, carbohydrates produce the most gas because sugar and starch easily ferment. Half of us are endowed with bacteria that particularly prefer munching on unprocessed carbs -- unless you are like me, in which case tuna does the trick. As you might have guessed, beans contain more indigestible carbohydrates than most foods.


    2. Consuming indigestible foods

    Many daily foods are considered "indigestible" -- milk being one of them. Cow milk is unnatural to the human body, which is why a lot of people are lactose intolerant. Lactose intolerance means the body does not know how to digest milk, so it sets it aside as waste. If you happen to have a lot of "gas enzymes" in your system and you are lactose intolerant, even milk can make you fart.


    3. Excessive enzymes

    Each person's intestinal fauna is composed differently so people do not react similarly to the same foods. Two individuals can eat a meal rich in indigestible carbs and only one of them can develop gas, simply because his intestinal tract contains more enzymes. You might have heard people say that onions or apples give them gas, while others claim not to be affected. It all depends on the amount and type of bacteria in the large intestine.


    4. Chewing and swallowing air

    Chewing your food properly helps prevent gas because you alleviate your tract's workload, while chewing gum gives people flatulence because it makes them swallow more air than usual and because it animates the digestive system. Sometimes you burp, but other times air goes too deep into the digestive tract, leaving only one alternative: farting.


    5. Intestinal infections

    Finally, certain forms of intestinal infections cause flatulence. Eating contaminated food or drinking contaminated water will cause loose stools, bloating, cramps, and gas. When a person has an intestinal infection, the lining of the intestinal track thins and nutrients, again, get sent to the large intestine without being absorbed.






    Over-the-counter Bean-O and other pills on the market are very effective. Good dieting, not chewing gum and noticing what affects your system are all nice steps at beating the problem, but if you are a compulsive "farter," there are alternative means of dealing with the problem. Chamomile, peppermint, balm, sage, marjoram, and other herbs can alleviate flatulence.





    So fear not, my smelly friends, there is life after the gas chamber! Cutting carbohydrates from your diet and avoiding foods you know are heavy on your system are just about all a person needs to do to reduce flatulence. Also, remember to munch on your food properly and chew less gum. If you are one of the unlucky ones endowed with more enzymes in your system, there are pills and herbs on the market that can regulate your problem.


    Here is a list of known foods that cause flatulence. Note: these foods might not apply to everybody.


    Flatulent Foods


    Apples Apricots Beans Bran Broccoli

    Brussels sprouts Cabbage Carrots Cauliflower Dairy products

    Eggplant Nuts Onions Peaches Pears

    Popcorn Prunes Raisins Soybean Tuna



    sites to check out




    Here are some sites that you may find interesting. Check them out and enjoy yourself.


    link removed

    link removed

    link removed




    check out link removed

    (it's where I got all the above information from)

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  7. If you do decide to have anal sex, here are some things you may want to know:


    Your anus doesn't produce a natural

    lubricant like a vagina does... plus it's a smaller and tighter opening.

    For these reasons, it's important to use water-based lubricant if you

    choose to have anal sex-- and it would be smart to relax the muscles

    "back there" by having your boyfriend insert a finger or two before

    moving on to having actual intercourse. Both of these things will make

    the experience more comfortable and enjoyable for you both.


    You should know that it's super easy to pass sexually transmitted

    infections-- especially HIV-- through anal sex. Most people recommend

    using a condom every time you do it.

  8. The pill contains chemicals called hormones. One type of pill called the combined pill has two hormones called Oestrogen and Progestogen. The combined pill stops the release of an egg every month - but doesn't stop periods.


    The other type of pill only has Progestogen in it. It works by altering the mucous lining of the vagina to make it thicker. The sperm cannot then get through, and as the sperm can't meet the egg, the girl can't get pregnant.


    It is a very effective method of contraception. If the pill is taken exactly according to the instructions, the chance of pregnancy occurring is practically nil. A disadvantage of the pill is that it does not provide any protection against STDs. For very good protection against both pregnancy and STDs, the birth control pill should be used at the same time as the male condom.


    About 40% of women who take birth-control pills will have side effects of one kind or another during the first three months of use. The vast majority of women have only minor, transient side effects. Some of these side effects are: light bleeding between menstrual periods, skipped periods, nausea, weight change, bloating, increase in vaginal infections. Although it is difficult to predict whether a woman will develop one of these minor problems, a problem can often be eliminated by changing to a different birth-control pill. A spotty darkening of the skin on the face may appear and may be permanent.


    The most serious side effect associated with the birth-control pill is a greater chance of blood clots, stroke and heart attack. These problems occur in only a small number of women who take the pill. Women who have the most risk of developing these problems are women who smoke, are over thirty-five and women with other health problems such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart or vascular disease or blood cholesterol and triglyceride abnormalities. Other serious side effects are worsening of migraine headaches, gall bladder disease, increase in blood pressure and an extremely rare liver tumor. Some birth-control pills may cause changes in the levels of fatty substances in the blood. The long-term consequences of these changes are not known. Regular check-ups are important for early detection of these problems.




    If you don't want to go on the pill, perhaps try Injectable Hormonal Contraceptive:


    The most popular form of this type of contraception, Depo-Provera, involves the girl having an injection once every twelve weeks. The injection is of the hormone Progestogen. The injection works in the same way in the body as the Progestogen only pill, but has the advantage that you do not have to remember to take a pill every day.


    It does however have the same disadvantage as the hormonal pill, in that it provides no protection against STDs.


    I'm currently using this method of birth control and the only side-effect I have had is an absense of periods.

  9. The best thing to do would be to wait for her to email you, call you, etc...Wait for her to take the initiative. If she felt something for you, no matter how busy she is, she'd take the time to get in touch (a short email letting you know she's thinking of you would take less than a minute). If you still haven't heard a word from her in another week or so, I suggest you move on. This girl can't expect you to wait around for her forever, you do have a life afterall!

  10. You should tell her how you feel. If she agrees, then don't jump into things, but start again from scratch to avoid getting hurt. If she disagrees, it might hurt your friendship so not seeing her for awhile would probably be a good idea, that way you'd have time to get over her too.

  11. I think that you're on the right tract thinking it has something to do with his girlfriend and baby. Perhaps he feels guilty because he's not with her anymore and the child won't grow up with the "typical" happily married mother and father. I suggest you give him some space and wait for him to call you. If he doesn't, have a talk with him letting him know how you feel and that his lack of initiating things is frustrating. Since you're afraid of losing him, take this into account..If you let something go and it comes back, it's worth it.

  12. You said she loves animals and football, so go with that...Here's an idea. Try and find out her favorite animal, and maybe get her a stuffed animal of it. Attach a leash or collar or something around it's neck with a note from you confessing how you feel. Since chances are telling her in person your true feelings would be rather difficult, the note is a good idea since you can take the time to get all your thoughts down. Suggest in the note that if she feels the same way you guys could go out for dinner, and then wait and see if she calls.


    Girls tend to like gifts that required a lot of thought, so don't worry about it not being expensive enough or anything silly like that.

  13. I believe in brutal honesty so I'm just gonna come out and say this: I think you're SICK. What you did is disgusting and wrong, and you have to tell your girlfriend the whole truth...Why did you even WANT to see pics of videos of men masturbating? Are you bi?


    Really, I don't know what advice I can possibly give you.. You need some serious help.

  14. You've been keeping the truth from her for too long, it's time to spill the beans! If she's going to lose her virginity to you, the LEAST she deserves is the truth! Smarten up boy! Nobody likes a liar!


    There is no way to tell whether or not a guy is a virgin, but don't let that keep you from being honest! So what if she's mad, she has a right to be!

  15. First of all, you need to take that pregnancy test. If it comes up negative, you can relax (and maybe try a different method of birth control besides the condom)


    If it's positive, you should talk to your parents and your boyfriend. You can't keep your parents out of this (you are a minor, aren't you?)


    Explain to your boyfriend that there's no need for the two of you to get married BECAUSE of a child.. You should marry someone BECAUSE you love them and want to spend the rest of your life with them!


    If you decide to keep the baby, don't be discouraged. It may be difficult at the beginning, but then you can lead a normal life! It'll help if your parents and friends are supportive too, so make sure to include them.


    However, if you don't want to get an abortion and do not wish to keep the baby, a couple out there will be more than glad to adopt them, since the number of infertile people is relatively high. You'll make their dreams come true, and give your baby a good life.

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