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Posts posted by Tinkerbell

  1. Hmm..This girl doesn't talk yet you like her. How is that possible? Seems to me like you're just curious. Whatever the case, give her some time. If she's so extremely shy it may take her awhile before she's ready to open up a bit more, and you don't wanna pressure her into anything by asking her for her number once again. Suggest the two of you hang out a bit more, and if she doesn't say anything again, I'm afraid it just may be a lost case.

  2. Give her a chance, her feelings for you may have changed and her wish to go to the prom with you may be genuine. I think the best way to find out what's going on between you two is to come right out and ask her how she feels about you.

  3. I know this is gonna be hard to accept, but you gotta face the facts. The girl says she likes you but she's scared of a relationship, yet she has no problem with flirting with random guys at bars. You said that she loved you, if that were true, she'd be willing to go out on a limb and risk the chance of getting hurt to be with you. It sounds to me like she's using you as a back-up: You're good enough until the next guy comes along. Since you feel strongly about her I suggest you tell her how you feel, and let her know that if she feels the same way it'd be only reasonable for the two of you to start dating. Make it clear that you're not going to put your life on hold for her (And you darn well shouldn't, from the sounds of it she isn't worth it).

  4. I'm glad everything worked out for the best. Perhaps the reason that you're feeling differently now after you've told her is because it isn't this secret forbidden romance, which was exciting. Many people long for excitement in their love life and will try to seek it in a variety of places. Now that you've both agreed that you guys would've made the perfect couple had you not been related I suggest that you drop the matter and stop talking about it all together. Afterall, it's done with, and is now an issue of the past.

  5. I don't think you should be so intent on having a big conversation with her. She's going through a lot right now and is obviously hurting and she probably isn't in the mood for chitchat. But you should be there for her nonetheless. Even if it's just sitting beside her and comforting her with a cup of hot chocolate, I'm sure she'll appreciate the effort and it'll help to get her mind off of her troubles.

  6. Don't think so much about it and it will come naturally, I promise you. Try to relax and you'll got lost in the moment and most probably share a beautiful kiss. I don't suggest you wait much longer tho, because your gal might become self-conscious and think that you don't WANT to kiss her. I think that doing it during a slow dance would be a pretty good idea, since you'd have her in your arms anyway and you guys would be pretty close.

  7. Okay, you should not be considering dumping this girl because you dont think she puts out enough. Who cares whether or not people at school are teasing you? If you really like this girl that shouldn't matter! As for her being a tease, tell her that you don't like it and ask her to quit it. And since things seem boring, try to spice em up a little by trying things you guys haven't done before. I definitely don't think you should break up with her though, the least she deserves is another chance, and someone should give you a good knock in the head because you're way too obsessed with the physical side of the relationship. You've been going out for a month, you can't expect her to jump into bed with you. The fact that she's waiting says a whole lot of good things about her and you should respect her decision. She isn't your sex toy, she's your girlfriend.

  8. It sounds like you find this girl great, so let her know.. Compliment her on her personality, her great sense of humor, even on that new shirt she just bought that looks awesome on her. Be yourself, and let her know how you feel without going overboard and freaking her out.

  9. Sweetheart, you're young, you should be having fun, and this guy is obviously bringing you nothing but pain. He isn't worth it if he doesn't appreciate you, so just drop him.

  10. I understand what you mean cakes. I still haven't figured out whether I have had an orgasm, but I definitely know that I'm close (if not all the way there.) It's weird, there's no doubt in a guy's mind when he has one, yet when you're a girl there isn't really any way to tell for sure. I've heard of women who have claimed to have orgasms for years and then suddenly one day they experience something completely different and are blown away because they can't believe what they've been missing.

  11. Whatever you do, make sure you lose the weight safely. Perhaps talk to your doctor about it, he/she will most probably suggest a safe plan you can follow. In the meantime, running sounds like a good idea. Not only does it keep you in shape, but most people find running every morning for a little bit helps relax them and prepare them for the day ahead.

  12. Listen up ck, not all women are like that. Just because you've had bad relationships in the past doesn't mean that you've gotta start woman bashing. I, for one, never expected my boyfriend to do everything, and I know very few women who did. And what do you mean by ROLES? When a man and a woman are in a relationship, they love, care, and support each other. Point final. There's not anything specific that either of them should be expected to do.

  13. I have no idea whether that's normal or not. I have never experienced anything like that, and neither have any of my friends whom I've talked to about it. However, I have heard of a woman literally cumming like a man, but never in such large amounts. Maybe she should speak to her gyno about it.

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