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Everything posted by Sheyda

  1. I'm only doing what you wanted us to do in reply to your post. I never said I based any of this on who I chose as a boyfriend or anything, if you actually read all of what I put. And I know for sure I am not in some kind of boy band stage, like I said I go for personality. If you don't want people to say what they don't like, why did you make a post asking what we don't like? It doesn't make sense to me.
  2. Well, I'm the same, I go for the personality rather than the looks. It doesn't matter what they look like if they have a great personality. And I agree with Cherrylicious about not being attracted to a gorgeous guy with a horrible personality. Sadly enough, it seems a lot of people are shallow when it comes to this thing and only go for the looks. I guess I could put some things down I don't find particularly attractive. Someone who's either grossly overweight or underweight. Think Gollum-type body and the fattest person who's ever lived in the Guinness World Records book. LOL Bat ears. Big/crooked nose. Though I have to admit I've fallen for a guy who does have sort of a big and crooked nose, and wouldn't normally be seen as attractive. ^^; Someone with massive, flared out nostrils. Bad teeth. As in really crooked with loads of plaque and stuff.. > Hygiene is important. Dirty nails, teeth and ears and stuff aren't nice. And neither is bad breath! I once knew a guy who had really horrible breath, it was like.. what crawled into your mouth and DIED under your tongue?! It's easy to say that about him because he was also a nasty person who talked about friends behind their backs and he stalked me and harassed my best friend. T_T I hope some of that helps because I can't think of anything else that isn't too attractive.
  3. [This post has been deleted]
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