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Everything posted by purrin

  1. First of all think back to 'why' you broke off with your exboyfriend ... You mentioned that you were kinda bored with your current b/f - well, now you are getting attention, compliments, feeling alive again ... from your ex ... that will do it ... that will make your feelings go crazy ... I would NEVER tell anyone or anybody about your situation - that is no ones business but yours ... all you are gonna do is start sh*t in a circle of friends and you know what, most likely you are gonna be the one looking bad ... best thing to do is move on, get both of these guys outa the picture and start fresh ....... best of luck ... you sound young in age ... if you are, you got a loooooooong time - so have a blast ......
  2. Hey buddie ... It won't work ... If you are inlove with her, friendship will never be friendship in your heart... you are just waiting for her to change her feelings ... you cannot change a persons feelings no matter what you say or do ... Dont waste your time keeping your hopes up ... the person that breaks up a relationship will always say lets be friends ... just to be nice .. I know how you feel ... it really sucks when you are sooooo inlove and it is not reciprocated...you need to go out with your guy friends - have a few beers and laugh ... I would get a friend to drop off her stuff and pick yours up ... you are not going to feel any better seeing her and 'talking things out' ... she already has made up her mind ... You know the saying ' if you love something set it free, if it comes back-its yours, if it doesn't, it never was...) Think about it ... put yourself in her shoes ... If you didn t have feelings for a girl and she kept pestering after you with phones calls and such ... you would end up thinking she is a idiot and start to really hate her ... right????
  3. I have been married for 5 years. I had called up an exboyfriend to see how he has been (have not seen nor spoken to him for 17yrs) I called him because out of 4 boyfriends I dated before marriage, 3 are now deceased. We met for a coffee to chat about our lives and I could not believe how much I really 'liked' him. My marriage was just ok - he is a wonderful caring man that is totally inlove with me, but I do not feel the same way(even before I had seen my exboyfriend) When I had a coffee with the ex, the feelings I had were absolutely incredible. We are now having an affair for about 4 months. I cannot control myself. I think of him constantly. He even said that when we dated years ago, his friends nicknamed me 'destiny' ... My ex was uncomfortable with the affair at first (he is separated) now he is ok with it. We fool around a lot but most of all we enjoy just spending time together. I am upset because he cannot have intercourse with me-it just doesn't work(he said because I am not on the pill and it is an intimacy issue) Am I getting my hopes up to high ? I am contemplating a separation from my husband to be with him, so he can be comfortable with the situation... Seriously, I know he really cares for me and its not just for sex ... we really get along fantasticly! We talk about everything and he even changes his plans with his daughter to be with me and his extra curricular activities. I know if it was just for the sex...I would be able to sense that ... and its not like we have sex every time we see eachother...(when I mean sex, I mean, kissing and oral) Please help me sleep a whole night .. I need your advice!)
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