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Posts posted by avman

  1. Your body is probably telling you that you need the calories. Having some sweets and a little junk food is just fine. Please don't feel bad about it. You just need to eat a balanced diet to make sure you get all the nutrients you and the baby need.


    There is no need to hide this or feel bad about it. If you are getting your fruits, veggies, and protein and you want to top it all off with a milkshake then go right ahead and do it.

  2. It's not bad ethics to take your personal time for an interview with another company. If you are taking a vacation day then it's your business what you do with your time.


    Like the others said, your company wouldn't give it a second thought if they felt they could make more money without you - they'd just lay you off. Don't feel any undue obligation to your company.

  3. Grades 1-3 are a lot of fun. I do presentations for Junior Achievement and the kids are always glad to see a guest speaker come in. It's a nice break in their day.


    Make it fun. Have a good time with it. If the kids laugh, then they are paying attention. Kids that age do not have a long attention span, so keep any lectures to 5 minutes for 1st grades and maybe 10 for the 3rd graders. Then do activities and engage them so they aren't just sitting there.


    If something goes wrong, just laugh about it and move on. If you don't make a big deal out of it, they won't either. And the teachers are just glad for a little break. They are there to help you too so if you get stuck or need help with anything, just ask them.


    Enjoy it! You'll get a kick out of seeing all the kids faces

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  4. Their cardiac sphincter (the flap that keeps food in their bellies and prevents it from regurgitating into their esophagus) does not mature/have full tone for a few months, and especially since most babies feed lying horizontally, the breastmilk or formula comes back up through the sphincter. They treat it with the same drugs that adults take for GERD.


    Thank you! I've learned my new factoid for the day

  5. Your 3 month old has acid reflux? Wow, I don't think I've ever heard that before.


    I'm close to your age and I agree with you, 6 hours would be pretty tough to get by on now. Unfortunately that's a pretty typical nights sleep for new parents. With both of you trading off (which is the best way to go) you are getting as much sleep as you probably can during the workweek.


    By the time the baby is 6 months they should be sleeping through the night (and that means you'll skip the 2am feeding). So the sleep will get a little bit better. In the meantime I suggest trying to get in some naps on the weekend when you can.


    Do you have any vacation coming from your employer? Or can you take family medical leave for 2-4 weeks? That will definitely help you get some rest if you don't have work worries as well as baby care.

  6. Ok, well then pick another stone that isn't really expensive. Like Moissanite or White Sapphire. Or choose a colored stone like Amethyst, Blue Topaz, etc.


    I don't know what your budget is but what about Rubies or Emeralds? Those can be very stunning as a solitare ring.


    Another option is to choose a smaller diamond ring. Diamonds that are 1/4 - 1/3 carat aren't too expensive and you don't need flawless ones in that size because you could never see the flaws anyway.

  7. You can always buy a ring with a nice setting and with a Zircon instead of a diamond. It will still look beautiful and you can upgrade the Zircon to a diamond later on.


    Just make sure you tell your girlfriend that it is not a diamond. I don't advocate trying to fake it and pass it off as real. That's a good way to ruin an engagement!

  8. I also think there are many positive signs. One thing you need to realize is this is not a short term fix. This is something you'll do for the long haul and it will take some time to get positive results. After all, things didn't go downhill immediately, they took time. So it will also take time for things to seem "normal" again.


    I think you are doing the right things and he is starting to show signs of response. Don't let it get to you if you have a bad day or three for the next few weeks. Keep up the effort and it will pay you long term dividends. It's so easy to drive yourself nuts trying to analyze every little response or lack thereof. But think big picture now.


    You are planting little seedlings. With time and nurturing, they'll blossom and grow. You can't force it, you just have to keep tending things and let it unfold as it will.

  9. Honestly I don't see this situation ending up where she comes back to you. I think you hit it right on the head that she was into the "idea" of you. Wow, an older man falling for me - how awesome! But then as things went along the idea wasn't as appealing to her anymore.


    Truthfully I'd just let her go without any goodbyes, letters, emails, etc. If she wanted to make contact she would have. And if there is any chance she'll make contact with you. But don't hold your breath. I don't see a friendship working out either. You are too into her and it will be too painful to deal with her and her other future boyfriends.

  10. I have been through a couple of mediations and I do NOT suggest doing it by yourself. In both cases the mediator placed severe pressure on both sides that everything they asked for was unreasonable, you'll never get what you want so settle for less, etc. Without my attorney there I would have likely made some very bad snap judgements.


    If you can't afford a lawyer but your spouse makes a ton more money than you then have the lawyer file a motion to have your spouse pay your legal bills. I really think you should find a new attorney that is working for you. The one you have now sounds like no help and without decent representation you are going to get screwed.

  11. He has an explosive temper so a letter is the best way to go,


    Whether he is married or not - this reason alone is good enough to end the relationship.


    You've been seeing him for a YEAR and you don't know how old he is or where he lives? Those are huge warning signs to me.


    Your therapist is right - back away from this relationship. You don't need this person in your life.

  12. Will he still need to establish paternity through the courts.


    Probably yes, since she is being uncooperative. If she was willing to sign a Recognition of Parentage then the court wouldn't be necessary. He should talk to a lawyer about perhaps negotiating that so that a court visit is not necessary.


    A court would probably only order visitations at the mother's place for a few hours 2-3 times per week. They tend to do that with infants and not allow overnight visits until later. If he can work out a better visitation schedule with the mother then that's the way to go. But he needs to get it in writing and once again he should involve an attorney so that the agreement can be enforced if she tries to back out on it later.


    Regarding the child support, he should be paying guideline child support. Just because the mother has been taking less doesn't mean she SHOULD be taking less. The support is for the baby and the baby has needs. He needs to be responsible for helping meet those needs. Just because she is taking less money now doesn't mean she can't go to court later and ask for back child support to make up the difference. She'd get it in a heartbeat.

  13. Little ones heal amazingly fast. If a 30-40 year old breaks their collarbone they're a mess for months. A 3 year old will be up and around in days or weeks.


    Don't beat yourself up over the sledding accident. This is part of what being a kid is all about. Accidents happen. Kids get hurt. They heal and life goes on. You can't have your child walk around wrapped in bubble wrap, so you just have to take these things as they come.


    Keep up the ibuprofin so she's comfortable. The doctor will tell you whether they need to set the bone or whether it will heal on it's own.


    It's going to be just fine you'll see.

  14. Under the federal laws, any biological child is entitiled to visitation with BOTH biological parents


    Well no that's not quite correct. The problem comes in that with any child, it is of course obvious who the mother is at birth. But the father is not so obvious. In a married couple, most states (and these laws are governed by the state - not the federal government) declare the woman's husband as the legal father unless he challenges it. In an unmarried couple, NO father is assumed to be the legal father. It must be determined through a paternity process.


    Unless paternity is determined the unmarried father has NO rights. Even better, in many states the state can declare someone to be the putative father for the purpose of assessing them child support but without granting them any parental rights. So they end up having to pay child support but have no visitation rights or say in how the child is raised.


    The father has to establish paternity either by agreement with the mother where she signs a Recognition of Parentage, or through the courts if she won't cooperate.

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