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Everything posted by Capricorn3

  1. Maybe this one? https://www.enotalone.com/forum/showthread.php?t=475867
  2. So so so so cold. Feels like I'm at the North Pole. My bones ache and my brain is frozen. Can't function. Wish I could just thaw out already and get warm. Nothing's working though.
  3. The latest "trend/craze" of "I love my husband/wife so much, s/he is the light of my life, but I am in love with a married man/woman". Really? Um, no. No wonder society is down the toilet.
  4. Agreed. Really disturbing/sick. Can't believe that men really think this way. Pretty scary. Leaves one speechless.
  5. Is nobody loyal to their partners anymore these days? Seems loyalty no longer exists. Messing around behind your partner's back seems to be the new "cool". Ugh.
  6. Definitely some are trolls (which we've sorted) but we can't always prove all of them, in which case we have to leave them for the time being.
  7. What's with all these "one hit wonders" posts lately? They post their story and question, get pages and pages of responses and never return. Really very very very annoying!
  8. Oh great ... our oven just literally blew up, exploded. Glass all over the place... I think my heart stopped for 20 seconds.
  9. Wow! Awesome! I should pay attention a lot more to the "What are you listening to?" thread in order to find news like this, lol. Congrats jman, I hope it all runs smoothly on the 31st. Pics would be awesome! :)
  10. Sounds awful. I can't even begin to imagine such cold. I think the coldest I have ever experienced in my life was about -8C ...... you'd probably think that was a heat wave!! LOL
  11. ^ OK, that is seriously freezing!!! Yikes. Still better than extreme heat although I am not sure I could handle it THAT cold!!
  12. Yep. Now you know why I feel the way I do. Feels like I'm dying a slow, torturous death. Ugh. :-/
  13. Can I move in with you for a couple of months please? Can't cope with 45C, 47C anymore and it's climbing. My brain is fried. :nightmare:
  14. Too many people "stealing" my crazy cat avatar. :-?
  15. I knooowww!! The most recent one I "liked", I was thinking, "omg, that was the worst rubbish I have seen in a while" ..... and then I hit the "thank" button. GAH!!
  16. Ohhhhh I've done that too so many times! Bugs the hell outta me, lol. Wish there was an "unlike" button, lol.
  17. So cool. I won a very large Easter Egg hamper today (drawing and colouring in competition), lol. Never won anything in my life and being a chocoholic, this has to be the best prize ever! lol.
  18. Just curious ... why would you need notifications in the first place? Can you not simply check your threads?
  19. I'm so so sorry. I can totally relate (I don't tend to talk about here - back related). When the pain goes off the scale, I call it "want to throw myself in front of a train pain", or "throw myself off a bridge". It's exhausting and very draining. ~big fat cyber hugs~ Hope you feel a little better soon!
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