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Everything posted by masterchris11

  1. My girlfriend and I have been together for 15 months. Her 19th birthday is coming up soon and i have no idea what together. i mean usually i would have some idea of what get her/make for her, but rigt now im stumped. She hasnt dropped any hints (or none that ive noticed) and i dont want her to be disappointed on her brthday. So far i plan to make Breakfast, lunch, and dinner for her, but i think their should be a little more. ANybody have any ideas on something i could get/make for her? THank you in advance.
  2. Personally speaking, i like a nice C to D cup size. DD is alright, but any bigger, they just become novelty and fake to me. Implants are okay. But i feel that most women dont need them. But it is their choice. ANd if they are smaller, then that doesnt matter that much.
  3. WEll, as you prolly read so far 8) , im not the best advice giver. But i can tell you what i would do in this situation. I would try and find her number, and i would call her. Id say "hey whatsup?" and just have a normal converstaion, all while trying avoid the "how'd oyu get my number?" line. If she does ask you that, just be honest and say that you searched for it and sruff. She could take this as a sign of your interest in you, but as you said, she may also see you as obsessed. But that has never happened to me before. I mean, it'll be just one phone call right? I would try to set up some sort of date, and/or just see whats going on with her. I would also try and keep the conversation short. At least then you'll know whats up, and you'll have an answer,. I wouldnt wait, because you may just pass up a good opportunity. Never pass up a good opportunity.
  4. I used to get that too, but I found a hot girl for me. You are prolly a quiet, maybe shy person, am i right? Well i suppose if it is really bugging you, you can change your style. Change the way you dress, and your hair and stuff. I really wouldnt suggest that, unless it really is you, you know waht i mean. I suppose you can try telling some nasty/mean jokes every once in awhile or something too. That could help(i helped me reduce my nice guy image). i know i was called a nice guy all the time back in the day. But as i gained more self confidence, i changed my style slightly, and developed my own style of talking to people. i dont get called that anymore. So its good. I still am a nice guy though, and have great respect for women.
  5. I had the same situation. I asked out my close friend (we're still together after almost 6 months too) and on our first date, i was totally unsure of everything. but i took it very slow, and we kissed on our second date. She was so nervous, she told me, and i was too, but the mood and momet was right. So i suppose you should see if the moment is right, and just go for it. We are both very shy people too.
  6. i used to get that feeling alot too. But now im fine. I used to be very shy and very insecure. I believed that no one could like me, and such and such...But now i have a GF, and have done many things to help with my confidence and self esteem. And now its pretty easy to use a public restroom, i hate to sit down on the seats though. THat, to me, is just kinda nasty.
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