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Posts posted by suprema99

  1. There's been alot of posts on this subject in the past. The situation your in is a no win situation. I would say that 75% of his being close and your best friend, was because he thought something more would come out of it. He's a guy. He wants sex definetley, and maybe possibly a relationship. This was his main motivation. I would say you have to cut it off if your not intrested in him. He will just resent you the more you reject him and are with him. My suggestion is to get more girlfriends as best friends and not guys. Unless attraction is not involved, both guys and girls I think can never be just friends.

  2. The only thing I can see wrong with your situation, is that this girl your with probably can't make an accurate decision about you, at her age. She grew up with you, sinse the age of 9, and is probably all that she really knows. That's why aged gap relationships are so taboo, it seems. It's the experience involved.

  3. Here's the deal, by having a nice image before which you did, you made a mistake by listening to your friends. You went by what they said, cause it sounds like you had a different opinion. By calling it a mistake to hookup with that guy. That same guy, maybe liked you and got hurt now, so he's spreading rumors around in his favor to protect his image. Or he's just gloating and has no respect for you. Either way I would take a close look at this guy you known for 5 years.

  4. I always thought that teaching kids about the different kinds of drugs, make them want to try them more, cause now there educated on them. Being young you think nothing can hurt you, so they say in health class is gives you a great high. Alot of kids, not all I'm sure, being young, could take all that information the opposite way and want to try it.

  5. How did you find out, he knew your girlfriends parents? During the examination? Are you worried, she gave you one, or the other way around? I see how that could make you very uptight, in that situation, but I agree with the other posters.. Let us know though, if you checked out clean. If you checked out otherwise, tell your girlfriend about it, for sure, have her get tested also. Maybe though by a different doctor. goodluck

  6. Hey pumpkin fairy- , somebody failed you down the line or it's in you wiring to be accustomed to drinking. I think you should let your mom know, what's going on. Your way to young to drink alcahol and know how to control it at a safe level. Let someone you know who's closest to you, the problem. I know it's totally against what you want to hear, but you know it's wrong so that's a good start. Tell your mom. She should know what's going on with her daughter, maybe when she finds out your drinking also, it will make her start to think more about your problems and maybe hers. Goodluck

  7. hey confused, if the love isn't there one your part, there's nothing you can do. Marriage to this girl was a bad choice. It's takes 2 people in a relationship to make it work. Usually the love ends I think when one person gives up on it. It could be mutual, even better then, right? No need to even think about decisions , but I think it's usually one person's fault. Sounds like by what you wrote, it's your wife on that one. She might be making you smoke more and be unhealthy, who knows. but if the love is gone on your part, there's no sense in it then. goodluck

  8. Hey 15and nervous, I think you did the right thing. You made a good gesture, but sometimes like tsunami said, they won't stop unless they want to. It's none of your business to have to try and do something about it. There are counselors and people out there, that are trained to handle that kinda stuff. It's not new to those people. Talk to them, if you find this bothers you. Goodluck

  9. Hey nottobright, I think that's a good approuch. A girl that kisses you is attracted to you. I don't see how she can, by a few words, all of a sudden lose her liking. But I think it's more of her getting off that you like her now, after you made it sound like you didn't at first. She kissed you also, Sounds like a bit of some teasing on her part, going on there. Goodluck

  10. Hey santa, it's probably mostly water weight flucuations. If your currently overweight, you probably sweat alot. Cut down on your salt and drink more water. Also buy a new scale, your scale may be part of the problem. goodluck

  11. Orange soda, This guy your with needs to be locked up. I'm sure he's got a criminal background already, if he doesn't, - he does now, cause he physically abused you.. You are getting abused on all levels. I can agree with napolian in a way, cause you have to understand that it's your fault as well for taking this abuse, Your hurting yourself in a sense. Your brainwashed by this guy. Some can respect you for loving him. I personally don't respect your decision. I hope you take alot of the advice that was givin - goodluck

  12. I don't agree that your boyfriend is telling you it's okay to be intrested in another guy. That sounds way to passive. Whether he really trusts you like that, I don't know. If that's the case, it's gonna hurt him I imagine, if you act on what your talking about here.

  13. She's to smart, you talk about your relationship like it's a bad thing. Are you really happy here? or do you find it, maybe you just settled? you got married to a guy who's way younger. You shouldn't have to say, the relationship, would make somebody puke. The only reason I would even ask there.

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