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Posts posted by suprema99

  1. I agree with brando, I don't understand how your mad she hasn't called, but then again, you sound you want her to drop off the face off the planet. It's called being angry. Try looking at all this stuff maybe in a different light.

  2. Have you ever noticed sometimes, when a couple is together for a long time, they both start acting kinda similar to one another? To me, misery loves company means, when you spend alot of time with someone, their personality sorta rubs off on you. And this, is I think is the reason, it's tough for people to move on, cause they'll have to rework alot of things to get back to the state they were at before. I think this is the reason for so many questions on this forum about exe's.

  3. Hey, my post was a little harsh, I appologize susser. It's a shame that some people have to endure some stuff like physical abuse and whatnot or whatever your feeling. My point was to mean that there's no miracle out there or even drug that will make you happy for the rest of your life. Part of things are in your own mind. Maybe it's chemicals, maybe it's your own thought process that needs to be rewired. I believe most doctors of any kind like to prescribe drugs. I have that feeling that's how it is.. I don't think it's their fault, I just believe they deal with the same people everyday, so you might not be any different from one patient to the other. You have to try to believe in yourself, that you can be better. You really can't go through life just relying on drugs and medications to make your life better. I'm sure they work, but you said you got addicted to them and they're not working. I believe in the term, you got to wanna help yourself, before you can be helped. At least that's a good start. Goodluck

  4. I agree, It's not always about how much money you make. Watch the movie wallstreet. How rich people, cause their rich, like to screw over people to get richer. America gives you all the freedoms to become as successfull as you want to be. There's a line in becoming rich from working hard, and being rich cause of being greedy and all about flaunting it. I'm not rich, but can say at the moment, if I was, I'd do it by working hard and never just to prove something to other people. Just because your not making 500,000 dollars a year, doesn't mean you should feel inferior to anyone.

  5. I think your just upset that now your with this new guy, and the other guy that probably doesn't mean as much currently, you feel now you just wished it all never happened. There's nothing wrong with that. Like people were saying, it's in the past now. Maybe at the time, in the moment, you just couldn't make that decision. But I'm sure now you'll have a better understanding that if your really not feeling it at the moment, say no. It sounds like you weren't getting hurt, so I think you technically didn't get raped. It's just a learning experience of making better decisions for your ownself. Sometimes making right desicions at the moment are tough to make.

  6. Hey sprocc, you said that it was mutual, like you guys just got sick of each other, spending too much time together. I suggest maybe then try to keep in contact but just to show your still there. He'll probably do the same I'm sure. I can't see him totally crapping out on you if he spent that much time with you.

  7. Hey sprocc, you didn't give any information about why you guys broke up. If you guys broke up over something silly, you might be hurting over nothing. If he cheated on you or something extreme like that, yes obviously move on then, You see? If you think that the bad things you mentioned really weren't all that bad, I say then go for it, if it will make you happy. goodluck

  8. Hey napoleon, I understand about everything being equal like you said. I agree. However, I don't ever see the roles being completley reversed like that. I think that the term male is still considered dominant over the term female. I really don't think this will ever change. But if feminists out there want to change history, goodluck then.

  9. I can agree with that. The one thing though is that you can't get all bent out of shape for that reason. For guys who ponder that question, your never gonna get a girl. Why should girls really have to ask a guy out anyway. I still believe it's the guys job. It's insecurity if your actually afraid to approach a girl that's attractive. If she has a problem with it, on to the next one then, it's that simple. There's a fine line between females. Some are out there to hurt you cause of this very reason. It's called manhaters/lesbaians lol

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