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Posts posted by suprema99

  1. I agree, I don't think you should purposley try to steal her away from her boyfriend . helloladies you are evil man, lol . the only way to really do it, is to be in the picture, and if you feel she's not happy with her boyfriend or there's problems, then go for it. But don't hurt a good relationship unless she tells you she's having problems with it.

  2. Hey happy, that sucks, . I would say leave her alone for now. If there was anything there, she'll return that voice message in the future. Don't call her though. The balls in her court. and if you find out then things you don't want to hear, if she does ever calls back. Dump her and like brando said, date other girls. Easier said than done sometimes, I know. goodluck

  3. hey chrissy67, I'm not trying in anyway to agree with your daughters boyfriend. I think your daughter is brainwashed though by him. However, maybe she's lashing out at you guys for possibly being overprotective? You said you looking through all her stuff and are spying. Treat this like any relationship. When you bark alot of orders most people will lose intrest in you if that's the case. . Why not just sit her down, tell her how you guys really feel and see what happens. You are the parents here, and she is totally under your wing right now. I think when stuff like this happens, she's not being educated enough by her parents. goodluck

  4. That is very long but yet intresting. I didn't read the whole thing. I honestly was very confused after you contradict yourself like hope75 said. I saw where it was going from then. I would say for 3 years you guys both were two different people. There is some hate for this girl you definatley have in you. But don't ever hit a girl first off, no matter how many problems you may have. It sounds like you and her need to stop thinking it's all about you. Maybe you did that, and she doesn't see it for whatever reasons. Possibly cause of your being paranoid issues. Or she's very greedy. obviously though it wasn't working. . Can't speak for her obviously cause you wrote it. I would look into working on yourself though first before trying to fix her. goodluck

  5. Good for you for recognizing. Don't put up with any crap like that. If you met him in march, it's onlt been a few months. He sounds like he's got a lot of probelms, probably from his life in general and he's taking it out on you. Don't get caught up in his problems that I'm sure have been going on for years now, he's a few years older. . You want to have a healthy relationship and this guy is not helping any matters. Goodluck

  6. I agree with that. You need to say it straight up how you feel. If you seriously don't like this guy. This type of guy sounds like he wont leave you alone unless he knows your really not intrested. Hopefully you'll get out of it, and won't have a stalker on your hands in the future. Goodluck

  7. Hey shysoul, first off I don't want to make it seem like there's any problem with how you are, cause I think you got the right idea. I think both parties in a relationship constantly try to protect themselves, cause nobody wants a broken heart. It takes a busted heart or in kyo's case maybe a let down to be stronger the next time. All that I can disagree with you is when you said I need to be friends with a girl first. I tried that also in the past. and it didn't work for me. And this is just in my own experience. I've seen both sides of the fence in relationships. Personally, I know when a girl is attracted to me and I know when she's not. So I feel good that I know this. We all have different experiences but I know we can agree that you at least have to try to give it a shot.

  8. The problem with this scenerio, is you want him to be in a relationship with you now.. The truth is he's probably got a couple other girls he's seeing currently and your just in the mix of things. He doesn't want to lose a good lay, and you really shouldn't of told him nothing more than what your relationship is. Friends with benefits. He know knows you care about him and he's gonna take advantage of that most likely. Because it was friends with benefits thing in his mind from the start. Your gonna get your heart broken eventually if you really expect anything more from this guy, goodluck

  9. hey shysoul, there's been countless debates on here in the past over bad guys vs. the good guys. All I can see is there's different levels of confidence. A good guy and a bad guy with the same level of confidence, I think the results are the same. They will both meet girls. A good guy but said in a bad way from a woman, is a guy who's kinda like kyo in this situation. No offense to you here kyo, I'm just making a point. He's afraid in this situation, to approuch her for feeling ugly. Not giving her the chance to meet him to let her make up her mind. And if she says no. If confidence is lacking he will think it must be all about him and not maybe her. A guy who would have more confidence thinks, okay at least I gave it a shot and too bad then for her. I don't know her where I got any feelings so on to the next girl. I think I wrote before that to save yourself pain, it's best to ask a girl out before you get to know her too much. Shy you never post about this kind of confidence, you have women in your life. I think your extrodinarly nice to them, and you might possibly put them before you which makes them put the, he's way to nice to me, why is he going so much out of his way for me? is he needy, overprotective, jeleous? That's how I think girls think. I don't think they're used to the treatment so right away they think it's unusual and somethings wrong. But as long as she knows your doing it cause you know you don't have too. I think she wont have a problem with a so called, ' nice guy'. Back to kyo, you automatically just assume some stuff, and that thinking is the worst thinking. If it's not experienced you will always just assume the same thing for sure. I'm sure you already have reasons a mile long. But if you think it's a problem, try to do what you can to solve it. goodluck

  10. Hey qtpie87, you really seem like a cool girl. Your on and off though sometimes when I happen to read. But I don't think you need any help. I think your strong and your a sweet girl. Some people like to think automatically you must need major help. It's okay to be angry sometimes. Don't ever feel though there's a problem with you unless you feel it's a problem. Goodluck

  11. What is the question exactly? Very confusing. are you worried cause your friends father is an alcaholic, and she's currently married to an alcaholic? Or are you worried about the kid 'suzy'?? Liike Dn said don't expect miracles, she's been making her own desicions for awhile. I would tell her your worried about the kid and see what her take is on it. She may have to try to take care of this girl on her own if at all possible.

  12. Hey tynock, I feel kinda bad for you. First off, it sounds she stubborn cus it's all about her and her feelings obviously. . Where as your looking out for her sake and being more mature. She's does sound kind of immature, and you said you had that feeling when you met her. I wouldn't ever get upset with her about it, it will just make her dislike you. Too bad, if she misses talking to you. She clearly says she want's something different. She wants you to except that fact of being with other guys. That would be a big NO, in my book. I would have to leave her alone until she grows up. Or actually really examine why that's going on before I could make any drastic choices. But that's a really bold statement coming out of her, and wether it's immiturity or something else there is going on. She's clearly on a different page than you.

  13. Hey kyoshiro, I remember one time I read something from you about this girl you like on the bus. The longer you wait and build her up in fantasy land, that is your own head, if she says no, after you ask her, your gonna be more hurt. The sooner you ask her, the better. It's better to be rejected by a girl you have no real feelings for, than to get to know her and then make a move and be rejected. You have to make a move if you like her. You have to watch out for yourself first and stop catering to other woman that you don't even really know. If you thought like this, you would of asked her already. Your feelings have to come first. The more time you spend debating about this girl, she might get a boyfriend most likely in the meantime .Get your foot in the door at least with her now, and then go from there. She might actually like you. How will you ever know though if you keep downgrading yourself and saying it automatically can't happen. Your analizing is beating you up. Everybody has what you have in their head, it's common. But I think your just focusing on that one aspect of it way too much. Try to focus on asking her out first- Goodluck

  14. I have to agree with lady00, I didn't read your history. But he's on the rebound if he just broke up first off. It's good you feel not jumping so fast into things like he wants. But make sure he's over this other girl before you get to too involved. He'll drop you most likely , like yesterdays news, if he still wants his ex back. Goodluck

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