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Posts posted by Happy_Go_Lucky_Heb

  1. lol Marek "24/7" don't you wish you get paid for that? you'd b a millionaire at least!


    kuhl - why 3 times sunday? i don't get it.

    canadian girl: lol ur right no fair, u gurls get 2 hav multiple orgasms, us guys get screwed ova for 5-10 minutes after just one...

    pologirl: yea i think some chicks do do it heaps but they don't admit it hey

    gavzta: don't worry, some people do it more than once a day!


    Happy Heb

  2. Here's one of the reasons why you should be cocky/flirty with this chick


    "1.) She's got the extremely hot-"good person" combo going on. She is not a sl*t nor does she try to flirt/play with guys all the time. Most of the hot girls at my school do this, but not her."


    If she doesn't flirt then the guys won't flirt with her, plus she's a hottie, guys usually don't flirt with the top notch girls that's why you need 2 be different, everyone's sucking up to her...


    The age thing doesn't matter, my gf is a year older than me and in high school we still got along really well as a couple. BUt one thing is for sure DO check out if this girl you're planning to get to know better has a boyfriend or not, this could save you from a/couple of bunches.


    If you don't now this girl, get to know her fast coz you shouldn't ask her to a prom if you don't know her at all, it'll look really desperate.


    Btw, don't worry if you haven't got a gf. To be hoenst, I never had one till i was just before 16 anyway (week b4 my 16th b-day) and lotsa ppl still haven't dated ppl and they're in their early 20's so dont' stress!


    Happy Heb

  3. Yea all the communication stuff is fine, but if you are going out it usually is REALLY OK to kiss your partner but I dunno, with all the different cultures and religions these days apprently its wrong sometimes to even hold hands.


    Or just do it slowly, lean in and go for it, she'll pull out when its fully obvious what you're about to do, if she doesn't pull out then she's perfectly fine with it.


    Happy Heb

  4. Well cocky for me is kinda like fun/funny/flirting all put together.

    Being mysterious is just not giving away too much of yourself, let her find out about you, don't give it all away.


    Here's an example of being cocky:

    Her: are you dating somebody right now?

    You: is this a marriage proposal... you've got to be rich though


    You get the feeling? Like you're not trying to be a showoff because you know that's not true etc but at the same time you're still being funny and she'll stop asking questions and want to find more about you, which will do you good.


    Happy Heb

  5. Hey I am so sorry to hear about what you are going through. First off, I believe she really did mean it when she said she really loves you and wants to be with you, but she probably had creeping doubts in her mind about wanting to see what else is out there. The doubts might've gotten stronger and thats when she probably realized it was time to leave.

    Of course its very hard when you love someone so much just changes their mind, but she must've had these thoughts for quite some time, people usually don't make these kinds of decisions just out of the blue.

    And its totally natural for you to feel so angry at her right now, because she did after all make that decision to leave after what she had told you. But like I said, she most likely did mean it, but those doubts just keep creeping in. You know how you feel so right about something but you have lingering doubts? She probably felt it was time to do something about it before the relationship got any further.


    I'm sure this decision really is hard on her..of course, because she cares about you, and I can understand how frustrating it is for you to hear that but she's being honest with you and even if it was a hard decision for her to make, she made the right one if she had these doubts.

    And you've had the experience of getting "out there" and finding out how hard it is, she needs to experience that for herself as well. Maybe she will find out its not at all what its cracked up to be, and come back. The grass is always greener on the other side, and sometimes people need to go and find out that it really isn't. On the other hand, she might enjoy being single. Everyones experience is different.


    In order to move on from this, try to keep busy, hang out with friends and do things that you didn't get a chance to do during your relationship. Don't focus on being angry and frustrated at her. Its normal to feel that way, but try to focus your energies on you right now. Nows the chance to do whatever you want before you get into another relationship, whether its with her or someone else.


    Doing these things will also help you with your loneliness. What helped me for example was hanging out with my friends (who I barely saw while in my relationship), I made new friends, I took walks, went to movies (yes by myself too), went to bookstores and coffee shops, etc..eventually you start to meet new people and make new friends.


    You might also find out new things about yourself that you enjoy. You are also very smart in not settling for just anyone who comes along.

    Rebounds rarely ever work. How long you should remain single is different for everyone. Obviously while you are still very hurt, its best to remain single for as long as you need to heal. The best time to start dating again is when you feel ready to, and you will know when that time is right. Until then you most likely won't even be interested in dating or getting to know someone else. Now if for some reason you meet someone really cool that you might want to get to know, the best way is to be friends with them first, without the notion that it may turn romantic. If you find yourself starting to develop feelings for that person and you want to spend more time with them, then you'll know its right to pursue something more.


    Theres no easy solution to stop loving someone, God knows I've tried, but unfortunately you can't control feelings or emotions. Time is what you need in order to heal, take time out for yourself. unfortunately theres not a lot you can do to stop the pain except to keep busy and try not to be alone a lot of the time. When people are in a relationship, they are used to being with someone all of the time, and when they break up, they are all of a sudden alone most of the time and its hard for them and it makes the break up even more painful. If you don't feel like going out, go anyways, you will feel a little better, it does help to take the focus off of the pain and on her.


    Its always hard to trust anyone after an experience like this but trust is earned..and communication is very important.


    Anyway try these posts by moderator: The Morrigan - she's good

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    Happy Heb

  6. Well it's great that you can identify, admit and seek for help on your problem. That's a good start


    Being angry has a lotta consequences like swearing, violence, bloodshed, criminal conviction, things that could leave scars that will remain for a very long time. How much better things could have been if they had been able to handle their anger: it could have saved a lot of heartache. All of us face this same challenge – controlling our temper. How can we succeed? And, anyway, isn’t it healthy to release your anger every now and then?


    Some in the mental health field have suggested that it is good to let your anger out occasionally. This is said to increase your self-esteem and clear the air in your relationship with others. It is even asserted that holding your anger in is bad. A recent study of 1,000 couples, however, revealed that letting their anger out had a far from calming effect on their relationship. On the contrary, verbal aggression often led to physical aggression. Anger tends to feed on itself. It will, then, inflame a situation rather than calming it down.


    It is obviously the course of wisdom to control your anger. But how? The angry energy that we have built up must be dissipated in a controlled, non-destructive way. Taking a long walk, engaging in an activity you find relaxing, listening to music, taking a hot bath, watching a movie – all of these can help you to calm down.


    Using insight can also help a person to control their anger. Insight is the ability to see into a situation, to get all the facts before taking action. By using insight, you may realize that there is little reason for you to get upset in the first place. Insight will also cause you to weigh the consequences of any retaliatory action. You’ll probably deduce that it’s not worth it.


    Another way to slow down anger is to be careful about what you feed your mind. Much entertainment nowadays is packed with violence. And researchers are convinced that all of us are affected to some degree by the violence we see on the tv and movie screen.


    There are many things out there that are likely to provoke us, By learning to control our emotions, however, we will soon find that our lives and those around us are far more contented, safe and peaceful. And that’s got to be worth making the effort. So don't give up. Try some anger management courses if you have severe anger problems.


    Happy Heb

  7. Hey. First up, I'd like to welcome you to enotalone on behalf of everyone. I'm sure u've taken a nice step towards finding support and advice from many people of various ages from around the world which will be around for a while.


    HOLDUP there matey. One step at a time man. First decide wether you want to remain friends or go out. I'll help you through that step...


    Isn't life all about takin chances? you shouldn't think about things, just do it because you know, chances are you'll never be able to predict the future. But life's just too short, screw thinkin twice.


    What if she's just feelin what u're feelin, someone's gotta spill it out sonner or later, sure u might screw ur friendship ova for a while but at least she'll kno and u might get a chance in the future. Like me, I was in the same situation and now me and my really good friend's togetha.


    So what if u do screw up the friendship, if you're so close already, it'll just take some time before you're back 2 ur old friend style again because like it's virtually impossible to drift away from best friends unless you don't do anything about it.


    I think it's just you thinkin too much and worrying about things before they surpass but I suppose, sometimes people like to be prepared even though there's just way too many possiblities lol "ooh.. the possibilities" - some sorta toy ad catchphrase. Anyway, right back to this, even if u do worry, somethin else you might not b prepared for might occur, then wouldn't it have been a waste of time?


    I think you should tell, coz you know it's definitely the best way i reckon. Because that way you wouldn't waste your time, if she says no, u'll know what she feels sooner and plus, even if she says no, at least she knows you like her and now so she could reconsider.


    Don't think twice. Go for it. Like I said, life's way too short once you get down to it.



    PS once you know what you want on that, THEN worry about how you're gonna do it and ur grandparents. Just remember, don't stress or worry, take it nice and easy, one step at a time. You'll b fine.


    Happy Heb

  8. Well whateva your decision, I think you should comfort her and make her feel like you understand. Sometimes ppl get horny but when they're not they think about things differently and they might feel used etc.


    Apologize to her, see what she says about it, if she feels uncomfortable etc. definitely make the first move and don't pretend it didn't happen.


    Happy Heb

  9. Hey baby_gurl. lol I was kinda in your situation once and to this day I still don't think a 3 year gap difference was unacceptable once you're past 13 years. There will still be heaps of people out there who'll be against my views but com'on you're 14 he's 17... there's not a lotta difference there, if he's a nice guy then you'll be fine, just don't feel pressured into doing anything.


    On the side note, if he loved you all that much, then he'll break the rules for you, if he doesn't that doesn't mean he doesn't feel for you at all so don't take it wrong. I guess just let it slip, you don't know him that well by the sounds of it and if he doesn't like you, then give it sometime...


    Hope that helps

    Happy Heb

  10. Hey djsh.


    First up, I'm sorry to hear about your situation. I too know how it is like to feel and know that you love someone more than they do. I admire your persistance coz at times it feels so bad when you feel like you get treated a bit like crap compared to how much you put into the relationship.


    On a side note you can try these links by my moderator: The Morrigan - she's good.


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    Ok one thing I think you should stop is texting him these messages, if you wanna contact him, don't go to your relationship. This will slow down the process of you getting overhim and it will intense your pain. If his reasons are valid then it will hurt him too as he can feel guilty about how he feels for you now and that you still loveh im so much.


    I'd recommend just leaving him outta your life for now, I know its hard, just about everything will remind you of him in a way but don't live in the past, you're not together anymore and the sonner you move onto the present, the better it'll be. There's still lotsa guys around and just because they won't b exactly like him shouldn't stop you from trying.


    Hang in there...

    Happy Heb

  11. Yup lol just thrust it in! lol I dunno hey, some people really like just lips like I myself prefer a kiss w/o tongue because I reckon its more something, you grasp this indescribable "thing" if you leave the tongue out, probably coz you gonna cenentrate on where the tongue's going...


    I'm with vfunkera, there's really no way to guess what's happening.


    Happy Heb

  12. Hey


    First up I'd like to make a point. I don't think there's ANYTHING wrong with being a needy or sensitive person. Some girls and I know a lot of them WANT to feel loved and needed, infact almost everyone does. I do realise that sometimes it might be too much but it really usually isn't unless u call this person up like more than well put it this way, unless u talk to that person more than say 3-4 hours a day.


    I don't know about needy but truly sensitive guys are harder to find, just remember a woman is attracted to a man because of his strength but loves him because of his weaknesses. If girls ain't willing to give you a go just because they think you seem a "lil needy" then they're not worth it.


    I reckon that's a whole excuse coz if they really wanted to know you better, don't you think they'd give you a second chance, can you really know someone in like 2 hours? Don't cut yourself down and there is NO NEED to change yourself, you are who you are, be happy with that or you're never be truly happy with yourself, especially it you become someone you're not or meant to be.


    Whatever happens I do agree with one thing. Don't push it, if she doesn't call back or reply let it be. She can be busy or caught up in something like a big exam the next day or something important you're unaware about. Or she could've been playing some hard to get (which really isn't worth it). So yea caring people usually are understanding and sensitive people usually are caring so try and show yourself a bit more in the right direction?


    It's really nice of you, giving all your heart but do realise that you're gonna get burnt again and again - I know how that feels, just be prepared, this won't be the first time.


    Hope that helped.

    Happy Heb


    PS: Kel, if you're following this still - CONGRATS on ur veteran status!

  13. Hey. From where I'm sittin, there's two main possibilities.


    1: He's confused (mentioned by sparkal) but still deeply into you and he can't control himself. However, he wants to make decisions w/o too much of an influence. In a way, this is a bad sign - he cares more for himself than you by distancing you to see what's best for him.


    2: He wants more attention... by leaving you, you think more about him and by kissing you well... that sure gets some attention.


    Happy Heb

  14. LOL i think its great! Don't forget your shades man. It'll be like *pulls out m&m's. Now... actually, hangon, let me put my shades on!. Now pick the red one....


    Nah man, its not lame, your still in High School. I'd love to do it and steal your plan but I already have a gf. I'm glad that you put so much thought to it, but in case it doesn't work out the way you plan, don't be cut. On otp of that, if you feel like aborting, then its ok to do so too, just going with a simple asking out style is perfectly acceptable, you're just asking her out, you're not getting married!



    Happy Heb

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