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Posts posted by Happy_Go_Lucky_Heb

  1. Hey. First up, I'd like to welcome you to enotalone on behalf of everyone. I'm sure u've taken a nice step towards finding support and advice from many people of various ages from around the world which will be around for a while.


    I personally don't like playing games like that and you neva win really. So I recommend you to think about what you want, if you want her, which it sounds like you do then bust a move.


    Isn't life all about takin chances? you shouldn't think about things, just do it because you know, chances are you'll never be able to predict the future. But life's just too short, screw thinkin twice.


    What if he/she's just feelin what u're feelin, someone's gotta spill it out sonner or later, sure u might screw ur friendship ova for a while but at least he'll kno and u might get a chance in the future. Like me, I was in the same situation and now me and my really good friend's togetha.


    You don't really have a friendship right now, well not a deep bond yet so it's a great way of finding out things about people as when you're going out with someone, you learn so much more about them as you would friends, plus, what have you got to loose?



    I think it's just you thinkin too much and worrying about things before they surpass but I suppose, sometimes people like to be prepared even though there's just way too many possiblities lol "ooh.. the possibilities" - some sorta toy ad catchphrase. Anyway, right back to this, even if u do worry, somethin else you might not b prepared for might occur, then wouldn't it have been a waste of time?


    I think you should tell, coz you know it's definitely the best way i reckon. Because that way you wouldn't waste your time, if she says no, u'll know what she feels sooner and plus, even if she says no, at least she knows you like her and now so she could reconsider.


    Don't think twice. Go for it. Like I said, life's way too short once you get down to it.




    Happy Heb

  2. Hey


    Based on the type of brekaup, there's heaps of songs for me. Here are a couple:


    Destiny's Child - Survivor

    Dido - Hunter, Thank You

    Foo Fighters - Walking after you

    Human Nature - Don't Come Back

    Joanne - I don't know

    Lenny Kravitz - Again

    Madisun - Don't you worry

    Matchbox 20 - When you're gone

    Mel C - If that were me

    Nsync - Bye Bye Bye

    Paulmac - The sound of breaking up

    Usher - You got it bad

    Evanescence - My Immortal

    Delta Goodrem - Lost without you


    And Linkin Park songs - practically every song they sing can relate to a breakup or the coming of one.


    Happy Heb

  3. Hey Wolfy


    I kinda understand what you go through. But I'm not sure what's going on in your case, are you comparing ur gf and ex or just needing a breather on how crap your gf treats you?

    I'll assume second one.


    If you're like me, you're the giver in a relationship, you give so much and get so little back. Do you ever feel like ur the only one holding the whole relationship 2getha? Like if you stop trying everything will fall apart so easy? Coz that's what i feel like sometimes.


    I don't know why people are like that, I suppose its just different personalities, some chicks don't like that stuff whereas other love it. I really like the sweet stuff, I think we're just really sensitive guys. For my gf I don't think its bcoz she doesn't like it, I think she just has problems expressing herself from her heart. Its possible that ur girl feels the same and perhaps you pressure her to much that she gets a bit enraged. I remember when I got really angry at my gf once coz I felt like she treats me like crap and that she neva tries, I nearly broke up with her one day and she started crying bcoz she really had been trying. Your girl being angry could just be a way of expressing that she tries as well, so much that she's fustrated. Or maybe she's just totally not into that stuff, how does she act when you do your sweetalking?


    I suppose at the end of the day. You really have to ask yourself some questions like "is this the same chick I fell for?" and "can I really stay with her like this?". For me, I'm just giving our relationship some time, hoping that she'll change and it should, good things take time. Plus, its not like I don't love her, I really do its just out personalities are totally different and sometimes, I think it'd be better if we were just friends. It's like the saying "men are like shoes, the ones you fall for aren't always the ones you can live with". You could consider the time possibility.


    Happy Heb

  4. Hey Sunfirechick.


    Yea I know its annoying when your loved one's away, I had to go away for xmas too, it was harder than I thought. Anyway, try this link for some ideas:

    link removed


    On top of that how about sending an audio tape or a video tape of you talking to him/her? I know it's SO nice to hear their voice or see them whenever you want, instead of waiting for that phone call.


    Another thing I used to do is find out what his favorite snacks are and send tons of those candy bars or goodies that they can't get in their country. That's always fun.


    Happy Heb

  5. I sincerely hope that building trust in a relationship is your first priority, for without trust, all efforts are essentially wasted. Now, trust is something that needs to be "built," and the word "built" suggests a process that unfolds slowly, over time. Trust is not something you can simply snap into (much as we wish it were!) but rather, something that needs to be built, to be earned.


    Building trust in a relationship can happen in a number of ways. One of my favorites ways to build trust is to simply spend time together. The more quality, loving time together, the greater the chances are that you will remember what drew you to your spouse in the first place.


    Spending loving time together is also the best way I know to increase communication, empathy, and understanding. Did you ever notice that couples who have been together a long time seem practically to be able to read one anothers minds? Spending a good deal of loving time together has lead them to be "of one mind," and better able to communicate... and thereforeeee, to trust.


    I think you should just learn to trust your gf, and best friend, 2 of the most important people in ur life other than family. We all have insecurities from time to time but the best way is just let it be, if ur gf and her ex is gonna get back or hav the possibility, wouldn't you want it to be sooner rather than later?


    Happy Heb

  6. It is very common for women to have breasts of different sizes, extreme cases for that difference I heard was 2 full cup sizes. You should be glad its not that bad!


    Like Auriqua mentioned, you may want to consult a fitting specialist at a specialty lingerie store. Often these specialists have expertise with people who have had your similar situation or various other fitting challenges from mastectomies to lumpectomies. They can recommend several types of bra padding or inserts to suit your needs and comfort.


    As a mentioned before, don't worry too much, if you're breasts don't even out one day you can still consult a plastic surgeon.


    When girls begin puberty, usually between the ages of 8 and 13, their breasts begin to develop starting with just a little swelling under the nipple, which is known as breast budding. You may notice that one of your breasts starts developing before the other or that one is growing more quickly than the other. The medical term for this is differential development, and it's nothing to worry about. In fact, it's estimated that about 40% of women have different-sized breasts, so you are definitely not alone. Many times this difference in breast size evens out once a girl is older or fully grown, usually around age 20.


    Your mom, grandmother, older sister, and aunt may have had different-sized breasts also. Ask around - you might feel better if you find out that they had to deal with the same issue.


    Many girls with different-sized breasts just accept that they are normal and don't do anything differently. The fact is that exercises, supplements, or diets won't help you change the size of your breasts, so those really aren't options. Other girls feel more comfortable with their bodies if they wear especially supportive bras or special inserts that make their breasts appear more equal in size. The good news is that other people usually can't see the difference in the size of your breasts.


    Happy Heb

  7. Hey supaxero.


    I see what you're getting at but you really think by pressuring her into something ur not going to loose your chance? We must think different coz when I breakup with someone, the first thing on my mind ain't trying 2 be with someone else because it looks bad and its like a slap in the face for the person I just broke up with.


    The trick here is just spending as much time as you used to spend with her b4 she started going out with this guy unless she requests you to spend more time by asking you to do something with her for a change. Make her feel that you're her friend and I don't think you need to remind your feelings again for another month or two.


    Just remember, even if she broke up with her bf and told you everything, that won't necessarily mean that she's trying to say she broke up with her bf for you (that usually doesn't happen for real, i always thought of it as a fake excuse). So it just sounds like she needs a shoulder and if you can be that shoulder, you'll make a real good impression and if you have a chance, that chance will come soon one day. THat's the way I'd go with it and I think the chances for that are usually higher than pressuring someone into a relationship.


    Happy Heb

  8. Yup, SAM's got a good point again. When I started going out wif my gf, she was a bit taller than me, now we're around the same height but I still feel shorter coz I hardly bother to stand full straight and I have a long neck. I assume it was funny for her at first but now that we're around the same she's kinda glad. She teases me a lot about it by saying "hey at least ur not shorter than me" and things worse then that but the way I figure it is that if it doesn't bother me then it won't get to me.


    Once u're in love with someone, looks don't matter too much anyway.


    Take it easy

    Happy Heb

  9. Hey


    I just replied a similar post so I'll take some of that and ad in here.

    Ok, u've cheated and now you're going to face some problems.

    One of such is lost of trust.

    Getting caught by your significant other will lead to dozens of problems, both short and long-term. First of all, he/she can very well leave your butt on the spot. Relationships are built on trust and breaking that bond is often irreversible.


    But if he/she really loves you and decides to maintain the relationship, then you have some interesting problems for the road ahead. How does getting questioned about everything you do sound? Or even better, knowing that your significant other could hold your screw up above your head for the remainder of your relationship? Let us give you a quick answer here; it will suck.


    At the end of the day You WILL HURT your bf. In most cases, you will shatter their trust, their opinion of you, as well as their beliefs in the relationship. They may leave you and have every right to do so. Even if you are forgiven, the relationship will never be the same. You will be hurt. You did care about your significant other and if they end the relationship, it will be over. You may lose friends once they find out.


    Loss of Respect:

    This ties in with the loss of trust in a relationship because if you cannot keep your pants on when you are with someone, you are a sorry piece of work. Most people with healthy relationships believe not only in respecting their spouse, but also believing and respecting one's self. Without this key element, he/she will be questioning if it is really worth their time to continue staying with you. Furthermore, you integrity as a quality person will be jeopardized. If you get dumped, who are you going to try for next? Oh her/him? Sorry, he/she heard about your exploits and is not going to touch you with a ten-foot pole. Believe us when we say, "word gets around fool".


    I'm not sure wether you need to tell him as you've only been with him for 3 months and that would be the maximum acceptable limit coz things are still new. However, if you don't spill it out now, you risk the secret coming to light later on in the future and causing more damage. You also risk your role in the relationship, if you are able to cheat and keep it a secret, what else are you capable of?


    In either case, it comes down to your decision and your motives. Despite your decision, there is one thing that you should NEVER do: ask friends, family, even the other person to lie for you. This is your mess, you can ask them not to tell, but don't ask them to lie directly. If they are asked directly by your significant other, they shouldn't have to compromise themselves for your gain.


    Happy Heb

  10. Hey emotional sweetie. I'm still not exactly sure what your problem is but I'll try to offer some assistance from what I can gather. Are you loosing feelings for him or are you afraid he's loosing feelings for you?


    I think you said you tried the online dating thing. It seems to me that you still have feelings for someone you don't know. First of all I'd like to mention, as you most already know that online dating isn't always the best way of finding someone, nevertheless its still convenient. This is mainly because, its so easy to lie and you never really know who you're talking to or when you'll talk to them again.


    You seem like a very insecure person like me. What I do is just take it easy and trust the other person and think, whateva will happen will happen. If you're about to loose him, let it be, you's probably don't know each other too well yet anyway.


    I"ll stay around if you wanna clarify anything.

    Happy Heb

  11. Hey maynards_razorblade69, happy here


    lol "shed some light on this situation" - you sound like our moderator swingfox. It sounds like you've head one of those "what happens if one of us cheats" conversations with your bf. Were you one of those people who always said "I'd never cheat on my bf"?


    People say that all the time, but honestly, sometimes you can't answer a question till you're faced in the situation. Its like the saying "leave a man no options, you leave a man with no choice". What I'm saying is you hadn't cheated before so him saying that he'd forgive you but not be real and even if he did forgive you, you can face the possibility of him just pretending to forgive you when he's really annoyed - which won't be much help at all for your relationship with him. However, if he found the heart within him to forgive you, he probably will and you'd have a lot to make up for.


    Don't lie to him - especially not tell him you're raped, coz you never know, he might go and punch the crap outta this guy and then the truth might be discovered and you'd be really screwed.


    You're going to face problems now anyway like STD's. You mentioned you had sex with this guy. As with all sexual relationships, STD's are a serious threat to both you and your significant other. We all know about the effects of HIV and AIDS, but there are ranges of other STD's that will alter your lifestyle in a heartbeat. Chlamydia, syphilis, genital warts, gonorrhea and herpes are just a few diseases that will not only ruin your existing relationship, but will become a major obstacle with many future relationships. So before you go off with your booty call, since it is next to impossible to tell if they are carrying anything, wrap it up. For more information on STD's, check out our STDs section. If you don't care about yourself, at least have the compassion for the person you are putting at risk.


    Loss of Trust:

    You may think that this is irrelevant to you because he/she "isn’t going to catch you". Okay, you can think like that, but what if the impossible happens. Getting caught by your significant other will lead to dozens of problems, both short and long-term. First of all, he/she can very well leave your butt on the spot. Relationships are built on trust and breaking that bond is often irreversible.


    But if he/she really loves you and decides to maintain the relationship, then you have some interesting problems for the road ahead. How does getting questioned about everything you do sound? Or even better, knowing that your significant other could hold your screw up above your head for the remainder of your relationship? Let us give you a quick answer here; it will suck.


    At the end of the day You WILL HURT your bf. In most cases, you will shatter their trust, their opinion of you, as well as their beliefs in the relationship. They may leave you and have every right to do so. Even if you are forgiven, the relationship will never be the same. You will be hurt. You did care about your significant other and if they end the relationship, it will be over. You may lose friends once they find out.


    Loss of Respect:

    This ties in with the loss of trust in a relationship because if you cannot keep your pants on when you are with someone, you are a sorry piece of work. Most people with healthy relationships believe not only in respecting their spouse, but also believing and respecting one's self. Without this key element, he/she will be questioning if it is really worth their time to continue staying with you. Furthermore, you integrity as a quality person will be jeopardized. If you get dumped, who are you going to try for next? Oh her/him? Sorry, he/she heard about your exploits and is not going to touch you with a ten-foot pole. Believe us when we say, "word gets around fool".


    I think you should tell him because this isn't a new relationship, this is a 1 y.o one. If you don't spill it out now, you risk the secret coming to light later on in the future and causing more damage. You also risk your role in the relationship, if you are able to cheat and keep it a secret, what else are you capable of?


    In either case, it comes down to your decision and your motives. Despite your decision, there is one thing that you should NEVER do: ask friends, family, even the other person to lie for you. This is your mess, you can ask them not to tell, but don't ask them to lie directly. If they are asked directly by your significant other, they shouldn't have to compromise themselves for your gain.



    Happy Heb

  12. Hey Supaxero, great to hear that you might get an opportunity coming up soon after periods of bad timing.


    First thing supaxero is that I'd recommend you lay off telling her your feelings now that she already knows and you probably remind her everynow and then too. The reason is that she might feel pressured into another relationship, which really isn't necessary so soon after breakup because sometimes they become "rebound" or "lets make my ex jealous" relationships.


    Secondly, as justagirl has mentioned, offer her support and from before, don't tell her too much about your feelings at this stage as you're most likely not the thing on the top of her "to do list". In addition, it might make her doubt wether you're really there for her, or just trying to get her. If she believes you're helping her for real, who knows, she might fall for you later on once all this is over.


    Hang in there

    Happy Heb

  13. Hey


    Nice to hear that you and ur best friend are going pretty well. Perhaps you need to take it easy. I'm sure that she at least considers the possibliity of u's getting together or there'd b no way she'd even let u get close to her lips. I think maybe she's just having second thoughts about developing ur friendship to something more, it happens all the time, that might be the reason why things are a bit awkward right now. In addition, if she's young, maybe she's not allowed to date anyone yet. There's a lot of possibilities and you could be better off asking her urself.


    Give it sometime, she might see through it and not pressure her too much into anything, just remind her that you are around and what you feel for her.



    Happy Heb

  14. Hey radiotone. I think that there's something you're just not seeing. It sounds like ur totally in love with her. You want things to be perfect and on top of that u sound self-consious with urself when you need to realise that if she loves you, she seriously won't mind. Nothings perfect, everyone has problems and how u get through it depends on the plan of attack u use.


    You really gotta take it easy and it one of the main reasons why I think ur going paranoid and thinking overtime is u need to get it out to her, let her know what ur feeling and u'll feel so much better. Chances are, she'll confort you and make u feel loved, what I think u need right now with ur insecurities.


    Happy Heb

  15. 1: the thing you regret not doing or not doing again

    I don't have regrets, I believe that things happen for a reason and always, no matter what there will be ups and downs of a action and as long as I'm happy where I am, which I am, I won't regret anything.


    2: would would have you attempted to change but cant

    Nothing, what's happened has happened.


    3: something you will prevent or change in the future

    I don't usually go out of my way to change something. But I guess I just want to be more aware of things so I'll know how to deal with it.


    Hey kel, happy here Haven't seen you round for a while but I've been away anyway. Hope ur good.


    Happy Heb

  16. Hey. First up, I'd like to welcome you to enotalone on behalf of everyone. I'm sure u've taken a nice step towards finding support and advice from many people of various ages from around the world which will be around for a while.


    I don't like playin games and frankly just can't be bothered. If you can't figure out what she wants then question urself, what do you want.... it sounds like you want more.


    Isn't life all about takin chances? you shouldn't think about things, just do it because you know, chances are you'll never be able to predict the future. But life's just too short, screw thinkin twice.


    What if he/she's just feelin what u're feelin, someone's gotta spill it out sonner or later, sure u might screw ur friendship ova for a while but at least he'll kno and u might get a chance in the future. Like me, I was in the same situation and now me and my really good friend's togetha.


    You don't really have a friendship right now, well not a deep bond yet so it's a great way of finding out things about people as when you're going out with someone, you learn so much more about them as you would friends, plus, what have you got to loose?


    I think it's just you thinkin too much and worrying about things before they surpass but I suppose, sometimes people like to be prepared even though there's just way too many possiblities lol "ooh.. the possibilities" - some sorta toy ad catchphrase. Anyway, right back to this, even if u do worry, somethin else you might not b prepared for might occur, then wouldn't it have been a waste of time?


    I think you should tell, coz you know it's definitely the best way i reckon. Because that way you wouldn't waste your time, if he says no, u'll know what he feels sooner and plus, even if he says no, at least he knows you like him and now so he could reconsider.


    Don't think twice. Go for it. Like I said, life's way too short once you get down to it.



    Happy Heb

  17. Hey. First up, I'd like to welcome you to enotalone on behalf of everyone. I'm sure u've taken a nice step towards finding support and advice from many people of various ages from around the world which will be around for a while.


    I don't like playin games and frankly just can't be bothered. If you can't figure out what she wants then question urself, what do you want.... it sounds like you want more.


    Isn't life all about takin chances? you shouldn't think about things, just do it because you know, chances are you'll never be able to predict the future. But life's just too short, screw thinkin twice.


    What if he/she's just feelin what u're feelin, someone's gotta spill it out sonner or later, sure u might screw ur friendship ova for a while but at least he'll kno and u might get a chance in the future. Like me, I was in the same situation and now me and my really good friend's togetha.


    You don't really have a friendship right now, well not a deep bond yet so it's a great way of finding out things about people as when you're going out with someone, you learn so much more about them as you would friends, plus, what have you got to loose?


    I think it's just you thinkin too much and worrying about things before they surpass but I suppose, sometimes people like to be prepared even though there's just way too many possiblities lol "ooh.. the possibilities" - some sorta toy ad catchphrase. Anyway, right back to this, even if u do worry, somethin else you might not b prepared for might occur, then wouldn't it have been a waste of time?


    I think you should tell, coz you know it's definitely the best way i reckon. Because that way you wouldn't waste your time, if she says no, u'll know what she feels sooner and plus, even if she says no, at least she knows you like her and now so she could reconsider.


    Don't think twice. Go for it. Like I said, life's way too short once you get down to it.



    Happy Heb

  18. lol "Le Grande Royale Plot"- akatoro


    Anyway, thanks lil_mamarains13 for your two cents. Yea I understand what you mean by easily chilled. Its like we're extra sensitive or something hey. You like ur men strong and buff. lol unfortunately for me, I'm not extra strong and me and my gf are actually around the same age, height and weight. I haven't exactly tried picking her up before and I'm not sure wether that's even possible but she's only around 50kg's heavy and I'm pretty sure I've picked up 40k's luggage before so I'll wanna try sometime.


    Happy Heb

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