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Everything posted by ades

  1. ades

    Sex with EX

    Well, I am 20, my g/f is 18. We broke up "mutually" because we had been together for 2+ years and it just didn't seem to be "working", but we still had/have (?) strong feelings for each other but I guess we decided it was best in our heads, even though our hearts said otherwise. I don't think she is interested in anyone else, she says she is not looking (and I believe her) BUT she is very attractive/flirty/outgoing and a lot of guys like HER and sooner or later it will happen..... Me I'm not really interested in anyone else - thinking about her too much and whether it was a mistake that we broke up. I guess the sex thing is, well..."comforting" in the fact that it makes me feel like she wants me back, even though that is probably not the case and that it is purely a physical thing, even though we still have strong feelings for each other.
  2. ades

    Sex with EX

    I know what you mean, but with my ex-ex G/f, we never had this happen and although we did not talk or see each other for a while, we are now very close friends (no sex or physical contact though). So you think just leave it? Not see her anymore - because you are right, we can't keep our hands off each other and I guess it's the discipline (for lack of a better word?) to either resist or just not see her at all.
  3. ades

    Sex with EX

    luvsick 41, Yeah you're right - it's "right" for all those reasons, but wrong in so many more ways. Do you think I should just avoid seeing her altogether or see her but not have any initmate contact? Even if we see each other and don't have sex, we always seem to hug and hold each other a lot ( I guess the comfortability factor, vs doing that with someone who was just a friend), lie on the couch watching TV or whatever, sometimes even hold hands etc when out, EVEN though we are not together. Are these things bad as well? Am I just holding on to what we had in the past? Should I stop all physical contact completely?
  4. Hi everyone, My g/f and I broke up some time ago (about a month or so) and we still keep in contact and talk but have on a number of occasions had sex and/or other sexual activity. I know this makes it harder to get over her, but it makes me feel close to her and makes me feel as though she still has feelings for me. Should I stop seeing her completely so as to stop all of this happening? Because I know that if she were to meet someone and all this were to stop, it would be hard (as it would be like going from a highly intimate relationship, though we are not together, to one where it would be "off-limits" to touch her) We both just get the "urge" and it just happens. Then afterwards we always say it's not right, we shouldn't do it, etc, but it keeps happening. What should I do?
  5. My ex did this a lot, when she had a bit to drink, she would get very flirty with all the boys (and of course, they encouraged). I would get jealous and moody and all the guys would think I was overly possessive. Then I would take her aside and tell her what she was doing and she would just say "she didn't realise she was doing it" (part alcohol and part personality type?). If any females out there can answer, is this a "valid" reasoning - "I didn't realise"? Or do you always know when you're flirting?
  6. Jeff, We broke up the "first" time because she started seeing someone else. Although she initially calimed she broke up with me and THEN started seeing him, I know she had feelings for this guy while we were still together. That didn't last because I fought for her, I saw her as often as I could to show her I really loved her and eventually we got back together. Problem was, after the whole incident it was never the same and I guess the "strain" just took its toll after I was so jealous/worried because it had happened before and so we broke up "for good". I don't want to call her because I'm scared I'll get her while she's with someone or doing something while I'm doing nothing. I think she still has *some* feelings for me, but only those that may be around after a 2 yr relationship. I know she says it's not right for us to be back together and that if it is meant to happen "it will".
  7. Hi everyone, My g/f and I have been on again off again for sometime, but now it is over for good. We still see each other and talk to each other a bit, but it is becoming increasingly difficult not to get jealous when she tells me about all these parties and nights out she's having, how well work is going, things she's looking forward to, all of which don't include me. She has moved on (I think...) Me on the other hand have not and I think about her all the time and don't do anything. I just sit around hoping/waiting until she calls hoping she'll ask to see me. I want to see her but when I do, it's so hard because I get really jealous about how she has moved on and the worse thing is thinking about her with another guy. I'm not sure its so much that I want to get back with her, but I hate that I can't move on and she has quite easily. We were together for 2 and a bit years and I still feel strongly about her. I try and go out with friends and meet new people, but I just get depressed because I am thinking about her and what she might be doing who she might be meeting, etc. Please help?
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