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Everything posted by Keizshie

  1. I hate sex too and i dont want my bf asking for it, makes me think that it is all that he wants from me. i also told him that its okay with me if he'll do it with other girls..im not open to any positions aside from missionary (that is if i'll have sex with my bf). Dont worry about it too much things always change maybe when you get married she'll be open to it and will love it... Don't you think she is just afraid of the consequences (just like me)?
  2. think of it this way, if you'll just let it go am pretty sure there will be doubts and what if's on you mind which might be a cause of misunderstandings... if it is really bothering you, then u have to bring it up but in a nice way... goodluck!
  3. If ever i met someone close, i would definitely let my partner know. Maybe things are really meant to happen...who knows, maybe someone closer is waiting for u....goodluck!
  4. i guess u girls are right...so the question here is..do u think i have to continue it?
  5. i am willing to give up everything for him..it's just that we still cant afford to be together...i am afraid of taking the risk...
  6. We spend only 3-8 days in a year together when he visits me..however, we really spend quality time.
  7. Communication and trust is the most important factor in a LTLDR. When you are inlove distance doesnt matter and having the person that u love matters than not having him/her at all.
  8. I'm inlove with my boyfriend but it seems that our relationship isn't working anymore the first problem is the distance..we are thousand miles apart and we only get to see each other once a year tho theres this usual communication. He always calls me and we always talk online but still it is different from talking to him face to face. Lately, i dont get excited anymore when he calls and i always get mad.. does that mean i'm not inlove with him anymore?
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