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Posts posted by pooh-bare

  1. I listen to Clark Howard on Talk Radio and he HIGHLY recommends Online Savings accounts, they yield approx 5% apr vs the usual 1-2% for traditional banks. My question is how do I know which one to go with? There must be 1000's! Clark didn't name any specifically, so I'm not sure which one is better than another. Anyone have an Online account who could shed some light on this for me?



  2. .. what do you think makes a happy and self confident child? How can a parent decrease a child's likelihood to use drugs, or engage in any other harmful behaviors?
    Once kids get to a certain age they discover that we as parents can only control so much. They are going to do whatever it is they are going to do. And unfortunately we can't stop it since we can't be with them 24/7.....Always having an open relationship with them I think helps. Allowing them to talk to us about anything and everything with honesty helps. This along with keeping them involved in extra cir. activities and with church has been successful with me..... But I don't believe it's possible to decrease their likelihood completely.
  3. I think it's very possible.......when I first met my ex, I wasn't interested in all. My first thought was "not so hot looking", but then I got to know him, fell in love with him and he became THE most gorgeous man I'd ever seen.....Too bad he turned out to be a real jerk in the long run..............."I firmly believe lust and passionate sex are the basis and foundation stones

    of a healthy relationship" ~ unknown

  4. i hate to be cruel or anything, but the quality of some of the personal ads in Yahoo personals make me wonder "did you graduate from elementary school?" i'm too mean. thought the exact same thing. And what about the ones who can't spell ATALL???? It's not just yahoo, it's ALL of them.......don't know where you are, but in my part of the world it's the same profiles over and over for literally years.. and lots of times they'll wink (or whatever) you respond, then you never hear from them again, but the profile is still there!
  5. Please, please, try to find a way to get some professional help.... I am not a *cutter* nor have I ever starved myself, but I am an alcoholic. Thru a 12 Step program and counseling I've learned what "caused" (for lack of a better word) my alcohol abuse which eventually progressed to alcoholism. I've been sober for many years now and have no desire to harm me ever again.....I'm praying for you, hun..It will only get better if you take the first step and desire to get better.

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