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Posts posted by shikashika

  1. yeah, a HUGE reason why you need to move out!!!!! I would totally date a guy who is a virgin, but I wouldn't date a guy who lived with his parents (unless they were invalids) or he was saving money to buy his own place, in the very near future.


    I somewhat agree with the living with parents things..but still to me ..I wouldn't be able to date a virgin guy....


    I look at the whole picture when living with parents...if someone had NEVER lived out of their parents homes then I think thats a totally different story than people who have to go back temporarily.. I can think of many many people who've moved back into their parents homes, when they've either broken up with a partner, gone back to school, moved back after living overseas, moved apartments and waiting to find a more suitable one... plan on moving away in 6 months or less and its hard to find a place and get set up for only a few months, somewhere to stay while looking for a new apartment/ house.. There are many reasons why people may move back in with the parents for a short term.


    I actually met a guy recently who is in his thirties... but has been living in china for 3 years, and then in Europe for two.. and moved back about 6months ago and is looking for a decent apartment.. but the city I live in has a 2% vacancy rate.. I think that is a different situation


    I don't think living with parents for a short time is that bad... but I do think when parents control their 30-something ( or even twenty-something) children's thoughts then thats a problem.


    I'm just concerned with Luke, that he has NEVER left the confines of his parents home ( is that true?)


    i think its great that Luke has a great best-friend relationship with his father... but in a situation like this.. I think living on his own.. or with roommates would greatly help the other areas of his life

  2. WAX!!!!!!


    Once you've had a Brazilian you will never go back


    Make sure its by someone who actually knows what a Brazilian is... I went to one place once, and she barely did a bikini wax


    a Real Brazilian will remove the hair all the way under and the a.s.s as well ( if you need it!... most girls still have a very tiny fine bit!)

  3. ok next time try and make some paragraphs... makes it easier to read


    Are you fine with it being a one night stand? of course Lots of girls like one night stands.. just as lots of guys do.. you never know... many relationships develop form one night stands... just as many relationships develop from people taking 8 months to 'get to know each other' or being friends for several years..



    Most importantly... what do YOU want to happen???

  4. So far, people have said there are many components to a relationship, and one of the least of these is virginity to predictate a happy, healthy and lasting good relationship.


    In my own case, people tend to confirm my own suspicions, the my setup and where I see myself in life or what I'm all about seem to take precedent on being or not being a virgin, although I think that being a virgin is important until you've meet the right person because it shows that you have enough discipline and resolve to wait. But, I also have phase-shifts that would challenge that concept - although my mom and dad would stand as safe-guards to ensure such phase-shifts are kept at bay.


    What I don't get is what your parents have to do with this when you are a 30 year old man!


    What do YOU believe... if your parents weren't there

  5. I don't think there is any problem with bringing the new guy along.. it sounds like she just said the its awkward thing to try and be polite..but it probably wasn't awkward for HER at all


    You're right.. leave the ball in her court if she wants to meet up for dinner


    'hope to see you tonight' is just being polite... I wouldn't read too much into that

    • Like 1
  6. agree with Honey Pumpkin here....


    Also.. I do NOT think that your mother has a right to dominate what you THINK... sure.. you live under her house, you do the cleaning, pay her rent...use the car, invite people over that sort of thing... but even a young child has a right to believe what they want as long as they abide by their parents rules.


    i think someone dominating another person's benefits or thinking is almost some type of abuse... You are 30 years old!!!


    It seems like when many people on here question your beliefs.. you say, "well my mum says this or that.."


    Do YOU believe that? Do you think you would have different beliefs if mom wasn't hovering over all the time? What if you were living on your own... or at least with roommates? maybe you would feel a little more relaxed about this whole scenario.


    Instead of just meeting people on line... what about going out and trying to meet people... If no romance comes of it.. at least friends do..and those friends know people. I know you said that you are a realtor? and that you dont' have a steady income? Well, why not get a second job that DOES have a steady job? At least you can move out and get some roommates and pay for your rent and get out of the parents house

  7. Hi , has anyone taken a course with athabasca that can provide me with some urgent information? Please message me or post here!!!


    Thank you




    I took correspondence courses through Athabasca about 6/7 years ago...and they were applied to the university I actually got my degree from.. What do you need to know about them?

  8. My mother has a right to dominate what I think and what I'm doing, since I'm living under her roof and she's paying the bills and she invested in me. It would break her heart if I lost my virginity with anyone I'm not married to, especially if it's someone I meet from adultfriendfinder (which I almost did last November).




    You've never meet or dated anyone that was a virgin?


    I know this question wasn't directed towards me.... but no I have never ever ever dated a guy who was a virgin... I don't even know any male or female virgins.. NONE


    If you are trying to find non-virgins... why go on adult friend finder? that site is purely for finding a shag!

  9. If you said, " My boyfriend hangs out with his exes and female friends and I am fine with it".... then I would have said "Sure! go ahead... its great that you're good friends" but since you said you do NOT like your boyf hanging out with his exes then I would say no..


    or go out with him.. but don't call it a birthday dinner... go out for a coffee in the middle of the day when you are running errands maybe..

  10. i hatehow when a girl doesnt want to have sex teh guy has to wait and if hes frustrated then he comes off as a jerk but when the girl complains about the guy not having a strong sex drive its all understandable...



    Take a look at my post... i'm with the guy!


    I think there is more to the issue than just the girl just doesn't wnat to have sex... For whatever reason, I think she should be able to talk about it with him. If you can get naked with someone, surely she shoudl bde able to talk about it!

  11. If you know that you need to have sex with someone in order to be in a relationship with her then don't continue to be in that relationship with her...


    sure she might have a great personality or tells great jokes... or whatever... but I agree with you... if there is no sex...there is no relationship


    i have many many great friends who are kind loyal, honest, would do anything for me, funny irresistible, fun loving have a great personality...etc etc.. They are my FRIENDS... no lovers...but i don't have sex with THEM...


    i don't think I could be in a relationship with out sex.


    Who knows,... maybe she is testing you (which I think is a little immature ... if this is the case.... what happened to good communication!??!)

  12. Well I think you look cute! in a sideways sort of way!


    Seriously, maybe they find you attractive! i dont' stare at plain boring people


    Take it as a compliment..especially if the person staring is a stud muffin or cutie pie as well!

  13. Why is it okay for guys wanting girls to try anal but if a girl brings it up to a guy, it makes the guy gay and the girl is a freak for bringing it up?


    The worlds view on things and double standards are so ridiculous!




    Exactly!!!!!! all guys want to do it to me...


    When I say "so I brought a strap on with me today......." they have a 'headache' or need to 'dry thier hair'

  14. Luke, reading though the 15 pages here it seems to me like because you dont' have sex and won't have sex, you are finding away to put down about 98% of the people on this board by telling them they are cheating on their future spouse.. because they are having sex.


    i can't believe you are 30 years old and still say' well my mum says......'



    A lot of what you are pulling your fact from is a from a book that hs no relevance to many people reading this thread.


    if I gave my reasons for doing something as Shikashika's Book of wisdom... woudl you think 'wow.. it says it in hsikashika's book so yeah... must be right!"

  15. I don't think your standards are higher... they are just different


    I've seens some of your posts, and you seem to be a bit sad that you're nto meeting the right guy who will meet those standards... if you are so comfortable with those standards, then why unhappy with your dating life?

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