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Everything posted by brwneyedwoman

  1. So what do you suggest i do? I'm completely lost at how to handle this. Should i try to talk with him more and get to know him more on a friendship level? From what i hear about this man is that he doesn't let too many people really know him or get too close to him. This makes me wonder why? Maybe he has been burned before and is afraid of being hurt or rejected also? plz help more advice please would be mostly appreciated. brwneyedwoman
  2. winkie, i thankyou for your response but i think of this man as apotential best friend we are aquaintances and i'm not sure if i should take this one step further. I don't know everything about him but i do know enough to know that he is for me and vise versa and that we should be together. Anyother reply's would be helpful and thanks so much! brwneyedwoman
  3. How do i tell a very special man who is alot older than i, that i'm in love with him and i wish to be with him in more ways than one? This man i think about day and night night and day for the past few years now and there was always something about him that i knew was special but now it's all clearer to me this man is my soulmate and is my best friend i know he cares for me he has shown me in so many ways but how do we make the first step to express our feelings to eachother without feeling rejected at the same time? This is really ripping me apart not being able to show my affection for him and tell him but i'm so very afraid of the out come if negitive. Please help i really need the advice Brwneyedwoman
  4. First and foremost Magpie i want to thankyou for your advice and to let you know you have hit the nail right on the head. He is an only child and was very spoilled so he only thinks of himself most of the time. If he is not the one with all the attention then he gets mad and sulks like a child. Don't get me wrong he doesn't cry but he is just a jerk about it. He wants all the attention, if he doesn't get noticed or the conversation is not about him and his stories he will turn the conversation so it's all about himself. I'm just so damn fed up with all this shit. I really need to get out. Swingfox i thankyou also and please know that i have no intentions of marring this guy at all, he is not for me and i sure is hell am not going to send my life with a self centered guy that only thinks of himself and i'm just there for convience for him. But not anymore. I plan to move out soon and get my own place. I need freedom and independance. AHHH i can smell freedom now i can't wait. I don't think i will ever live with another man again! If i do i think he will have to be pretty darn special and we must be married before i live with another man again. Thanks again to you both for all your sound advice, i appreciate it honestly i do. All my love brwneyedwoman
  5. What i meant by civilized is aleast try to talk with one another, other than shouting and getting all upset with eachother now we must keep in mind that she has not slepted with the other guy and that maybe their relationship can be saved this is all i was trying to say. It is notably clear that we have some people here giving un reasonable advice. This guy does not hate her he has feelings for her and wants to try and work things out. I think that if they were to talk and communicate more in an understanding way then things could be out in the open. We will solve nothing with bad language or indecent comments it only fuels the fire and nothing will come out of it. i understand your very angry knowing all what you have said but she hasn't acted on anything only a kiss and even so this is wrong of her, you must let her know that you are aware of it, and if she presues this guy any further then it will be over between the two of you! I hope i've cleared up any misconceptions regarding my reply. And as for Brando's lovechild's comments i believe you should keep them to yourself if you are going to continue with your current approach. Because you are acting very unprofessional here to be giving any advice if need be. And i'm not a nun or mute or weak but i know now from your poor choice of words that you are very imature. But i need not comment anymore because it's people like you that ruin it for everybody else all i was trying to do here is help and from your words i just can't imagine that you have helped here. Maybe this is the way you live your life and words of your wisdom you live by. sad really! I rest my case!
  6. Hi browneyedguy, I will tell you this communication is key here. When men or woman cheat in relationships or marriages it's usually because they are not happy that something in there relationship is missing. My advice to you is still keep your eyes and hears open but you must talk with her and i mean talk tell her no yelling or fighting you should be able to talk this out like civilized adults right! If she doesn't want to hear this or talk about it then she is definitly not trying in this relationship to make it work. Be open with her and tell her how you feel about her and ask her if she is happy and if there is anything that is bothering her in your relationship. Tell her you want to be there for her and you need to know how she is feeling. If she wishes not to elaborate on how she is feeling then i suggest that you see it for what it is and try to realize that maybe she does have feelings for someone else and that if her heart is with someone else well then how can she love you! I urge you strongly that if you can't trust your girlfriend and you have doubts about her being true to you then she doesn't deserve you. This is when i would move on. I think when you have this descussion and you ask her if she is happy and if something is bothering her, if she says everything is fine and she is happy then tell her about what you know, afterall what's the worst thing that could happen? At this point she has cheated so communication is key you must tell her what you know. Please do this in a civilized way. I wish you well! good luck! brwneyedwoman
  7. hello Shan-tilly, first and formost, if he loved you he wouldn't have cheated on you this is a fact. Second, he is feeling guilty because he knows he did wrong, and now he is proposing marriage. Now i don't know everything in your situation but it could possibly be that he has finally realized through cheating on you that he does love you. But from experenice i would say if he was only a virgin i can guarantee that he will want to explore other girls, his cheating has proved that! It would help me futher to know how long exactly the two of you have been seeing eachother I believe strongly that it takes a lifetime to really know somebody just when we think we know someone we find they weren't at all what we had hoped they would be. My strong advice to you would be to take things slowly and call off any engagments for time being, if you can forgive him for his wrong doings and you are sure he wants to be with you then by all means please take it slow and keep your eyes and hears open don't be nieve, you will set yourself up for a huge fall. I wish you all the luck in the world and my heart does go out to you in this painful time. brwneyedwoman
  8. Hi, i'm so very lost and very frustrated, you see i've been with my boyfriend for 5years now and he is not romantic at all he trys but he just has no clue and i'm very romantic and very sensual i've tryed to show him what i want but he doesn't seem to pick up on it or just likes the easy way of making love alittle foreplay and then penetration and it's over. I have never ever had an orgasm with him at all. On my own yes all the time it's just it's not the same i need that closeness that intimate strong desire and passion and with him it's just not there anymore. We have talked about it over and over again and nothing has changed i feel my only answer to all this is to move on and find a man that can fullfil my desire, wants and needs totally. What do you suggest i do i'm so upset half the time i give into him so his needs are met but then i wish i hadn't and then i just cry with frustration and hurt. Every time! I will look forward to your reply please help me deal with this? brwneyedwoman
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