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Posts posted by agent1607307371

  1. Regrowth kills me too.


    I've never been able to find a product that helped calm this when I shaved so I switched to nairing it and find the results last longer and have no itching.


    I also made an attempt at epilating but the noise of the thing just freaked me out too much.. lol.

  2. I've heard very good things about bio-oil, you can get it in chemists in the uk, so I'm going to guess that you can in canada - it won't make them disappear but will help them fade out and vitamin e apparently is good.

  3. I have to laugh whenever I hear that old line, "If women ran the world there'd be no wars."


    There would be no wars. There'd be one war and god help whoever crossed the winner.


    I admit, after my break-up I found myself having the same thoughts.

    But I was viewing the world through ex-coloured specs.

    I know plenty of men who feel deeply.


    And if I ever do wonder about it, it's only because I can't inhabit male headspace to see what it feels like for a man to feel. If you know what I mean.


    That said, there's no reason to say this "women seem to be men minus the components of reason and accountability."

    Because I also know plenty of men lacking those components.

  4. My fiancee insists the dog is fine- and that when he jumps on people he's just happy to see them, or when he lunges at people that he's just being protective....but a LOT of people, strangers and family/friends included can't stand any of it. I've had friends stop coming over b/c of the dog. I've had neighbors yell at me b/c the dog scared them.



    What are the laws concerning dangerous animals where you are? Here in the UK if my dog jumped at a stranger I would seriously run the risk of having the dog taken off me and put down.


    And you should not be being put in an awkward/dangerous situation because your bf won't train his dog.


    Sit down with your bf and spell out in no uncertain terms your feelings about the dogs behavior and his attitude to it.

  5. Just a question Ross, but if you're so convinced that you'll never attract a girl, have you thought about men?


    Have you read The Twits by Roald Dahl where he says that they had ugly thoughts and they showed on their faces and made them ugly? It's the same with poor confidence, it shows in the way you hold yourself.

    It makes you ugly.


    By sheer will-power I have made people believe I am much better looking than I am. It's all in the mind.

  6. How old are you?


    Do your best to ignore him, he seems to have a pattern here that people will catch on to ultimately. Keep your cool.


    Try not to let him get to you, tell your friends whats really been going on and ask them to support you.


    It sounds like he's a manipulative, compulsive liar. He'll trip himself up eventually.


    Have you told your family that he's doing this?

    At the extreme end you can always report him to the police for harassment..

  7. Right now if I had the choice to have sex with someone (that I was in to and respected ect..) I'd take the sex, but right now I'm celibate and have been celibate by choice in the past.



    Sometimes it can be really frustrating, but sometimes it really takes a lot of pressure off.

  8. She's quit unhappy at the moment. I really want to help her out & support her with all I can give her, but it's extremely difficult for me if she's not even friendly towards me anymore..


    OK, what you want to do is reblock her and get with a life that has people in it that are good for you.


    If she's unhappy then she needs to fix that. You can't fix it for her.


    She is your ex for a good reason.


    I feel like a complete moron caring about her so much & getting NOTHING in return. I even feel kind of angry with her, never really felt like being used..


    Do you think this would change?


    She's getting on with her life. Take it as an example and do the same.

  9. The lubricant on the outside of the condom should prevent it from slipping too much, and it can be rolled back down but really, there's no need to wear a condom for a hand-job.


    And ask him how he likes it. He'll be all pleased that you care.

  10. There are as many types of lesbian out there as there are types of women.



    And imo one of the reasons the 'butch' stereotype is so well known and immediately associated with lesbianism is that it seems to be easier for homophobes to have a go at them. "Look! They just want to be men!!" ect... ~rolls eyes~

  11. I found out a bf was cheating on me and did the whole forgiveness and trying to move past it thing and in the end it completely wasn't worth it. He took my forgiveness of the act as a type of validation and just did it again...


    now it is one of my strict limits and if i get cheated on they are out of my life completely. no exceptions.

  12. I have a strange reaction where my palate tickles at the same time. It's like someone's in there with a feather. Believe it or not, the combination is pretty amazing. I suppose it's not common, so maybe just us sissies get off on it.


    lol! You big freak


    My ex (male) LOVED it. I on the other hand get bored with it very easily.

    Give him a brush over them and see what his reaction is.

  13. Definitely get rid of her.


    I can see why they hid in the bathroom, but while you displayed (an understandable) anger she was physical and that is never right or acceptable, drunk or not.


    You find her in a candlelit bath with another woman and then get to spend the night in jail?


    She is not worth the drama.

  14. My 2 cents on a subject that I completely admit I have no first hand knowledge of.


    Many women do lose their libido after giving birth as they shift from a sexual being to a nurturing being and it takes a while to balance it out.

    Add to the fact that childbirth can be a very traumatic experience for some (and create a fear of sexual intimacy) and that you've moved away from your friends and family, stress could be playing a large part of your wifes loss of libido.


    A visit to the doc and some therapy are most likely your best bet. However it'll require you and your wife to put the work in.

    I'd hazard that your wife would like to sort out the problem but is suffering embarrassment and anxiety over it.

  15. Get rid of him now.


    He is an abuser. He is trying to humiliate you in front of your friends, he denies knowledge of his behaviour and is a dangerous environment for your children. You deserve better.

    Does he live with you?


    Your friends will help you. You just need to ask. There may be an organisation near where you live, being in the uk I can't offer any real help there, unfortunately.

    Please know that you are not to blame for this and your friends are aware of this.

  16. Ross, the best date I ever had was going to the airport to watch the planes.


    Seriously. We sat in the cafeteria for hours just talking. Not rush, no stress.

    Not something I'd recommend for a first date though, I think a buffer activity is probably necessary- bowling or some such.


    A movie isn't a bad idea as long as you have enough time before and after to talk. And it can help open up a conversation as you have a ready made start point.

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