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Posts posted by agent1607307371

  1. Honestly, if you're going from blonde to black then using a temp colour rather than a permanent colour isn't giong to make much difference, only that the temp will wash out sooner and leave your hair tinted with grey.


    Going through such extremes it would probably be best to plan to have to shave your head if/when you get tired of it or decide you don't want it.

  2. You know you are a virgin if a penis has not been inside your vagina.


    Exercise and other activities can cause the hymen to rupture so that is not always an accurate indicator.


    If these activities are causing you so much distress please stop engaging in them. And especially if your boyfriend is still the guy you have referred to in previous posts - he is not good for you.

  3. I believe that we have a big strand of fate that runs through our lives and then other stuff that just happens with no rhyme or reason.


    And I'm a big believer in synchronicity. I like to think that the universe rises up to help you.



    If fate does exist, then every choice we make has been predetermined, right, so how do we know that we aren't making the choice we have to make? I don't like to think about it too much though because the thought just creeps me out.

  4. I'm bi and left-handed and so is my ex.


    I do know several left handed people who are straight though.



    I've never heard the left-handedness link to homosexuality idea but I have heard that there may be a link to left-handedness and creativity and also dyslexia.

    I've also heard that creativity is closely linked to madness, so who knows.


    As to why i am the way I am? I guess it's just the way I was born and I have no problem with that.

  5. I have a divacup and I have to say it's a wonder. I love it.


    It cost £17 and thats already less than I would have spent on tampons in the time I've had it (less than a year and looking out over 10 years I'm glad I don't have to keep paying out for them).


    I had to have a little bit of a practice at getting it to sit right but now I've got the hang of it it's all great.


    I'd highly recommend one to everyone.

  6. It might be funny to the right person, but if someone did it to me, I would not be seeing them again.


    You have to be careful of physical boundaries as not everyone has the same comfort level.



    Besides, who wants a scripted kiss. The best ones are spontaneous.

  7. You can totally pursue montana man.


    But yeah, the fwb would have to end because that would just be a car crash in waiting.



    And you're not being slutty. You're taking care of yourself and hurting nobody.

  8. Well, i'm bisexual and the only way you'd see me as feminine is from a great distance and squinting.


    And stop putting any weight in what the media puts out, it will only make you miserable.


    I smypathise with your need to belong to a group but as I've never found a group that I've felt I belonged with I can't really help. I'm not even sure such a thing exists.

  9. Most definitely.


    I've had some of my most productive sex chats over messnger because there's a distance thats more comfortable and conducive to really communicating effectively.



    But if you really can't tell her, show her. If she's getting you off dry, bring her hand up and lick it then put it back.


    In regards to her second time, clitoris's are extremely sensitive organs and can kind of fuse out after an orgasm. Too much sensation can be extremely painful there and it numbs out to prevent it.

  10. Personally, I think it's all brain chemistry.


    You can change your perspective but if you've not got enough of something in your brain that makes you feel good it can only go so far.


    I've got a friend who is majorly depressed and all the positive affirmations in the world aren't going to help him. Partially because he won't seek help to get himself even again and partially because he's so down he can't put enough belief into them.


    Mine fluctuate. Also, interestingly I find that even though I have a pretty optimistic mindset people just expect me to be on a downer and I find myself sometimes acting that way because it's expected of me.

  11. You had intercourse with your first boyfriend, you first made love with your current boy?


    Even though the first was technically you losing your virginity, it's the second that counts.


    And having a penis in you for a couple of seconds is nowhere near sex.

    (If, as I do, you think it should be messy and sweaty and fun with someone you like/love.)

  12. 1. Sexual Behaviour (who do you have sex with?)


    Right now? Nobody.

    Given the chance, men and women that I am attracted to and who are attracted to me.


    2. Sexual Preference (who do you find sexually attractive?)


    I find men and women sexually attractive. I also go through periods of liking one more than the other and of not finding anyone sexually attractive.


    3. Sexual Identity (what sexuality do you identify as?)


    I identify as bisexual.

  13. Orlander, if it makes you feel better, I'm 23 and the only guy who has managed to consistently make my gut drop three foot through the floor for the past six years is 33.


    Remember, you're only as old as the women you feel.



    From my experience, myspace can have some really interesting people on it, and some really ugly people. Don't let her lack of manners make you feel bad.

  14. Honestly he did not abuse because you never say "No" or "Stop it enough is enough", so he's not really to blame when you didn't speak up.


    What he did was abuse Ailec, he took advantage of her feeling for him to pressure her into acts she was not ready for. Don't blame the victim, blame the abuser.



    z9z, it was wrong that he pressured you into these things, but the acts of themselves in a healthy relationship are not.


    Your family won't know unless you tell them and that is your choice.


    I doubt this guy will come back to you, unless of course he gets bored with one of his girlfriends. But I think you have had a lucky escape from him.


    Remember, not all men are like this one and there are lots of good decent men out there who will treat you with the kindness and respect you deserve.

  15. Block him from your phone or change your number.


    Other than that, just remember that these are not kind acts, he wants to make you feel bad and keep missing him. Very manipulative.


    His behaviour is childish and it's great that you've not contacted him. Keep strong and keep going.

  16. Yup.


    Mine has one. If she knows your isp, she'll be able to see it.


    They can tell you what time they visited, how long they stayed on your site, how many pages they looked at on it, what link brought them to it and even what link they clicked on to leave.


    Quite interesting really.


    When my ex broke up with me the way I stayed away from his blog was imagining all the fun things he posted on it. That sick feeling kept me strong.


    That and posting on my blog. Which he then commented on. Incredibly annoying and made me glad I kept my distance.


    Getting away from the computer made it really hard for me to check also.

  17. I prefer a smooth body type.


    However, it's not a dealbreaker and as long as the guy doesn't appear to have a doormat stuck to him then I can deal.


    (or stealth wax him. muahahahaha!)

  18. Unprotected.


    Sorry, I couldn't not take that shot



    Like SwtMry said, timing is going to play a part, as is diet and exercise and cutting down on alcohol and cigarettes all of which will effect your fertility.



    I heard that doing it doggy style could prevent pregnancy! So, maybe any other position?


    I think someone has been having you on Ballys. All sex is ultimately designed to get you pregnant.

  19. Well, how do heterosexual people who've never kissed someone of the opposite sex know they're hetero?


    I really think you need to relax and stop over thinking it or you'll just get more and more worked up to the point that however many people you kiss, it'll never match up to what your expecatations of it are.



    Are there any bisexual to glbt groups near where you are? Maybe getting out and socialising with more people of differing orientations will help you relax.

  20. I remember a quote from a vampire novel (guilty pleasure ) that said something about so many people wishing for immortality who can't even fill one rainy afternoon.


    Nice to think about, loses something in the application.


    Besides, you stay the same but all the world would change around you. I think it would get very boring and very lonely very fast.


    But if I was offered, I'd probably still take it.

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