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Posts posted by agent1607307371

  1. Quietgirl I recently have had to 'lose' a whole swathe of friends who not only were not supportive, but were detrimental to my life.


    The only answer I can give is that you have to support yourself- be the soil and the roots. Give out to the world what you want to get back and it'll come eventually. Nourish yourself, take classes, read the books, see the places you want to see. It's hard, and harder in a world that indoctrinates us towards group activity, but unquestionably worth it.

  2. Yes you are.


    She is your ex for a reason. You no longer owe her anything.


    Her behaviour (from your post) is cruel and manipulative. She has you on a leash and lets you out and pulls you back in depending on her mood.


    She desperately wants my friendship cause I am one of the few people that have always cared about her through thick and thin. It doesnt seem to register to her that she's done anything wrong and I can't get her to understand how I feel.


    She desperately wants an unconditional support system that she doesn't have to give back to.

    It's not that her actions don't register as wrong, it's that she doesn't care.

  3. Your ex is behind the call.


    Honestly, being the cruel person I am, I would have embarrassed the manager for making the call. It is not his place to put you in an awkward position.


    Don't return the call. If he really is repentant for his actions he will come see you himself and attempt to put it right. (Though following your posts I think the best thing for you would be to cut him out altogether.)

    Stay strong and put your concern and energies towards the person who deserves them- you.

  4. So yu mean basically like, young kids?



    lol well i guess i should say that were really good friends, ive known him like a year & we talk a lot and hes really cool i like him a lot. but im still like a LiL guRL and he shouldnt be looking at me im yung enough to be his daughtrer lol!!

    Not quite....


    I met the guy I'm pretty much going to be in love forever with when I was 17 and he was 26. We hung out and made a friendship and had some great times.

    I was 20 when he finally asked me out. (and then we blew it, but thats another thread..)


    At 17 I'm guessing that you're pretty much physically a mature female. If he's attracted to you physically then he's just being a guy. How he handles that attraction is how you recognise if he's a sleaze bag or not..


    If you feel uncomfortable with the attention then maybe you could have a chat with him about it.

  5. A munch generally is a gathering of kink friendly people in a non-kink setting.


    It's about as safe as any new group meeting.

    In England they tend to be pub affairs, in the states I'm going to assume they're not radically different, but maybe a US based kink person will be able to offer more info.


    All in all, it's mainly a case of making sure that someone knows where she is, who she's with and can check in on her via mobile.


    But then, if she has no desire to take it into the real world, it's moot.


    Better safe than sorry at least.

  6. If she has no experience then it's definitely best that she doesn't enter into anything rl with this guy. BDSM is very intense and it's best not to find out that you have a conflict of interest when you've entered into a 'relationship' with someone.


    Send her over to that link though, and make sure that she's educating (and protecting) herself on just what this guys offer might entail and what she would be interested in. (Sometimes kinks just don't match up.)


    And if she wants to explore it in her real life find out where munchs (group meets) are taking place near her, rather than just going off with someone.

  7. 2nds Novaseekers post.


    link removed will have more information (don't be scared by the wrapping, it has some very intelligent and helpful people within)


    First off, find out what exactly she and he have discussed in regards to the boundaries and expectations discussed.


    Is she really into bdsm or just playing on the net, she should be aware that she may probably never know if the guy she is cybering with is doing the same.


    If she does go ahead with it, how seriously would she take it, she may never know this person outside of a net connection, so she should never give away personal information as that could be just begging for trouble.


    Are there expectations of meeting in real life. Does she understand the safety precautions that must be taken in these regards (so much more than in 'ordinary' meet-ups).



    So Jen is playing hard to get? Is Jen not playing hard to get? Is Jen getting her friends to play hard to get for her?


    Seriously, I would want to send her a forward of this with a note explaining that this is why I will not only not be speaking to Jen again, but crossing the street if I see her on the same pavement as me.


    Or you could just never contact her again and implement said street-crossing manouvers as a matter of course...

  9. While I don't think you can change someone I believe people are completely capable of changing themselves, the incentives may vary be it wanting to be better for a woman or other reasons.


    I've seen people better themselves to attract others, I've also seen them 'lessen' themselves, it can work both ways unfortunately.

  10. I think it's more that they're lampooning the people involved in theatre as pretty much every character is a stereotype taken to the nth.


    Really, I'd have to see the stage production to have a thorough opinion on the production.


    But, I still quite liked the film. Has some catchy toons.


    Humour is a tricky animal though, not everyone has the same tastes.

  11. The movie is a comedy.


    That said, in places it does miss it's mark, but not so much that I found it offensive, just badly handled.

    And I couldn't exactly be troubled by it's depiction of gay people while it's depicting Germans as Nazi's.



    it just seemed ridiculous to me

    That's the point.



    Question, if you're disappointed in Matthew Broderick and Uma Thurman why not Nathan Lane?

  12. There is also the possiblilty that you let him come in your mouth.

    You have a reaction to the taste (a grimace or some such)

    That puts him off the whole thing, after all who wants to see someone react like that. Can be quite the ego killer.


    Personally, I like it, but I also like swallowing immediately so it doesn't hit that much of my tongue.

  13. If you are new to being stretched like that then it's a possibility.


    You can never use enough lube for this, and should invest in one specifically for anal (as it's thicker and will last longer). Replenish the lube several times during the activity. Seriously. Lots.


    Maybe invest in some anal toys to get yourself used to having things larger than a finger up there.


    On the constipation? Maybe if you are not relaxed about the experience, I've found that they tend to make you want to go, or feel like you are bearing down during it.


    As for enemas- while they do clear you out, they also remove natural 'juices' and make you more susceptible to tearing and infections. (So, yanno, condoms and lube if you do, heck even if you don't.

  14. Avoid your sister. Seriously. Thats how I didn't kill my little sister.


    As the university sibling, when I finally came home, the dynamics had changed to such an extent that even now I feel completely outside of a family of three that closed ranks when I left.

    Try to see your sisters pov here.


    And when she is there, you aren't the older child no matter how comfortable you are with that role, you don't get to 'usurp' her position without fighting for it. Ever see a documentary on hierarchy in animal packs. Its like that.


    Either that or you could talk to her. Work out a truce.

  15. Ross, I would not date you. Your attitude is completely unattractive.


    You have a list of reasons why woman are unattracted to you. Women are like sharks with blood. We can smell this.


    You remind me of a friend I have who believes that a girlfriend will cure all his ills.And believes that no woman would date him. I have seen him with women hanging off of him and he's done nothing and continues to whine.


    Why? Because he believes that no women finds him attractive. He occludes himself to those that do.


    I'm 23. My parents have no say in my life (beyond a point, as I live with them.)


    Also, I too suffer SA. I've had relationships. The two are not mutually exclusive.


    link removedInternalise these points. Become these points. The only thing we can change is ourselves, but when we do, the world changes in relation to us.

  16. agent, you managed to hit the nail on the head on the appeal of this to me. I think it could be a very intimate and strong sharing experience, in an atmosphere that would be already secure in trust and good communication. There is that - and , well, the orgasm!


    Have to admit, I was giving, not recieving and it was intense for me, and for him, well, it took a while to get verbal again. So definate emphasis on aftercare.


    Have fun.

  17. Hi,


    Belladonna has really covered all the main points on the practice side and I second the book recommendation.


    On the issue of trust I'd like to stress it's importance, I (never actually managed a full fist) was in the process of getting that far with my ex and have to say that only one other sexual activity ever came close to giving the sense of intimacy and connection that this did. Really incredible.

  18. Why did she make the promise? (which sounds like an odd one to make, even though I personally wouldn't date a smoker.)


    Smoking is a hard addiction to break. You've done your best and had a set back. Are you still working on quitting or just given up.


    And to be fair, she didn't force you to do anything, she gave you a choice between her and cigarettes and you chose her.

  19. Deleted.


    You need to get paternity.


    And you need to sit down with your husband and really truly talk things out, starting with the events of 13 years ago.


    You need to stop appropriating blame here, neither of you have been perfect.


    And you need to decide if you don't care anymore or if you want to work on it. Then act accordingly.



    You can do worse than listen to DN he's got some good handles on things, and if you come to a messageboard filled with strangers you can't complain when the advice isn't what you want to hear.

  20. Completely seconding Ailec1987 here.


    There is never a reason or excuse to hit someone.


    Did you say harmful thing to her, or are you trying to rationalise her reactions.

    Even if you were saying hurtful things to her, that still does not excuse her actions. You choose how to react to things.


    It sounds like she could really benefit from speaking to a professional about it.


    ETA: if it really is her only way of expressing anger then she definitely needs to seek help for it and you need to stop feeling sorry for her and understand that you are lucky to have gotten out of this relationship before she caused you some real damage.

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