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Posts posted by miticalzz

  1. ok, i guess i should have rephrased what i said. yes, it is wrong to snoop if you are in a healthy and trusting relationship.


    i was married and my husband cheated on me. i suspected all along that he was. i didn't snoop because i thought that was wrong, especially thru his personal belongings.


    so when i went to court i didn't have any evidence. i really got burned in my divorce, plus i felt like i was living a lie. he had been cheating on me for several years. had i known that i would have left him alot sooner. instead of waisting all the time with a cheating husband.


    so that's why i say snoop, if you are in a unhealthy relationship.

  2. i have read alot of posts on here where they suspect their bf/gf may be hiding something from them. i say if you are in a long-term relationship. you have the right to snoop your butt off. i say this because my ex-husband of 11 years cheate on me sevral times. we divorced and i had no proof in court that he had cheated. i wish i would have snooped. i was too naive to snoop. he got away with all the cheat and b.s he put me thru. it's not fair. if someone is cheating on you, you have the right, imo... snooping is't right but cheating is alot worse.

  3. see i think thats all crap. waiting a few days to call the person you like. if you like them just call. at this day and age it's ok for a girl to call a guy. my bf doesn't like to talk on the phone much. i do most of the calling. as long as my calls are happy and friendly he doesn't care how often i call.

  4. I disagree that the kids will understand. My parents divorced when I was six. I had to deal with re-marriages step bros and sis and as I was only six when it happened I was quite confused kid. As I became older the divorce of parents became alot harder on me. I would say that I never understood the need for their divorce I just coudn't do anything about it.


    before you make your decisions think about your kids. it might be alot worse than you ever anticipated.

  5. I learned a valuable lesson when I was once in a serious relationship. I spent all my time with him and didn't do much with my friends at all. This is a really bad thing because we broke up and I found that I didn't really have much friends left because I did everything with him and not my friends. So I was left feeling friendless.

  6. Jaycee

    I think you are in a great deal of pain from this guy. Resorted to taking of your clothes to try to prove a point is not the proper way to handle things. I know you said your not ashamed by what you did. But deep down I think you are or you wouldn't be telling us all about it. My guess is that you have become quite angry and overwhelmed by the troubles this guy has been causing you. I think you need to re-evaluate this situation because it sounds to me like you are destroying your values and your reputation.

  7. hello everyone, this morning I told my ex bf that I wasn't going to see him anymore. We were on a break for exactly a year as of today. I changed my phone number and turned off my cell phone. He just showed up at my house and I ended up letting him in. He says he loves me and wants me back and wants to continue our relationship. But then he says that he will never ever marry me. That he does not believe in marriage. I didn't know what to say. I'm more confused then ever. is he just giving me more BS? your thoughts please..

  8. well i'm seeing now it is a big way to screw with my head. When he said "break" I initially thought ok we got alot going on. Don't want to end up hating each other. Things are basically the same we just don't share a apartment anymore. Truth is it means he no longer obligated to me. He gets what he wants and I get nothing in return.

  9. it sounds like you are going thru some emotional times and she is focusing on her career and her future. going to school is hard work and it requires little distractions. If you continue to see her I would make your visits pleasent. Try not to overwhelm her with your problems. Goodluck!

  10. Darkblue.

    No No NO did I not know that was wrong! Girls think alot different than guys. I felt at that time that he still loved me. That he was as sorry for the break as I was. I was trying to get back what was lost. Intimacy to me is a big part of a relationship. It shows him how much I love and care for him.

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