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Posts posted by miticalzz

  1. hello darkblue,


    In my situation the break has lasted one year. To me that is a long time to take a break. What I'm understanding now is that I don't think my ex has any intentions on getting back together. He has adapted to us living separate. I don't think my relationship will ever be back to what it was. I have put alot of effort into it, and when it's only one person working on getting things back to a healthy relationship it doesn't work.


    I honestly feel, and this is just my opinion. That when one person ask for a break, that the other person is left feeling quite hurt. The other person may agree thereforeeee they think it is a "mutual break" but really it isn't because one person is left feeling alot more hurt than the other.

  2. hi people. A year ago today my ex bf asked me for a break from our relationship. We both had alot going on in our lives and we felt that we need some space. We continued to see each other, never did NC it was kinda like we never even broke up. Just are not living together anymore. Well I told myself this is only a break, but the break lasted and lasted and now it has been one years. So I'm sitting here asking myself "What the hell am I doing" we are really separated it's been a whole year were not getting back together. When we took the break I told myself I would give it a few months to get our relationship back on track. It isn't going anywhere break=breakup! And yes, I settled because I thought seeing him on his terms was better than not seeing him at all. Another thing I have realized there is NO such thing as a mutual breakup! One person is always more hurt than the other.

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