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Doctor Hunk

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  1. What I didn't notice is that my friend here posted this message some 3 years ago it appears. Lol...I'd love to see what's happened since then. This posting system is odd...why bring up posts that are 3 years old?
  2. It's possible that you fell in love with some that you dated for only a short time, while on the other hand, you weren't really in love with some you dated for a long time.
  3. I think my friend here needs some advice aimed more at his age group. I've been there man. I've had to deal with the girl I loved for many many years being around me just about never. I can honestly say that it didn't really work out that way. Long distance is difficult, but love can surpass everything. If you two are dedicated to each other, and you do get to see each other at school, you'll get through it. Don't give up on her just because of the distance. A better reason to date around would be the fact that you are so young. But alas, I was in love at your age too, and I believe that true love can be found at the age of 13. I won't question the legitimacy of your feelings. I don't think you are worried about flying to visit her and all that stuff, because it appears she's closer to you than that. In fact, if she's local, you probably don't have to worry about phone bills either. This being said, your feelings are coming from wanting to spend quality time with her in a more private situation than school has to offer. My suggestion is to plan maybe one day a month when you guys can get together like that. It's possible to get through this without losing the relationship. Just be creative about it, and control your emotions, instead of letting your emotions control you.
  4. Ok....I just noticed that she is talking about her own situation.
  5. I'm not sure whether or not Caterina is talking about her own situation or asking a general question. It's difficult in any situation to get over someone you've fallen in love with, unless, someone else you can fall in love with takes their place. However, people fall in love quickly now a days, and act on that love even faster. While there may be nothing wrong with this it does lead to a desensitizing of society. Everything when it comes to relationships tends to be "in and out". Can true, true love be found this way. Yes. But I believe that after 3 months, a guy telling a girl he loves her is usually due to infatuation over actually deep feelings. That being said, I believe that the longer a relationship of true love is maintained, the longer it will take to get over it.
  6. I know exactly what you mean. The key to your success here will be in letting him know that you have other options. In a casual conversation bring up the fact that this other guy is asking you out. Don't mention anything about whether or not you are interested or not. See how he responds to this. As far as the kiss is concerned, next time you guys affirm your affections for each other, you can help initiate the kiss and make it very easy for him to do it. Make sure you're in a position where kissing isn't going to be difficult. Get in front of him. Stand really close to him next time you guys are alone. Looking into his eyes and smile. Just be quiet and see what happens.
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