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Everything posted by impulse617

  1. i want them to care about me as i care about them, they're family and i do have unconditional love for them, I would do anything for them and I would always be here for them. I want the same thing from them but i doubt they even care about me. I could die right now and it wouldn't make any difference to them
  2. o sorry i wasn't aware of this, i figured it was fine since it is in most other forums. I will change it later because i have 2 go 2 work now.
  3. Ok here's the story. Now there r these 2 beautiful girls that i'm related to (they're twins but don't look alike, u can easily tell them apart). Im not related 2 them by blood, just by marriage. My brother married there aunt, and idk wat that makes us but we just consider each other cousins cause its easier (even tho we aren't even close to cousins). Im 2 and 1/2 years older then they r, im a senior and in HS and they're Freshman (if it matters). Ive known them for about 5 months. I also work with them at a grocery store Anyways I called one of them and told them how i felt. I didn't tell her right away, i was actually just playfully teasing her at first (2 like ease the tension and make it seem less serious so maybe she wouldn't feel as weird). Well she ended up figureing out it was indeed her and her sister that i liked (and i explained that i didn't want 2 liek 2 people but i don't control who i like and who i don't) She told me she feels a little weird cause we're cousins and the family might not agree with it, and i totally feel the same way. She hung up and said she would call me in 5 minutes but never did the next day, I ended up texting one of them and we ended up trading texts. basically she told me that she felt weird and that there was nothing i could do. The last thing I said in a text was (pretty much word for word) "Look I just want both of u 2 know that I really care about u, as friends and cousins, not just crushes. I'll always be here 4 u and i hope this doesn't get in the way of our relationship. Ok i'll leave u alone now". She responded with "ok i understand" and that was the end of it. In work 2day i didn't say anything 2 them and they didn't say anything 2 me which is how it usually is anyways since there isn't really any time to talk during work. But of course knowing me i thought it was because of all thats happened. I just dont know wat 2 do with myself. Do u know wat its like 2 care about som1 (in this case 2 people) so much and they could care less about u? i could die right now and I bet u it wouldn't affect them at all. They probably wouldn't even be at my funeral. It just burns a hole inside of me idk wat 2 do from here, im just hoping 2 hear good things (but dont let that influence wat u say). Be hoenst with me, i know they could care less about me, its ok u can tell me im right like i know i am.
  4. thanx for the replies guys i never get picked on or anything, i cant think of any1 that really hates me (as far as i know). Every1 tries to talk to me, im just not very responsive. I know I can beat this, i'll keep u guys posted
  5. i guess this can go here because it has to do with relationships with other people about me: 16 years old (17 in september), really shy and I really don't talk much to any1 unless I know them very well. I have a social anxiety disorder and its basically controlled my life. I can go out and stuff but i usually dont talk to any1. When som1 talks to me im usually lost for words and dont know what to say. Im in therapy for this and i have medicine Now here is the situation, im thinking of joining the local boys and girls club as a way to meet people and socialize. For those who don't know, this club is basically a club for boys and girls ages to hang out and have fun and keep them off the street. Its has a gym among other things. I actually know a ton of people that go there, its not like they r new people Im pretty sure im gonna join, but im just afraid that i won't be able to talk to any1. I have joined clubs b4 and i really never talked much while i was there. I don't want the same thing to happen here. The therapy and medicine has helped some, but the problem is still there. I think that therapy and medicine has helped me as much as it can, i think its all on me now. plz help me with advice or encouragement. Especially from outgoing people who dont have a problem with this kind of stuff. thank you o yea and i dont have any friends either thats the whole purpose of joining, to make them
  6. im not trying to get with her, i think she already does like som1 else and it doesn't bother me. I cant really explain it, it's kind of complicated. well this girl must like me in some way if she im's me and innitiates conversations online right?
  7. i don't plan to conquer this during high school, im in therapy for my future, for when i have to get out in the real world and actually communicate. Just forget about in person, i really do feel like telling her online is best, it will take all the pressure off. And she is never alone so i couldn't talk to her alone anyways. I do plan to talk to her in person eventually (maybe after high school, who knows) but right now, plz focus on how to tell her online see if i told her in person, she might feel uncomfortable because she wouldn't know what to say. Online she could take all the time she wants to come up with a response.
  8. ok those of u who have helped me in the past know the whole situation, for those who haven't (which isn't many) here is the deal: i'm 16 and a junior in high school. Im probably the quietest kid on earth (or at least in the school). I can go a whole day in school without saying anything (because im shy, not concieted or anything) and i usually only speak to som1 when they approach me. And i don't really have any friends either (which used to bother me alot, but it doesn't really bother me anymore). I have a social anxiety disorder, im currently in therapy and just got my medicine yesterday. Ok now there is this girl that i've liked since 8th grade (which is 3 years obviously). She was in my class in 8th grade and has been in my class the last few years, she is in one of my classes this year. Of course, i've never been able to talk to her in person. But at the beggining of this year I found her screen name on a myspace-like site. I was afraid to im her cause she might think i was a stalker or something, but after a while i finally mustered up the courage to im her. Suprisingly, the conversation went great, she was totally cool. I didn't tell her who i was at first cause i was embarrassed, but she figured it out and things went really well. She said she never thought i was weird or anything, just really shy. So anyways that was back at the beggining of october. We have chatted online a bit since then, but still not in person (she said hi once or twice but thats about it) I did end up telling her about the social anxiety disorder and she was cool about it, I told her how nervous i get around people. Alot has happened since then, I think we have become small friends (which is a great start) but i also think that I have come on to strong and done a little to much for her (I don't wanna go into details). She might be feeling weird since she doesn't feel the same way (and it doesn't bother me that she doesn't feel the same way, im just trying to work on the friendship right now). She either already has a boyfriend or likes som1, so she may think that im really sweet (hopefully) but also feels a little weird (and no, i'm not afraid of this guy). Wat i wanna explain to her is that I only did those things cause i really liked her, and that sometimes when u really like som1, u can come on to strong and try to do to much. I also wanna explain that it's nothing personal when i don't say anything in person. Also that its ok that she doesn't feel the same way, that i want to be a friend to her. How can i get this accross without her feeling weird since she doesn't feel the same way? My biggest fear is that she won't know what to say and start to avoid me, which would crush me, but its a risk i have to take, i have to do this. she hasn't been online for like a month (except on her phone) it may or may not have anything to do with me, she might just be busy or she might be avoiding me, who knows. I think telling her online would be better then in person because if she feels weird, then she probably won't know what to say and will feel uncomfortable. Doing it online would take the pressure away, I think this is one of the only times where online is better. Im just praying i get the chance NOTE: Yea maybe i put alot of stuff that u didn't need to know, sorry, but i just wanted u guys to know everything for future reference in case i need help again. 2ND NOTE: Plz don't tell me to get over her, even if u think its the right thing for me to do because i know i won't, so plz dont mention that. 3RD NOTE: Plz don't try to talk me out of telling her how i feel, I have to follow my heart, this is something i have to do. FINAL NOTE: Plz don't try to talk me into going up to her in person, im in therapy for that, just focus on how i should tell her (and yes it must be online, i feel like that would be best) Advice (sorry about the length of this )
  9. thanx for the reply that helps cmon just 1 reply in over 50 views?
  10. Well for those of u who dont know the situation, ill fill u in Im 16 and a junior in high school. Ive liked this girl since 8th grade (3 years) but have been afraid to tell her or even talk to her. Actually, im probably the quietest person on earth, i can go a whole day in school without saying anything and usually only talk when approached (because im shy, not because im rude or stuck up) and dont have any friends (but thats not the problem here). Well this year i found her screen name on some site that we were both apart of. I expected her to think i was a stalker when i im'd her but she was actually very understanding and it went well. We've talked online some since then (which was back in october) but still not in person. I ended up getting her cell number as well. I called her once for like 5 minutes cause i had to help her wit something, but that is the only time i did. She doesnt really come online anymore (only on her cell phone). So now i wanna call her and talk, its better then chatting online and who knows, it may help me get the courage to talk to her in person. But the problem is that i dont have anything to talk about and i dont know how to keep convos going. Any advice on this? thanx
  11. trust me i do have farely strong evidence Im not sure it will help me, but i just have to let them out, ive kept them inside for 3 years. It'll probably make things worse, she'll probably never talk to me again, but like a retard im going to tell her anyways (if i even get the chance =( )
  12. ok well I need some advice on this. I've asked this b4, but i want some more opinions and i dont wanna revive a dead thread. Ok so there's this girl that ive liked for 3 years but have never told her. Now I wanna tell her. How do i do it without causing any tension (or causing az little as possible). See, I know she doesnt feel the same way (dont ask how, I just do, and if u dont believe me then just pretend she doesnt feel the same way). Since she doesnt feel the same way maybe she would feel weird or something. Maybe she would think that she was hurting my feelings, idk. Do u see what i mean when i say she might feel weird? I really dont mind her not feeling the same way, im perfectly fine with it. How do i get this accross. The reason im telling her, even though i know she doesnt feel the same way, is because ive been keeping these feelings inside for to long, i just have to let them out. Any advice on how to tell her without causing tension or casuing as little as possible (and yes i am telling her, dont try to talk me out of it). If I tell her it will be either online or on the phone (once again, dont try to talk me out of this). thanx in advance
  13. any1 else? 2day might be the day, that is if i have the guts to do it. Ill regret it if i dont do it but might end up still regretting it if i do.
  14. ok, well there's this girl that i like, and i have her cell phone number (she gave it to me). The problem is that im to nervous to call. Im afraid she'll be busy or wit people (i need to talk to her alone, long story). Any1 got any tips for me? How can i get the stregnth to call her? i dont think she'll come online and i dont have her email address. Talking in person is not an option either (once again, long story). I just need to call her, ive never been able to (except once for a minute in which i stuttered) please help, this may not seem like a big deal, but it is to me cause if this doesnt go right im gonna be really depressedl.
  15. sorry, id rather not talk about that.
  16. thanx alot bro i appreciate it. No i dont want to get with her anymore, I like som1 else now. But I still hope she can forgive me. Overall ive learned from this experience, im never gonna do anything even remotely close to this again.
  17. i also have to say that forgiveness is all im after. I just want to be forgiven and for her hatred of me to go away NOTHING MORE NOTHING LESS
  18. ok, i guess this goes here cause it has to do with a relationship ok im making this with the hopes that u guys wont judge me. Im not a bad person, rather i just made 1 huge mistake that i still regret to this day. to find out the mistake that i made (and note the date of the first post). So yea i ended up sending that video email and ever since i sent it i havent talked to her since. Im not even sure if she saw it. I tracked the email and it said that she opened the email, but im not sure if she actually downloaded it. Now just recently i checked back on all my old screen names and found that she had un-blocked them. Could this mean that she has forgiven me and has put this behind her? Now u have to understand how bad i felt about this, i was on the edge of suicide over this, just knowing that i did this to somebody (once again, i would appreciate it if u didnt judge me). This is something that i will probably never fully get over until she does forgive me The main question here is should i ask her if she has forgiven me after all this time? if so how could i do it so she wont get mad at me (which may not be possible if she hasn't). the last thing i want is for her to say "OMFG i thought i was done with this kid, does he EVER give up?" The fact that she has unblocked my screen names from b4 give me the hint that she might have put this behind her and im dieing to know. I dont think there is any way that those screen names could of come unblocked by themselves. Of course it might not mean that she has forgiven me, idk what to do. Any advice? and remember please DONT JUDGE ME I hope that u will be as helpful to me as ive tried to be to u guys.
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