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Everything posted by EndThisMusic

  1. Hi petepete, I'm going to recommend a book to you that I read over a year ago. It helped me overcome shyness some shyness that I've had since freshman year of High School. It's called "The Shy Single : A Bold Guide to Dating for the Less-than-Bold Dater". I'd recommend going to your local bookstore and just reading through it and seeing if it's something you think might help. It doesn't advocate things that are impossible, but breaks things down into manageable steps. Once you start completing those steps, you feel very good. I actually came to realize I wasn't really as shy as I thought! I suspect you might find out the same thing! Good luck!
  2. I have met a number of girls through online personal sites and have had a number of differing experiences. I've talked with one girl for almost a year and we never did end up meeting in person or even talking over the phone. I've met another girl who I had talked to for a day or two over IM, and had a very bad first date. But on the other side of the spectrum, I recently went out on the first date with a girl who I had only talked to on the phone that afternoon to setup a date. We really hit it off that night and last night we agreed to make the relationship exclusive, so I won't need my profiles on the personals websites any longer. It's a very good feeling when it all works out and you find the right person! Basically, you have to decide if you are comfortable. The more you date people you initially meet online, the more comfortable you become with it. Good luck and remember to be patient but persistent!
  3. That behavior does seem pretty weird, have you asked him why he is so paranoid about you touching his phone? If so, did he overreact when you did?
  4. I think if you don't discuss what happened and act like it never did happen, it would make it weird. However, I think if you're open and don't act like it's something that should be hidden and just smile and think back fondly on that day, it won't be a big deal.
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