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  1. I have to agree with everyone else. Take it from someone who has been cheated on. It is something that changes a person's life forever. If you really do love your girlfriend, and you want to pursue this other person, then let your girlfriend go. Being cheated on makes you question everything about your life and yourself. You feel used up and thrown away like yesterday's garbage. By breaking up with your girlfriend, you will at least have left her with some self esteem, self respect, and a chance to find someone who will love and respect her.
  2. Hi Raykay So sorry to hear about your mom. I know what it is like. I have a rare form of cancer myself. I am a single parent with two kids so I know the thoughts that go through your mind. I found this site and it has given me alot to think about and some good advice. I will say a prayer for your mom and you and you family.
  3. Hope, Thank you for taking the time to reply to my posts. I took a long drive in the country today and I ranted and raved everything that I would say to him if I had the chance. I yelled, I screamed and I told him exactly what I thought of him. I even had a few choice words for this other person involved. I must admit I feel alot better. Just letting out the anger and hurt and betrayal really helped. I recommend this for anyone who is going through a rough time. Thanks again.
  4. It is so easy to say just forget about it. It is all I think of. I keep going over in my head how I could have missed anything, but there were no signs. Will this ever get better? I feel like I am too old to start again but I don't want to be alone for the rest of my life. I'm sorry I am blubbering to you all but I have just had a really hard night. I have heard so many times that what goes around comes around. I have worked my whole adult life with families and children, helping to make their lives better. I think I am a good, moral, caring person. I keep wondering when the good will come back around. I gave this man all my love and support. I even offered to give him my life savings to settle his divorce settlement. What a total idiot, huh. What does anyone ever do to deserve to be treated like this? I feel so totally stupid.
  5. Thanks for your kind words. I know this will pass, but I wish I could at least get some answers. It might be easier to get closure on this. I just want to know why someone would do something like this. I know there is a major character flaw there and something is missing in this man, but you would think that it would have been more apparent before this.
  6. I found this site a couple of days ago and have to admit that I haven't been doing much at work except reading. The experiences that you have all had have made me realize that this is not the end of the world and that someday I might feel better. A week and a half ago my world shattered. I had a long distance relationship, not too far away, we were about an hour apart. We were together 3 and a half years. We talked about getting married and building a life together. He was always loving and incredibly wonderful to me. I thought it was the real thing. About a year into the relationship we had a huge fight and were apart for a few days. When we started talking again he was cold and distant. He admitted to me a few weeks later that he had slept with someone else. We broke up for about four months and then he came to me and said he was sorry, that it was over, a huge mistake and that it was me he loved. I took him back because I still loved him and anyone can make a mistake. After that, things were good like they were before. If we weren't together, we were talking on the phone. I didn't spend alot of time at his place because of circumstances. We both have children and they live with him and mine with me. We were taking time in making sure things would work out before bringing kids into it. I thought we were being very cautious in that area and that was a good thing. This past summer, I didn't hear from him alot. His father was terminally ill, his divorce proceedings, which he has been trying to settle for the past 4 and a half years,were coming to a head and I knew he was under alot of stress. I have health problems of my own I have been dealing with this past summer so I never really gave it much thought. When his dad died two weeks ago, I phoned his home. He wasn't there so I left a message saying how sorry I was and that I was there for him, what could I do etc. You can imagine my shock when I received a call from some other woman asking me what was going on. I felt like I had been hit by a truck. Apparently this was the woman he had originally slept with when we had broken up two years ago. She said they had been seeing each other regularly ever since. He never even apologized and was pissed off at me. I guess I ruined a good thing he had going. I am hurt, yes, confused and mad. I guess my biggest feeling is that I feel totally stupid that I so blindly trusted this guy. I feel stupid that I didn't have any inkling as to what was going on, but believe me when I say there were really no indications. He was always as loving as ever all the way through. The only thing looking back was that he never wanted me to go to his place, he always came to see me. I assumed that it was because of his divorce which is so incredibly nasty that I didn't want to make things worse for him. He kept saying that when things were settled and the kids weren't so caught in the middle that we would bring our families together. So that's my story. I have found great comfort in all your letters. I know I am better off without him and that things will get better, but right now when I can't eat and I can't sleep, it seems like this will last forever. I haven't told anyone why we broke up. I just say that it didn't work out. This is because I feel like a total fool. I spent all these years talking about him and how great he was and how much I loved him. I just feel very stupid. I keep up appearances for the day because of my kids and my job, but the nights are hard. Thanks for listening to my story. It feels good to be able to release some of the pain.
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