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  1. i feel the guy should do the asking out...cus if he wants to go out with me, he should ask me. i dont wanna ask him and him feel trapped into saying yes. idk though. im just not into doing the asking. i guess im old fashioned. who knows.
  2. So i have this friend. And we hang out as friends, and go on friend dates. He says he likes me..and i have clearly told him multiple times i like him. ive pretty much held a neon sign over my head saying ASK ME OUT!! i even told him in a text i was getting frustared cus i wanted to be with him and so far nothing was happening between us and i was about to give up(i said this because i was gonna go hangout with a guy from school..he didnt care for that too much) so i explained "i wanna be with u, but i know nothing is gunna happen so i give up" he never tells me how he feels! he just asks dumb questions like "and why do u think that" or.. "u dfidnt make it obvious" or "i am glad u feel that way" like, cant he say "HEY I WANNA BE WITH U TOO??"" i mean the guy likes me....and hangs out with me! and WANTS to go out with me, and SAYS the feeling is mutual when it comes 2 wanting to be together.....so whats taking him so long? or stopping him? like * * * is the guy that dumb or what......
  3. Thanks... It's true i should move on and disconnect him from my life. He wnats to be friends, but idk if i can handle that! ya know? its like i cant even look at him, because yesturday was the first day of school and that was my first time seeing him since we WERE going out, and its been about 3 weeks, and i cant let myself mope around and get depressed over this stuff ya know, its jkust going to be really hard.. i guess if he loves me and misses me, he will come back in the future.... idk... just this whole thing seems like beyond hard for me to do, and im not the type to let go of things so easily
  4. so this is how it goes... me and my boyfriend was one of those lovie dovie couples that was together a long, strong, almost 7 months, and for our 6 months/my 16th bday he got me a promise ring.. 2 weeks later he tells me he needs a "break" cus he feels trapped, and he wants to find out how much he truly loves me and blah blah all this bullcrap.. okay so i find out he kissed 2 girls that same week "we went on break" of course i got upset, and freaked and all that typical stuff, but he said it was to see how much he loved me, and it made him realizse i was the only 1 that mattered and all this stupid crap, but he acted as if he didnt care? like it was noo big deal, and that hurt me really bad!!!! but that isnt like him.. he was the one that was always SOOOOOOO strong in the relationship and it hurt REALLY bad,. like id wake up and the first thing id do is start crying! i couldnt eat! ive never in my life felt like that.. and it scared the hell outta me! i couldnt even watch tv.. he is/was my first real relationship, and the first guy i got real close with, and he was always the sweet lovie dovie ill always love u type.. **well neways, he ends up totally breaking it off with me a week after this break thing... he said because it would be too hard 2 go out this yr then hafta say bye cus hed be going off to college, and he cant see himself marrying me cus i dont want kids(hell im only 16 i dunno wut i want, every 16 yr old pretty much says they dont want kids!!) and he dopesnt wanna date ne1 he says he cant marry, and he said he just wanted to date around, but he didnt wanna break up with me, and he still feels the SAMEEEEE about me and all this stuff, and he will always love me, but he said it would hurt way worse in the long run if we went back out, and he just cant go back out with me, but i didnt give up and i tried everything 2 be with him.. but now im at the point where i feel i should just totally give up! but im soo scared! hes all thats on my mind! and i dont wanna move on.. but he already wants to go out with this one girl(one of the girls he kissed, that he said he fell for without knowing he was gonna.....) which makes all the reasons he said he wouldnt go out with me a lie! like the college thing and everything, he even says he wont find a girl better then me, and he doesnt wanna get over me, and crap.. and he wants to be friends.. and all this stuff! but how can u have such strong feelings 4 sum1 but not wanna be with them?? but wanna be with sum other girl he just started to get 2 know.. i mean.. i dont know if i should keep trying.. ACT like im moving on.. or sit around and cry and wait.. or what! im new to this! ive never had my heartbroken before! and its a horrible feelings, and im 16, and it scares me, and i feel dumb for falling for sum1 like this, since it was almost 7 months, i just need some adivce, cus he means ALOT ALOT ALOT to me.. and i dont wanna accept the fact its over if MAYBE theres a chance we could be together in the future? who knows. but god .. HELP!
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