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Everything posted by gullible_soul

  1. I just wrote this huge post about my problem, but it didn't send and I lost it. I don't feel like typing it again, so I'll give the less-detailed version of it. I'm 16 years old and my mom doesn't support my multi-cultural relationship with my boyfriend of four months. I feel upset because she tells me that I can get someone better, but I don't want anyone better-- she tells me that it's not love, and although I'm young, I KNOW this is love. I can feel it and he feels it. Please don't give me a story-- I know what I'm getting into. We've started to have protected sex, and I feel guilty because I told my mom I'd wait. She told me that I could always talk to her, but I feel like this would make her really disappointed and I feel guilty enough as it is. Do I tell her? And, if so, how?
  2. What do I do for my boyfriend on Valentine's Day? Someone let it slip (on purpose, the jealous harlot!) that my boyfriend was going to send me roses on Valentine's Day... and a card, a box of chocolates, and some other cute stuff. What do I do for him? I know that whatever I do, he'd be totally happy with, and probably even more happy if he knew it was my idea, but can anyone give me a push in the right direction? I bought two cards that sum up what I'm trying to let him know, and I'm writing a short letter in each to expand my feelings, but I'm at a loss for other ideas. Thanks in advance for any and all help. gullible_soul
  3. Does anyone have any general theories about love? Any comments about it? Do you have a story to tell? Some quotes to share? Share here! I have a few, too. *Love is like pi-- natural, irrational, and very important. *Why is it that when you miss somebody so much that your heart is ready to disintegrate, you always hear the saddest song ever on the radio?
  4. Thanks... next time he decides to compliment me like that, I'll try it.
  5. I didn't know where else to put this... How do I respond when my boyfriend tells me I'm beautiful? I mean, when we're talking, the way it usually goes is. Him: Hey, guess what? Me: What? Him: You're really sexy! Me: *laughs* Thank you very much. Him: You're very welcome. Me: You are, too, you know. Him: Oh, I know. *wink* But it's different when he tells me that I'm beautiful... the sexy thing is just a sort of inside joke, but beautiful is serious... up until now, I've said thank you, and I want to reply with something that lets him know that I find him attractive, too, but calling him sexy doesn't seem to hit the same level that beautiful does. And calling him beautiful would make him feel feminine... What should I say?
  6. Oh my goodness. I was reading the profile of an Adult Picky Eater, and it's my life's story. All I eat is French Fries! I'm e-mailing this Bob person.
  7. I just found your thread a couple minutes ago before seeing your post here.. Thanks for the website. I'm definitely interested to know what's wrong with me. (The website doesn't seem to be working right now). No one in my family has autism (that I know of).. But there are a lot of other problems, maybe that could've affected me and created this problem. I don't know. Maybe we should talk.
  8. Blured, I have almost the same exact problem! Although, I don't have to liquidize fruits... but it's an interesting thought that it could be the texture that makes me gag... I get embarrassed, too, when I have to eat with people I don't know well (like at banquets at school and such) becuase it's really humiliating to tell people what I don't eat.. How do you stay so healthy? I'm 16, too, and take multi-vitamins and whatnot, but my doctor says I'm really unhealthy.
  9. Yeah, my relationship with my mom isn't too good (right now, anyway). Hell, my family relationship isn't good; no one in my family gets along, so it's a constant fight. All I know is, no one thinks that someone at the age of 2 could rebel against family with an eating disorder. Thanks for everyone's input.. tomorrow is going to be a new day for me, because someone PMed me and I have to change this.. I won't be happy until I do. My boyfriend is a good guy. Tomorrow he'll be shocked to see me eating a full lunch at school, including the chicken nuggets (as much as I can, anyway). Thanks again.
  10. My mom fed me everything under the sun... I even ate spinach as a small child! I'm assuming it was something having to do with my family (becuase I was taken away from my dad and his side of the family by my mom for like 5 months), but almost everyone has dismissed that.
  11. Oops, I should have explained more clearly-- Yeah, the chips and cupcakes and junk were easy to get me to eat when I was younger, and as I got older, I would eat stuff like that, but 5 years ago I started eating the fruit and stuff like that. I haven't eaten meat or pasta or seafood or anything like that in many years (not in meals, I mean, I've tried it)... I don't even eat pizza. I mean, it smells SO good, but the thought of eating it makes me sick. I started taking a multivitamin last year. I've suggested hypnotism, but my guardians tell me that my "problem" is full of you-know-what and that hypnotism is a load of you-know-what.
  12. I'm not anorexic or bulimic.. but I might as well be, because my diet really sucks. I don't eat meat, but I'm not a vegetarian. I hate vegetables.. I only eat one, and it's potatos-- and not the healthy way, either, like a baked potato or mashed potatoes. I eat french fries, tater tots, potato wedges, hash browns, and anything else where potatos are fried. I've been this way for 14 years, and I just turned 16. When I was old enough to understand, my parents told me that I just stopped eating. I wouldn't eat anything that they put in front of me, with the exception of french fries and cheese doodles. Since then I've gotten a little better, eating fruit, but it's still not enough. About 5 years ago, my mom and step dad tried to fix my eating problem... nutritionists, dieticians, psychologists, therapists, but no one could figure out what happened. All year long I was being force-fed food that I would gag while eating, not to mention the most horrible protien shakes from GNC that a person could drink. Eventually, my mom accused me of being anorexic because she would cook chicken nuggets or something for dinner and when she wasn't looking, I'd hide them in my pockets and throw it out in the upstairs waste basket, or I would dump the protien shake down the sink in my bathroom. It wasn't that I thought I was fat, but everytime the protien shakes or the food that I didn't want to eat would touch my mouth, I'd throw up. Nowadays, I'm living on fries and the like (through school lunches and the frozen fries in my freezer), not to mention the extra junk that my current guardians keep buying, like potato (!!) chips and pretzels, cupcakes, and really unhealthy junk like that. I can't tell them to stop buying it (they're ignorance is a whole other story), and I can't ask them to buy me other stuff, so it's basically all I have to eat. I'm 5'5" and I weight 215 lbs. I want to lose weight, but I'm afraid that the only way I can do it is if I stop eating, which isn't the way I want to do it. My friends tell me that I look fine, and my boyfriend (bless his soul) says that I'm the sexiest person he's ever met. He tells me that I don't need to lose a pound because I'm perfect, but my self-esteem really sucks, and I'm sure it's because of my weight. Does anyone have a clue why I stopped eating? Does anyone know what I can do to fix this? Is there any motivational tips you can give me to lose weight? I'd appreciate any and all advice. Thanks. Kearston EDIT: I forgot to mention that I'm having problems creating an excercising routine... My schedule is pretty hectic, because there's not a definate time that I come home every day, and sometimes I'm at school (extracurriculars) until 10 pm and my budget is really small, so I can't buy too many weight-losing tools (but I do have a treadmill and exercise bike). I don't know what to do.
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