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  1. You will find that ladies are much more willing to learn than guys usually are. The studio I go to offers group lessons at a great rate and has a dance every Friday night. After lessons and dances we even then go out as a group to dance more. We have picked up a number of new students for the studio this way, and more than one romance has blossomed...........
  2. Try taking dance lessons........................ That is where I met my guy.......... Monday, December 30, 2002 - Dare To Dance Most men haven't learned that dancing is a sure fire way to women's hearts. It doesn't matter what physical appearance a man has, be he ugly, muscle-bound, bandy-legged or bird-bodied. If he can dance, women will automatically attach endearing qualities to his nature that he never imagined. The man of a woman's dreams dances. Women have never been self-conscious about dancing, they almost always know how. Where were the boys all the time the girls were learning to dance? We may never know, but now is the time to catch up. It takes courage for a man to learn to dance, but once he has learned, he can practically have his pick of women in the room. He no longer has to stand fearfully with his pals along the wall or bar. No more standing in one spot and swaying in poor imitation of dance. This, then, is the time for a dancing man to get close to women he formerly felt were out of his league, the beauties he always wanted to approach. Never again will a woman be out of his reach. A man who dances is always in demand. At parties, on cruises, at business functions. A man who dances can gain credibility with this skill alone. If you can do more than just imagine all of the above, be one of the brave, the few - join in the dance. (As appeared in Recreation News of Washington, D.C., April 1988)
  3. Monday, December 30, 2002 - Dare To Dance Most men haven't learned that dancing is a sure fire way to women's hearts. It doesn't matter what physical appearance a man has, be he ugly, muscle-bound, bandy-legged or bird-bodied. If he can dance, women will automatically attach endearing qualities to his nature that he never imagined. The man of a woman's dreams dances. Women have never been self-conscious about dancing, they almost always know how. Where were the boys all the time the girls were learning to dance? We may never know, but now is the time to catch up. It takes courage for a man to learn to dance, but once he has learned, he can practically have his pick of women in the room. He no longer has to stand fearfully with his pals along the wall or bar. No more standing in one spot and swaying in poor imitation of dance. This, then, is the time for a dancing man to get close to women he formerly felt were out of his league, the beauties he always wanted to approach. Never again will a woman be out of his reach. A man who dances is always in demand. At parties, on cruises, at business functions. A man who dances can gain credibility with this skill alone. If you can do more than just imagine all of the above, be one of the brave, the few - join in the dance. (As appeared in Recreation News of Washington, D.C., April 1988)
  4. The benefits you will reap from dance classes are many fold! As stated by RayKay in the reply, men who can dance well are quite sought after by many ladies! I have taken dance lessons (ballroom, country western, bop) for over 10 years now and love finding a man who can lead me around the floor instead of just standing in one place shifting weight from one foot to the other! (not to say there is anything wrong with up close belly button dancing - can be quite nice too!) Depending on where you take classes you will have an opportunity to dance with many women, not just the one who convinced you to take the class! Wherever it is that you live.....look up dance studios in the phone book, call them and find out if they have an open dance night. If nothing more, go and watch to see if you would be interested. Dancing is more fun than you can imagine! Good luck!
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