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Posts posted by blueangel

  1. We should feel very ashamed. We need unity now. Not this selfishness among society.


    Once I had to make up a gym class that I missed because I was absent. The next day, in order to do so, after school, my teacher made me go outside with her and the laccrosse team. I had to run around the track in the cold for hours as the laccrosse team practiced in the middle. It was embarrassing and my face and hands became so numb.


    At this time, we had just finished reading the book called Night by Elie Wiesel in my English class, a book about a boy surviving the Holocaust. I thought about how they ran in the cold in the concentration camps and the ones who ran the longest would get to say alive longer. It was in the blizzards sometimes they did this. Immediately, I stopped feeling so bad for myself and let the wind and cold go through me. It was my own little tribute to everything horrible that had ever happened in our world. Later, my hands were so numb (my teacher forgot about me) that I couldn't open my gym locker to get my clothes out, I couldn't tie my shoes or zip my pants. But I still knew how good I had it.


    The sadness I shared in the moment with the spirits made me feel alive and it made me want to cry and work hard during every obstacle.


    Sometimes, when caught up in life, I let that moment go. But posts like this take me back...

  2. Or you could have brought two soulmates together who were blocked from each other at first because of their consideration of you.


    Make it up to them later, when your heart means it. Say, "It's really hard for me to let either of you go. I want to try to get past this. I want to see you both have the oppertunity of a different choice of love like you wanted. It just hurts that I had to be the one let go. How could I not be angry and caught off guard by what was happening? But I'm here again to be your friend."


    For now, let your heart rest. You did nothing horribly wrong and once they feel given the chance of change that they wanted, you can fix and accept the situation and your own situation. Or you can move on- the moving on part is the hardest. The accepting part just requires taking out the selfish element of gain in relationships for another's happiness... and in the end, your own.

  3. I am amazed by your poem and it brought up a lot unsaid in MYSELF.


    I don't know the answer.


    All I know is that if we don't give meaning to our lives, no one else will. "Lies" of "shifted perception" towards maybe something higher about life are necessary to win the fight within yourself, because what you believe becomes your reality- so it doesn't really matter what is true and what is false. What matters is what you want to be true, really, if you think about it.


    I don't think Christ is a lie... Jesus is the exact strong and secure soul who we all needed to find and hear about- even if only for some of us, only one time in our lives. The whole of it is a love story.... about the love between a God and his people... and man, how it was fought for. Maybe when we die, life becomes less of sins and less of limitations and we can be who we were meant to be... or maybe we have to create it while we are alive.


    You know what's fun to imagine? Someday, Socrates and Plato coming down to earth on a cloud from Heaven as Heaven meets with earth. Some people would point to them and go, "You were wrong!" and others would be like "I have some ideas to add!" It would be cool if there was a meeting of all the lifted souls of all of time to get together... and create a new world . LIKE, WOAH! (but that's like, just WAY my imagination acting up here. Don't mind me)

  4. Quiet and sustained

    "What a fine girl we brought up"

    She walks so confident

    (Like there's a stick up her butt...)


    But really...

    I am upset, sad, terribly passive

    These days.

    I need to ease my soul

    Maybe I need some laughter

    It's like medicine I've been told

    The silence of my heart

    Is tearing my thoughts apart

    Because I don't know where to go

    (...It used to lead me, call me home)


    I say goodbye to friends a lot

    we go our separate paths, our roads

    But I only feel passive again

    When I find I am alone

    In the end


    It really is not easy though

    To find a place, a face, a home.

    When I face someone eye to eye

    I begin to see how empty is their life

    The burdens, the struggles, the torment, the fight

    I remember the days even I screamed and cried


    My pain was so profound, but now

    None of it affects me

    because nobody helped me out

    I was left only to help myself

    ...I had to make myself separate from my emotions

    And now I can't get them back...


    "There is God, There is God," is what I tended to sing

    "You just have to... you just have to believe in yourself

    To be freeeeeeee...."


    But what do I really see, behind those words of mine?

    Is that what you ask? Here's your chance to find

    Me, who am I inside?

    I feel myself falling, but then there's this strange call

    In the seat of my unconscious mind

    A force so white, so beautiful

    At night, it's all I see...


    ..A storm to silence...

    Is all I find

    Through the light

    Of something chilled

    A way out

    Another hill

    To climb and find



  5. well i would nevr lebel you like that.. i just like the way you think .. you speak wisely.. thanxs again


    I'm glad someone likes the way I think. It's nice to get feedback for my replies, not just posts. It's nice to get that reassurance. So thank YOU!

  6. i am amaze how you figure me out like that.. read my poem over to find out how can you tell that i was confuse and what i was looking for..

    and i read yours post as well .. but i saw ho wyou could know.. this quot

    you are christian am i correct,, i think you have gift.. thanks alot for advise i was looking for 1 along time and this the best,.. thank u


    ((((((Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have done this have entertained angels without realizing it.

    - Bible - Hebrews 13:2))))))


    I am growing into Christianity, yes, but do not label me through a biased view because many people do! My greatest belief is that as humans, we need to have awareness about life. It shapes us to be who we are, all so that we may help those who are behind us in growth. This process goes on for all of time, I think. Over and over again.


    I'm glad to have helped you. Here anytime.

  7. Really? I see life as more bland (which may be an indicator that I have no life! lol) Events can be extreme from time to time and from place to place, but as a whole, I see society forming well from being so self made and a fight for free thought. Yes, we are basically alone in growth (the world needs more minds and hearts to connect) and the answers are unclear, but no matter what, you have to choice to create who you are- in every instant and in every thought. If you want to change, be aware of the different choices to make. The reality around you changes as you do because you perceive it differently. If you want to be happy, you have to find what makes a person happy. Is is spirituality? Is is material wealth? Is it morality? Religion? Relationships?


    ... Who should a person be to be happy? Ask yourself self that and you'll slowly begin to figure yourself out more... which just makes you more aware and able to make strong choices of the heart.

  8. Well, you can give it a try and you can always come back. But something tells me that doing so would harm you more than help you. You need to be free and indepedent for a while so you can make your own choices- which I hope are healthy ones.


    The only thing I think you should really worry about is trying not to replicate your parent's bad choices in life. Those who irritate us also influence us. From the way you talk though, i can tell you are turning out to be the opposite of them (funny how that works in life- it's how I turned out also compared with mine)- stronger and better who KNOWS the path they need to take...even if it's scary and uncertain. That's amazing.


    How did your parents react to this? Were they upset, indifferent, or emotional? If they were emotional about it (like sad), that's a good sign because they still love you. You can go back to them later in life. If they are upset, they don't understand you nor themselves. You still have the option of coming back to them later in life also. Yet...if they are indifferent, they've given up long before this- and in that case, you need to leave.


    God is with you in a big way. I can sense it... and that's really not something I say often. You're getting there. You have a bright future- extremely bright. This first step will open the door to being brave and giving new things a chance for the rest of your life. Some people never get there. Good luck.

  9. a light comes to save you

    but it is not death

    it is the voice of a loved one

    you have never met


    they say "i love you"

    and "please don't harm yourself"

    you understand pain

    and can use it to help others now


    I set you free

    As I give you this key

    Take it from my white hands

    of life and energy

    Let yourself be

    Unlock your heart

    because man is not perfect

    and you are suffering

    for it

    There is pain that recreates itself, you see

    from your thoughts that you thought you put away on a shelf

    they taunt you when you are alone


    But you are held cherished from above

    For your mind and for your heart

    so take my light and pass it on

    For Life should not be a struggle

    There is so much we have to juggle

    But you are not alone

    For this life is a song

    And the tune that you play

    Will lead you along...


    "I Haven't Left You," says a whisper. "So smile away that rain.

    I believe in you

    And that's all I wanted to say."

  10. Thanks for the reply. Do most people voice those thoughts, or is moving into the bf/gf stage kind of an unspoken thing? I mean, will he voice these thoughts?


    For the most part, it can be an unspoken understanding. If he's there, he's commmited. From what I've read, he's REALLY there on many levels... so you have nothing to worry about.


    Accept and celebrate what is happening. Don't try to control it or reason about it. I did that and almost lost someone very special to me because I kept thinking too much into it. You will understand a relationship as it grows, but there is no way to really know what another is thinking. You just have to trust your own heart... and follow the passion within.

  11. It would be weird if someone was always hiding in their closet all the time. I would find that creepy.


    EDIT: Oh, I get it now.


    If someone's embarrased of their self, they'll find reasons to be embarrassed of you...or annoyed later on, because you can't make things easier for them. They must overcome their roadblock themselves and commiting to them keeps them from changing as they are. Give some space and wait and- always somehow give love and support at least at the first level of friendship. But don't rush in or rely on them to be someone stable for you. They have a lot of growing to do in becoming comfortable and unashamed of who they are- so be an outlet for them, be a friend... but the moment you cross that line into something more, their insecurities on you they will vent and depending on your strength, your relationship may shift and shake and it might not make it afterall. Oh, I rhyme!


    We teach people who to be. We teach others who we are. It's all a matter of learning and practice and only through acceptance can such practice be exercised. Not all of us give others the chance. You can help this person find the first level of accepting their self (through REAL and even intimate friendship of two souls trying to understand each other before they move onto being affectionate outwardly). If you commit to dating them full impact right away, it becomes false for them and confusing. Obviously, because they want to hide still in some way and some form. The form it is taking now is "hiding in the closet" about their sexuality which society DOES cause, but we all have our choices of who to be during difficult situations. The best way to be is anashamed and truthful no matter what- no matter even if one really doesn't know who they are, it is advisable to express their self truly nonetheless. Any form of hiding is only a sign of hiding greater things- like their heart. Do you want to date someone who does that?


    "Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen."- Ralph Waldo Emerson


    I'm not gay. I don't have any gay friends. But before I've tried to imagine being straight in a mostly gay accepted world, I realized that I would look around me, and first contemplate that:


    A. I'm different!

    B. and then shout around, "But I like weaners!" everytime someone may tell me about how their same sex just... turns them on.

    C. I don't mean to offend anyone's beliefs, but acceptance of ourselves and others is so much more important than discriminating. If there is indeed a God but at the same time, one with set morals and beliefs, then let Him judge us when we die. In the meantime, while we live, we must say to those prejudiced against us, "let me LIVE!" and then dance like a monkey or something.

    D. I think there is a reason why the majority is "straight" and we were made that way to ensure reproduction... but not all loves transforms into reproduction, like friendships and so on, so not all people need to do so. It's like being left handed among right handed people. They may look at you funny and go, "haha! You write weird!" but they do it to make themselves feel better. If you are confident no matter what, already you are farther ahead in the peace of your soul than they are... and this leads to doing great things and having a great light. Confident people have a light about them that others follow and learn from if they can. Confidence brings others towards you- and that is the best way to use it... not simply for selfish gain, not ever for selfish gain.

    -Reaching another's heart: That is more important because life shouldn't be so much about trying to define one's own self and using that to set up boundaries for how the rest of the world lives. Oh, why has this been done! -sigh- our world is so screwed up, dont ya think? We need to be together. I'm empathetic of all of you who have struggled most. Keep fighting for the future generations ahead. I know I will.


    As long as free thought is an idea continuelly promoted, I think we'll be alright and we'll evolve without letting petty differences stand in the way of all of us, of our unity. What is different about one's self from another is only a part of one's self. It is not the whole. Those discriminated against or outcasted feel the truth of this the most. Without the darkness of life, we could not be lead to certain insights about life. Pain is necessary for growth, but it is not necessary to last forever... The answers to life are found within. Through the collective experience of human kind, this is being discoved slowly... while religions have let us down along with other people, but still, each new thing discovered on the outside, leads a person farther inward, and then lifted up.

  12. ok, here is my complete song list that i recommend: (by the way, I listened to a lot of the songs you all listed, and I have to say, SOME of you have a creepy weird taste! But I also could see how those songs gave you a release)


    1. Chasing Cars- Snow Patrol

    2. Breathe (2am)- Anna Nalick

    3. Escape- Enrique Iglasius

    4. In Loving Memory- Alter Bridge

    5. The Stars Shine in the Sky Tonight- The Eels (or is it just Eels?)

    6. Emotionless- Good Charlotte

    7. Praise You In the Storm- Casting Crowns

    8. If I were you- Hoobastank

    9. Time- Chantal Kreviazuk

    10. I Belong to Me- Jessica Simpson

    11. If You See Natalie- The Eels

    12. Deliver Me- Sarah Brightman

    13. Gravity of Love- Enigma

    14. Face the Music- Conjure One

    15. Without You- Christina Aguilera

    16. Touch of My Hand- Britney Spears

    17. Don't Give Away My Love- Justin Timberlake

    18. Brighter Than Sunshine- Aqualung

    19. Hide and Seek- Imogen Heap

    20. Memory- Sugarcult

    21. Blind- Lifehouse

  13. What's the point of the journey if it can't be fun? If we can't fill ourselves up with the things we create, why create and produce? Just living isn't enough. We have consciousness and that cannot take away our awareness of ourselves.


    Most people ARE aware. No one knows what to say or where to say it... when it comes to true matters of the soul and heart. But emotions exist and nothing can take that away. They are born anew with every soul born.

  14. Here's an actual quote from the website. Please from now on, read into things more carefully. I put in bold the things that should be taken note of.


    New Spirituality Definition

    "The 'New Spirituality' is a way of honoring our natural impulse toward the Divine without making others wrong for the way in which they are doing it." ~ Neale Donald Walsch


    The Dalai Lama, is quoted in Violence and Compassion: Conversations with the Dalai Lama, by Jean-Claude Carriere. His Eminence states, "I believe deeply that we must find, all of us together, a new spirituality. This new concept ought to be elaborated alongside the religions in such a way that all people of good will could adhere to it. We need a new concept, a lay spirituality. We ought to promote this concept with the help of scientists. It could lead us to set up what we are all looking for -- a secular morality."


    I know that this organization does NOT like how religion has been used over the years- it has been corrupted, manipulated by many different people. For those who have found the approaches that religion takes faltering ones, this school could work for them. It is in fact, COMPARING the differences between religions and "new" spirituality, ANALYZING them and meshing them together in the end in ways that work in the modern day. But the whole time, it is not about condemning so much- just saying some things the way that man has run them is flawed. Now it's time to cover the holes/flaws.


    Here's another quote


    1st level function of the School of the New Spirituality

    For the serious student of theology – to deeply study the new spirituality in a comparative way by seeing and coming to deeply understand the differences and comparisons between the New Spirituality and more traditional, religious doctrine. Some example class topics are: New Beliefs for the New Millennium, The Nature of Divinity, and The Nature of God, We are All One , There is Nothing You Have to DO, We are Love, Joy & Wisdom in Human Form",The Illusions such as: Illusion of Superiority, Illusion of DisUnity, etc.

    The two-fold purpose of the school at level 1 is to provide a comprehensive, formal education in the NS including comparative theology and other doctrine studies.


    And then, here's the site which talks about their actual approach to teaching

    link removed


    I don't think this really goes against what religion teaches. These are statements coming to light which are relevant to what the Bible teaches about how we should live life. It's not bashing anything.

  15. Actually, it is saying that I have to conform to something. It is telling me that organized religion must go. Well, I'm pretty hard into the "organized religion," and I don't want it to stop. So Neale Donald and I aren't going to get along.


    You're pretty heavily invested in this, aren't you?


    Nope. Not at all. His books helped me to interpret life on a new level, but it was just an opening of a window for me. As time went on, I opened doors on my own. I do want society though to change and grow so I want to see how much people push away very different ideas. That's what I'm watching for here.


    I've learned though overtime how to argue different sides- and that it's important to. That's what I'm doing here- if you're against it, I'll try being for it... just to make sure both sides are seen. It could help more than just you or me.

  16. I love how the negative connotations of words or positive can give you different perspectives... as well as moods.






    New Day

    Fresh Air

    Love the rain

    Feel who you are

    Dance in the storm

    Despite the scars

  17. I have read Neale's books though and know for a fact that he doesn't believe that God only speaks to him. It's stated over and over again that God speaks to everyone, it just depends on who listens.


    This is an organization rather than a one man show. I understand your point, but I don't think you actually know what Neale Donald Walsh actually believes and says about things. Don't assume from what you've heard. Read the books and interpret them by what is said, not what you think is secretly behind it all.


    Anyways, all that he covers are pretty old ideas. Many philosophers have talked about the same things. The school is about covering topics that have been discussed over the decades and evaluating how each system/religion has failed or succeeded in this world.


    In his books, the topics covered, like I said, are ones that have been covered many times. The books are a format to view them all to better understand in newer terms and such. It's not so much a "new thing" though it is associated with the word, "New Age." It's just that people are embracing a more diverse range of beliefs rather than sticking to one religion or way of life. It's analyzing all of them. It doesn't mean you have to suddenly conform to something new.


    Example: A young man is full of hate and anger and pride. One day he stabs another young man. He didn't mean to actually kill him, but he did. This does not just hurt the man that he killed. It hurts him and his own family and friends. It hurts the young victims, his family and his friends. It hurts the wider community because fear grows. Fear creates anger and hatred and this creates more violence which creates more fear which creates....



    yet as time goes on, the weight of the situation spirals down and emotionally, people are confused and empty. but still, we get past it. Amazing that we do yet don't really know what for...or why. Life and getting through it is all a process that each of us guides, but yes, one person can be a trigger or a spark that sets another's life in flames.. and the flames keep going on to whoever is nearest or closest to the one that got burned.


    In my home, my parents hurt me constantly on a low level. It seeps in strongly to my heart at times, but others, I have almost adapted to pain. I no longer call myself depressed even though my life hasn't REALLY gotten better. I have though. It happens with maturity. It's cool.


    My mom's boyfriend, Ray, brings into our home a firey, tense energy. How he moves and reacts to things, sometimes I move and react to it the same way- find myself taking on bits of his character because his energy is so strong. It's not always DNA which connects us most. Sometimes, when you are simply emotionally involved, you are connected. Energies shift in and out of your soul as each person comes and passes.

  19. Everyone's egos are very sensitive I've noticed. The ego is really what guides us for a long time. I think we should turn that perspective around and live more selflessly. It sure would break down walls in others.


    I feel like my post lost a single focus as it got to the end there. Sometime, I will reword it. I do wish though that people would take this as a chance to express their intellegence. We should guide each other about life and explore. I thought this site was for that.

  20. I have read his books and what Neale Donald Walsh (founder of site) believes is that organized religions and how they have been developed is a flawed system. basically like everything else. Yes, it's a little biased, but I'm interested in the point of view and to witness what their approach would be to this.


    What would be your ideas or wishes towards a happier society?

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