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  1. This comes from my girlfriend, Your mom and granny could be jealous that the males of the family like you better then themselfs. I know that sound strange and don't worry about them you seem like a well adjusted person. The problem lies with them and thier mental problems. Her grany is like yours and eventually you will see things in a different tone like when they go to the nursing home and you can just ignore them while they see all of the other people in the home then get visits from the people who they loved, bitter people like your granny and your mom will get thiers. The last part is from me not my g/f
  2. I started loosing my hair at the age of 16 by 19 it was really thin on top, so one day I came home and found a box of rogain on my bed that my mother placed while I was away. That is when I decided that I would shave my head. By far it is the best haircut you can ever have. First off it is easy just get some soap and a good razor I recommend a Mach 3, take a set of clippers and do the initial shave on the zero gard, then go to your shower and take a shower with soap just sitting in your about to be gone air. After several min. shave with the grain as you will not be ready to go against the grain. After a couple of months try against the grain. Problems with shaveing you head. 1. Women will not be able to stop touching it. 2. everyone will think you are a hard a** and avoid bumping into you on the streets 3. You unlike everyone else in the winter will have a really cool beanie collection and a real reason to have it. 4. sense you will be more arodynamic then the rest of your friends you will be able to run faster then them j/k If you need any tips on how to do this just give me a e-mail. email removed
  3. I hope I am getting the the right person as I have never done one of the message boards before. Let me tell you my story as it is way too similar to yours. I got married right after High School to my sweetheart. We had mad sex months before we got married, and I loved her deeply. Then we got married (I was 19, she was 18) and after the night we got married the sex stopped. I have no idea why it happened but I have to say that once we got married we only had sex about two to four times a month. This was very hard on 19 year old me and I tried talking to her about it and again it sounds like your story. Our marriage ended after five months, not just because of the sex but it was a huge part that seemed to uncover some problems. Here is my recomendation, if you really want to keep this relashionship alive and don't want to live a life full of resentment......get help, a counselor with credentials, if she is unwilling then for your sanity's sake get out of the marriage. It took me years to recover menatlly as I was deeply in love with my wife, but looking back it was better that we split up. And don't think there is no one else in the world for you as I have found someone dear to me and I love her very much and we have a wonderful relashionship including a very healthy sex life. I hope this helps as it is the only reason I got into this thing.
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